>he doesn't use a raspberry pi
What are you, poor?
He doesn't use a raspberry pi
Has there been any study into the link between being a retarded shitposter and watching anime?
Yeah love hooking up my graphics card to a piece of garbage to play high resolution games
I also put bananas in my ass to make a smoothie
>use raspberry pi
>call people poor
what is wrong witchu?
Why isn't anime banned on all boards except Sup Forums like mlp shit?
A raspberry pi???
Bitch I use TEN!!!
anime website
You do know where you are, don't you?
Cucks like this
Who have ever seen the front page and download a stock anime reaction images in zipfiles from those megafileupload.com
Yes, Sup Forums - Technology.
>stock anime reaction images in zipfiles
I didn't know about this. Link please.
first post best post
And on which website is this "technology" board hosted?
>Sup Forums is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards DEDICATED to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography.
Now kill yourself animefag
anime website
I have no use case
Graphics card website
>$35 Raspberry PI
Bitch please, I spent more than that on lunch this afternoon.
McDonald's sure gets expensive when you're a fat cunt
>he used a raspberry pi
What are you, poor?
There I fixed that for you OP!
Not the same guy but some people do have other options.
I'm sure you triggered 9/10 with that.
You didn't even bait the hook...
Your waifu is a dirty whore.
Holy shit, stop samefagging.
Anonymous anime website
This is an anime website. Makifags are still degenerates.
I love MAKO!!!
>he's at it again
I've been discovered!
I love ff7. Although it doesn't match the masterpiece ff8.
FF7 is great, but FF6 is best final fantasy. It was the final final fantasy before square went full jew.
I use a Tegra K1. For the price I could have bought 6 Raspberry Pis which I could beowulf cluster for about half the throughput of my TK1's built in SATA and gigabit ethernet.
Why are you using a RPi? Too poor for H265? Better get a nice long backlist of old shit since your underpowered media player can't do modern codecs.
still cant decide what to do with mine
Make a thread about it
I'm unfamiliar with beowulf clusters.
>10RPIs? Why do you only have 8 nodes?
>Why is node zero laboring so hard when the other 7 are basically at idle? Where's thread and process distribution when you need it?
>what are you doing with 8RPIs that would actually put a load on all 8 of them?
ive heard a lot of the ideas people have and they are either kinda boring or im too lazy
What can you do with that?
Can I watch videos on it?
I think they call it a two-edged situation.
ff6 > ff8 > ff7 I guess user.
>What are you, poor?
yes ;_;
I want one so I can work on a project
I liked 4 the most 2bh
Why not a cheap Chinese clone like the orange pi zero?
Who is this buttslut?
Also, I just got one, I'm gonna learn some ARM and then develop a kernel for it
>Why not a cheap Chinese clone like the orange pi zero?
I dont know why I never thought about it, do they work fine?
6 > 9 > 7 >>>>>>>>> 8 user
Yeah, even has a better cpu than the pi 2b.
The orange pi pc is pretty much a pi 2b with better SoC
No, I just have a better SBC
6 > 8 > 7 > everything else > 9
thanks, I will check it out
>Sup Forums
>anime website
>anime girl mascot
I just setup mine as PiHole (Hardware ad blocking) until now I've just been using it as a web server and mumble server
What's your point? Just stop being a weeaboo and post some decent shit.
>decent shit
Anime is good shit though
I have one and it's collecting dust.
Moot fucking crated this website just to post anime and shitpost in english lol
Post moar Maki
>get confronted with information that would suggest that certain boards were created for certain topics
>le whatever le it was made to post animu xD
moot died and we buried all the anime shit in his grave with him.
You're a lost cause
>animu xD
I am still waiting for the link asshole.
>512MB ram
>Sup Forums is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards DEDICATED to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography.
>There are boards DEDICATED to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography.
>DEDICATED to a variety of topics
>DEDICATED to Japanese animation
>There are boards DEDICATED to Japanese animation
Orange pi zero?
Dude that's like complaining about people talking about cars after a car show, it was originally an anime website, you'll still get people discussing anime no matter where you are in Sup Forums.
I'm using a Ci20 because muh superior architecture
What would I use a rasp pi for exactly?
Make a thread asking Sup Forums would be a better idea
>He posts Maki on Sup Forums
Porn media station.
You don't need anything more than a PIC16.
The purpose you bought it for.
better to by a raspberry pi first then post the thread from its browser
But that's boring
What the fuck
I want to tie Maki up and hide her in the back of a Walmart.
But why?
All three of you should fucking leave, this is a technology board.
Raspberry pi is technology
That's correct. But you're not discussing it, you're just shitposting terrible chink cartoon characters in a Raspberry Pi thread. Maki a shit.
Nozomi is better, has bigger tits and is a wise cute girl
My dubs confirm this
Your Waifu is Shit Back to your containment board