Can you bring you PC to the movies?

Can you bring you PC to the movies?

You can bring guns so I dont see why you cant bring PC

I do it all the time

Brightness turned all the way up, headphones pullpulled out


I watch another movie on my phone in the theatre OP.

I demand you immediately end your life this instant.

I also watch them with no headphones on at max volume.

I strive to the biggest asshole on this earth.

>I strive to the biggest asshole on this earth.
I see you are neglecting your grammar in some respects, but you should really put on a tripcode if you want to maximize how much of a cunt you are.


i doubt it. they will think you are recording it to sell bootlegs on the street.

i take my alienware desktop all the time

you're an American right

but i bring my hands with me all the time

I know singles policy is a Sup Forums meme, but has there actually been a cinema that actually enforced it? I don't see why they would turn paying customers away.

>paying the price of a Blu-Ray to see a movie ONCE
>paying $10 for popcorn

good goy

>singles policy

What is this? What is so bad about singles?

Some Sup Forums meme that cinemas reject someone seeing a movie alone rather than as a couple/group/family. It seems to pop up on Sup Forums more with family films or a superhero movie rather than say a horror movie.

No, but feel free to bring your tuna and onion sandwiches in

"Excuse me sir, is there an Ethernet port within 100 meters that I can connect my PC to? Don't worry about a power source, I brought my own portable nuclear reactor."

Insecure fags that think anyone gives a shit about who is with then at cinemas or restaurants.

Don't quit your day job, Chuckles

PCs are technology though

Why would you want to go to movies

Why the fuck would you want to.

You see it once, the right way

Is it strapped to your back?


nay, dont believe you

prolly too beta to even go to the movies
cause lonely