Tech life hacks thread

Use an ad blocker on the Spotify web player to not hear ads.

Basically Spotify premium for free on the PC.

Reddit tier normie cuck

If you are in need of a thermal paste use your cum

>sheldon from big bang theory meme

Please leave

name a better alternative
> pro7ip: you kant


It doesn't werk, asks me to install flash.

Control + l clears the console in a lot of Unix systems

Use pi hole to make network wide adblocking i.e no spotify ads on any device

kill you are self

and I have Spotify open for almost 7 hours a day.

It's clearly a pic taking the piss out of big bang theory you brain dead turd

I know this you fucking autismo

T-Mobile USA zero-rates Sup Forums.
Guess I missed the "Fap freedom" uncarrier event.

Ignore and click anywhere on the screen.

Congrats you made that really clear with your first post

Actualt alternatives to Spotify?

Uh, "Beta", like the one you are


im still not sure what spotify is. maybe because i dont music spoonfed to me like a fag.


What is google?

no thanks

No, seriously. What is google?

the wilderness was stunning views of the document with other initials the same time as a result of the document with other initials the same time as a result of this week to discuss your time in my head in my head in a while to respond with.

A CD player with a disk changer...

... Never realized the web player had ads. I've always used ublock lol

You say that like you otherwise don't use an ad blocker.

Protip, you don't owe anyone shit. Always keep your adblocker on.

Nice autism

Nice try, Forbes. I'm still not going to go on your shit website.


Don't worry OP, I appreciate your tip.

Yeah, I'm cancelling my subscription.

You can get a new computer by flipping the little voltage switch on the back of your power supply.

You can fart big smelly farts and it still won't smell bad to yourself

What if i don't have any switch

try the buildings switch, there's always a switch.

I'm not sure i can route 380v into my pc