Lets talk about tech of this device

What do you think about it? Do you think APUs are way to go in personal computing in future? How did they fit powerful specs into a box barely bigger then textbook?
Are chinks better in engineering then germans?

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APU is the worst thing that has happened to CPU's.

if you ever seen the insides of a sony vaio, that shit is amazing sometimes, wouldn't surprise me similar style is put in the playstation brand

How so , explain in detailed 100 word essay please

>Do you think APUs are way to go in personal computing in future?
They're the only way TO move for mobiles and laptops. As for desktops, there has to be a real big move in the performance and design of APUs in order to make a wave and get people looking at them seriously. As for the moment, APUs only serve a purpose for small LAN boxes, something cheap, and performs well enough to game on.

Ideally, they need HBM, that would forever remove the bandwidth bottleneck, and from there larger, faster GPUs be added.

Look at what intel is doing.
Half the fucking CPU is a GPU

>"""""powerful specs"""""

APUs are neat, but not unique in anyway. As a concept they're an inevitability, inclusion is the nature of complex ICs. Put things close together, decrease wire lengths, increase communication, etc.

Great for mobile, small form factor "good enough" systems, and things like that. Its entirely possible to produce a super high performance APU, and AMD is going to be doing just that for some enterprise markets, but they're not for high end desktop consumers.

Pic related was much more exciting Technology-wise. psdevwiki.com/ps3/Main_Page
BTW: It's CPU is faster than PS4's (~230.4 vs 102.4 GFlops)

Forgot Pic.


Try to run 8 threads of 128bit vectors on a Cell BE. Oh wait, you literally can't.

Exactly. All AMD have done to make an APU, is enable that GPU to access system memory, this saves space on die for a larger GPU again, and has the added advantage of not necessarily being limited.

There is far, far more to it than that. AMD developed several near coherent, and finally fully coherent memory buses between their CPU and GPU logic.

oh wait, nobody cares

PS3 is faster, faggot

Yes, there is of course an Encyclopedia's Britannica's worth of work that you could sift through and write upon, but for the general gist of it...

>There is far, far more to it than that. AMD developed several near coherent, and finally fully coherent memory buses between their CPU and GPU logic
Was going to post exactly this. Also, there's the whole HSA and OpenCL 2.0 thing, which promises nothing short of massive improvements across a wide range of fields if and when it's properly implemented.

>properly implemented


No, it really isn't.
If you weren't a tech illiterate retard you'd know that FLOP is a meaningless theoretical metric. One architecture that has a theoretical throughput of 1TFLOPs can outperform another architecture of 4TFLOPs at a given clock.

It is utterly meaningless for comparing different architecture.

Not him but IGPs have accessed system memory in a segregated manner since time immemorial. What AMD and later Intel have done with coherent memory access between the CPU and GPU is massive and a distinction well worth noting. Intel really should jump on to the HSA bandwagon, they'd benefit greatly from it and the in the grand scheme of things it wouldn't be that much extra work relative to what they've already done.

one on one black ops and we will see which one is the faster device

or are you a fucktard that doesn't into gaming?

>BTW: It's CPU is faster
>It is CPU
But who was phone?

IIRC the cell was originally intended to handle graphics as well as processing. It's also a quirky architecture, meaning that you'll never actually get to utilise the full potential of it with the exception of some extremely specific and relatively useless cases.

Comparing just the cell to just the CPU portion of an APU is somewhat spurious, the GPU is on the same die as the CPU on the ps4. The way the two interact makes the PS4 far more interesting than the PS3.
