I wonder what moot's been up to...
I wonder what moot's been up to...
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god speed, you colossal faggot
the real god emperor
he made Sup Forums great always
>You either die the hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
It's amazing he lasted as long as he did. Lets face it, any autist here would have given up within less than a year with the bullshit moot put up with.
so he is an intern now?
what about hotw33ls?
Snacks still doing his Midnight Snacks shit, its actually comical
I really wonder what he's working on on, or rather if he's doing anything at all.
This. Wasn't the real reason he quit that people found out about his ex's facebook page and started calling him a c.uck? Kind of right after that he just quit.
that feel when you know the sleeper will never awaken again
Who is this and why should I care?
He's some faggot who created a cancerous website.
I know you're baiting so I'll trigger others by saying truth - Moot was a stupid crossdressing faggot that left after losing face when stormfags found out he is raiding Sup Forums because his gf was a SJW whore that started influencing him and his moderating policies (Feminism/tumblr opinions baiting is a-okay, right wing is a no no, gaymergate is a big no no) just so she can start dating some Persian Chad 2 months later.
Yeah sounds like a beta autist.
should we flood the comments?
This friendly reminder he got cucked by some tumblrina
Leave new fag
Who is this "moot"
Oh wait just some cuck, move on then
Lierally who?
It's true
speaking of moot, what has nip-moot been up to?
Hiroshima Nagasaki is selling Sup Forums user data to anyone who is willing to pay.
>Poole created Sup Forums in 2003, modeling it after his favorite Japanese anime site
good for motts
This isn't incorrect.
>moot literally joining the forces of evil
Well fuck me, what a surprise
I'm raiding it alone
help me you faggots
It's a lie by omission.
The aim of Sup Forums was porn.
Who is that Troll with Jennifer Connolly?
He plans to destroy google from the inside
For us
Pastebin nigger.
The aim of the internet is porn. Also japanese, hell more so anime, is a white 'techie' euphemism for that anyway.
>mfw i was 5 years old when Sup Forums was created
>moot leaves
>suddenly start getting new boards left and right
The cancer was metastasized.
FUCKING THIS. Wish more people knew this.
disregard I suck cocks for not knowing what metastasize means
lmao, who tf is going to buy that shit
Harry Dean Stanton
Close enough: archive.is
The only newfag here is you
I find it a bit strange that a Google Exec thought moot would be the perfect guy to assist in an in-house startup incubator and called him immediately for this role.
Did their first meeting really leave that big of an impression?
Forced crossdressing ahegao trap coitus will leave a mark senpai.
Sup Forums is massive and has touched millions. there's this running gag that we're all failures and dregs but the truth is, the majority of us are now functioning adults. with careers. some of us will undoubtedly reach the top of the ladder and become decision makers.
take Sup Forums for example, we like to think of it as a shithole dedicated to FOSS memes and vidya consumer tech but the only large scale community that matches the average level of knowledge found here is reddit.
we have CS and EE people readily sharing what they know and setting people in the right direction. in every single hardware thread, beneath all the shilling and conjecture and static, I consistently learn new things, and I am certainly not starting from the bottom either.
I can personally attribute half of what I know to half a decade of browsing this board. I would not have a career in IT without Sup Forums. I'm being 100% serious here.
expect more CEOs and CTOs in the future to be complete memelords.
Whatever happened to his Canvas project? What was it even about again?
>I wonder what moot's been up to...
Still getting cucked?
Artificial memes, Jack.
Moot's a p cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything eh.
Nah. Moot is a cuck and always was a cuck.
Fuck of asshole. You don't know the sorts of legal hell he went through after the fappening bullshit.
Agreed, but that's snacks ya faget
Some meme making website that got shut down because moot ran out of investor money. What remains of it is open sourced.
Same here lmao
>selling Sup Forums user data
Seriously? Is there any proof?
You Faggots just stop worshipping that kuk. He got the ball rolling but overstayed his welcome and ended up betraying the tons of user assholes that made this shithole worth visiting.
Hiro, calm down.
we love you too
lmaoing at your life
But he kept the site alive tho, there would be no assholes to make this place great had the site not existed in the first place.
Google, the NSA.
He was the only one holding back the cancer from spreading. It's a shame it's now taken over in his absence.
Snacks will never get a job at Google.
>moot's new google project sends your boss a .txt with all your Sup Forums posts (during his administration)
how fucked are you
I'm getting promoted
oh shit
If that includes images too, I'm going to get fired and possibly reported to the police.
>moot turned out to be a judas
who couldve guessed with that curly hair
MOOT can do that roll his tongue on the tip of a dick like no other man on earth. Not like a faggot though, like a real man.
or the worlds finest MtF sigourney weaver impersonator. I miss him. fuck the haters, its all our fault he left. just like dad and uncle mikey after we told mommy how they touched us at night.
How does it feel having been in this asshole for a few months
>meme making website
Thats retarded from the start. Why didnt he create meme central or knowyourmeme and turn content from Sup Forums into money by proxy? Is he retarded?
>there are people here who actually don't know who snacks is
Fuck. I feel old and I'm only 26
Reminder that moot is a Jew
>according to 3 different Sup Forums archives and people who know him
wow sounds legit
He's trying to better himself.. That's what he is up to
This site has been through way worse legal hell then the fappening, but he didn't quit before. He probably just left so he could pursue his life goals.
Funny joke friend, you fit in just fine here and totally don't sound like you're just repeating what you think is funny around here!
How is literally everything Jews with you Sup Forumsacks?
It's all publicity and PR.
>calls others newfags
he's the BigHead at Google now
he's been called worse than that for years though
Difference being that there wasn't any evidence on the other claims.
he'd rather have OC instead of trying to be ebaumsworld
What "user data"?
The most he would have is a list of ip addresses, which are worthless.
he already had the biggest oc machine on the internet
You are overtly optimistic.
i dont think he's being overly optimistic. dude its gone normie, been the target of MSM witchhunts, and helped hunt down all kinds of truly fucked up people. Sup Forums and /k/ helped target position isis people in syria when intelligence agencies couldnt.
>User data
>On Sup Forums
Lol what user data
>Difference being that there wasn't any evidence on the other claims.
Citation needed
t. feeblemindedpleb
>the only large scale community that matches the average level of knowledge found here is reddit.
Sup Forums is for tech shitposting , rarely there is a post or two that are worth reading but that is the exception.
People who knows shit don't bother to writte long elaborated posts on this board because most likely no one will read it , is just a waste of time.
90% of Sup Forums users are entry level noobs or retards , 90% of the posts are consumerism shit , memes and shitposting.
t. here since 2014
it doesnt help your argument that you use childish animu picture. into the trash your sperg-out goes, autismo
nothing in this image involves cuckoldry