Programming languages ranking thread (Based on your opinion)
Good: C, C++, JavaScript(Nodejs), Golang, Haskell
Decent: C#, Python, Vala, Lua, JavaScript(HTML5)
Bad: CoffeeScript, Dart, Ruby
Autism: PHP, Java
Programming languages ranking thread (Based on your opinion)
Good: C, C++, JavaScript(Nodejs), Golang, Haskell
Decent: C#, Python, Vala, Lua, JavaScript(HTML5)
Bad: CoffeeScript, Dart, Ruby
Autism: PHP, Java
no scripting language should ever be considered "good"
Reasoning? I find some scripting languages to be extremely useful, thus my listing.
I've been reading EMACScript standard specifications for the last few days and holy mother of fuck, it has to be the worst clusterfuck of terrible design ever conceived. I swear to God I'll never bash PHP again as it's the definition of sanity and consistency when compared to JS.
I think OP means when using JavaScript for browser things, and not Nodejs.
*ECMAScript, obviously.
having a compile error is now is better than a runtime error later
Good: Ruby, Rust, Erlang, Elm, Scheme, Clojure, SQL
Decent: Java, C, C#, Python, Perl, VBA, JS
Bad: C++, PHP, Lua, Go, Swift
Good: Whatever I use
Cuck: Whatever you use
I think VBA is a pretty underrated langauge..
-you have easy access to the Win APIs:
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
-you can pipe data arround from excel to access to powerpoint to outlook.. and back again
-super easy I/O and file handling:
sTxt = InputBox("Please enter file name:")
If sTxt = "" Then
Exit Sub
Kill sTxt
end if
-it ships with every M$ Office pruduct, inlucing a (half-decent) GUI, debugger, compiler and creating user interfaces with Excel is pretty easy, since you basically have a WYSIWYG editor
>Good: JavaScript
opinion discarded
>Python (pronounced: Py-fawn)
VBA is functionally fine, but it's a pain in the ass to read and maintain. It's so verbose that reading it make you mentally fatigued and it has some ass-backwards ways of doing things compared to the way other programming languages do shit. Arrays, for example.
>Kekold tier
But JS is the most popular and sought after language for employment, it's literally the least c uck language right now.
top tier: C
decent tier: Perl, Python
pajeet tier: Java, PHP
shit tier: Javascript
>Shit-tier language designed in literally 10 days becomes the only one adopted by all browsers because of the hurry it was shipped in.
>Web development, shit-tier of programming, becomes popular and sought after.
>JS becomes a popular and sought after, double-shit-tier language.
>Some web dev faggots decide it's a good idea to implement JS outside of browser environment as a general-purpose language because it's the only thing they're familiar with.
>Some shit startups fall for the meme because muh innovation.
>Real programmers on a suicide watch.
Good: c, c++, python, racket, clojure
Ok, tier: java, javascript (es6), scala
Fad tier: R, perl
I cannot think of any reason to use R except "Everyone is using it".
You sound mad, friendo..
Let me write you a JS library with 5 lines to cheer you up.. I'll call it:
Most 'real' programmers are as garbage as web developers to be honest.
When does one become a 'real' programmer?
Good: C, Golang, Erlang, Fortran, Ada, Haskell, Assembly
Each fills a niche. C has performance and compatibility, Golang has its absolute simplicity, Erlang has its fucking awesome VM, FORTRAN is fast as fuck, Ada is the definition of safe, and Haskell allows for extensive functional programming.
Okay: Lua, Swift, C#, Python
Lua is nice, but lacks a decent standard library, Swift is a cool language, but is too Apple-centric right now, C# is MS-Java but better, and Python is just a bit too weird for me.
Awful: C++, Java, PHP, JavaScript
150-line error messages ARE NOT COOL. Java because oracle doesn't give a damn about security, and also the BeanFactoryBeanBeanSingletonAbstractBeanFactoryBean naming scheme gets annoying. PHP. JavaScript because the community trues to shoehorn everything in to the language.
Best: C and Bash
Ok: Python
Shit: the rest
But senpai, Python was invented as replacement for bash..
my opinion: people who rank programming languages have no idea what programming languages are used for
When they know algorithms and datastructures..lang doesn't matter. So these faggots talking about JS devs aren't simply due to the lang, probably aren't real programmers.
GOD TIER: bash
Because fuck you.
