Prove you're an oldfag

Prove you're an oldfag.



tfw there are kids reading this right now who have never heard the dial up connection noise

I have used tarpanet

Go back to Sup Forums

The good old days.

old enough?

I know who this guy is

I still type zip to go to Sup Forums

Holy shit, I forgot all about that. All I remember is orz for /e/ I think?

I think i've been here over a decade now...

how depressing.


he said prove you're an oldfag, not the opposite

ive been on Sup Forums since 2004, and Sup Forums since it was the guro board, but i aint proving shit to newfaggots

I'm born in the 70's, is that old enough for you

I had a thread last month where I had to explain why a mouse would have a ball in it.

this was on Sup Forums last night

get out

And I've been on Sup Forums since 2007, but I thought this was about Sup Forums

anyway, I found this - hope it triggers some happy memories for somebody

Who is this cum conjurer? Reverse image search returns nothing.


I'm 12 and what is that?

I looked genuinely forward to caturday.

She's ugly, who cares?

mods ban this faggot

Was this from that japanese comic series that also featured the women whose heads popped out of their bodies (including organs) and started flying around, the hospital where people from a certain family were artificially made to have a given disease at birth and the one about zero-gravity ballsports using poop as a propellant?

it's irq



>he had an Atari ST

>colonel panic