Not C
God tier : ASM, C,C++
Good tier : C#
Rest : trash
Coffeescript, while now outdated thanks to ES6, is very terse and easy to read. The heavy use of whitespace and arrow functions makes for nice code
When he's formally trained in a language that :
1) wasn't designed to animate snowflakes on web pages,
2) isn't a clusterfuck of bad, inconsistend design decisions waiting to blow up in your fucking face at runtime,
3) doesn't require gigantic libraries the sole purpose of which is covering, fixing or abstracting away as much of the core language's ugliness as possible.
Just because you can implement any algorithm in any Turing-complete language doesn't mean you should.
T...that's not my point dude.
>JavaScript (node)
>JavaScript (HTML)
u wot m8?????
>VBA decent
>C++ bad
Wew lad
cool story bro did you just read your first algorithms book
Is anyone going to make a /wdg/ thread already?
Fuck off microshit shill
What's the coolest thing I can build with JavaScript?
Hey i was wondering what skills are absolutely necessary for a front end web job i know
JS,Jquery,ajax,html5,CSS3,angular & node.
i'm thinking mySQL, php || ruby || python.
Implement a recursive string reverse with no calls to stdlib.
> Hey i was wondering what skills are absolutely necessary for a front end web
Understanding how HTTP works. 95% of "web devs" have never read RFC 2616. Don't be one of them.
>i'm thinking mySQL, php || ruby || python.
Neither of those is used in front end.
All this shows is that you don't know shit about programming languages and even less about type systems.
thanks never heard of RFC 2616, also most front end job postings has at least one server language
Can I get a non-autistic answer as to why Java is considered so bad?
React.js redux and flux and u will get hired no matter how autistic you are
lol thanks
ColdFusion, F#, autoIT
Pascal, you fucks.
>forced OOP
>no operator overloading
>no ability to pass primitive types by reference
>popular among bad programmers
Glorious master race tier: C++
Fossilized polished turd tier: C, Fortran, Python
Soft and mushy with bits of corn tier: Java, PHP
Sloppy wet diarrhea tier: Ruby, Haskell, Lisp
Bloody chunks floating in digestive fluid tier: Javascript
SJW tier: Rust
My first job out of college was working on z/OS assembly.
From there I went to JCL (job control language) -> Coldfusion -> PHP/Coldfusion -> Coldfusion/Java/C# -> C# -> C#/PHP -> PHP/objective-c -> objective-c/javascript -> c#(xamerin)/javascript -> c#(xamerin)/javascript/coldfusion
There are 3 lessons from this post
1) I am old and the early 00's were amazing
2) Coldfusion is like fucking herpes, it doesn't go away
3) You can make a LOT of money knowing a dead language. Like seriously, I have too much money. I have "fuck you" money.
It's single threaded and synchronous so anything that isn't very taxing, like web apps.
>Arrays, for example.
This. Having to resize arrays manually is a good way to tell a scripting language is shit.
Another good one is to check if there is a strict/strong/safe mode.
However, appart from the language itself, VBA isn't that bad.
C is archaic as fuck, why does anyone still use it for average tasks?
Because the alternatives, Zig or Rust aren't there yet.
>Autism: PHP, Java
"Ugly, but get's the job done" is about as far from autism as you can get. Haskell might be a conceptually brilliant language, and if everyone used it, the world might be a better place.
However, it lacks good tooling and good DOCUMENTED libraries (no, a type signature does not come close to being proper documentation). It is hard to get work done quickly or at all because of these things.
Unlike most people here, I have actually tried to use Haskell to develop a numerical model. I gave up on it because of the lack of documentation. It seemed that there were libraries with the things I needed, but I'd be damned if I could figure out how to use them.
Python libaries, especially numerical ones, have amazing documentation. C++ ones are also really good, generally speaking. Industrial laguages seem to be the go-tos for getting shit done, unsurprisingly.
My ranking:
C, Lua, C#, Go
C++, TypeScript, Haskell, PHP7
Java, JavaScript, PHP
Mercury, Python
>Good but not really general purpose / unusable
Erlang (and Elixir), DynAsm, matlab, fortran, fasm
>Shit AND not general purpose
Wtf are you all shitting about??
Fucking programming languages? FUCK THAT , USE WHAT U LIKE
DO U REALIZE THAT 666 + 666 + 666 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 2016???????????
people UNIRONICALLY do not realize that 2*(2*5)3 + 2*2*2*2 = 2016
>3) doesn't require gigantic libraries the sole purpose of which is covering, fixing or abstracting away as much of the core language's ugliness as possible.
So everything above asm?
Btw you sound like an enormous faggot
What are callbacks and promises?