Bitcoin Mining

Ok heres an idea. I have a bitcoin miner right? But since there is no way anymore to use it to make a profit, can i use its sha256 decrypting skills to work on other things? Like aircrack-ng in Kali or decryption? Or is it not even possible? Anyways thought i would pitch it to people smarter than me. Also general bitcoin thread. Is it still a thing?

You are the reason AMD is dying, faggot.

the reason AMD is dying is because they've been releasing subpar cards for the past 5 years :^)

no and no.

you will need to build a $10,000 rig if you want to actually be able to crack password hashes in any reasonable amount of time.

Let me know in 300 years when you manage to crack the first one.

Are you talking about a custom asic miner like the one pictured, or is it just a general-purpose computer? Assuming the former, no, unless you have a file hashed with sha-256

Bitcoin miners do an SHA256(SHA256(x)) while for aircrack you need an sha256(x)

But is bitcoin even a thing anymore i think is the real question???????????????????

so youre telling me there isnt any hope?

>yfw the only people who made any money from Bitcoin were Bitcoin miner vendors

tfw no tripcode cracking asic

> Tfw I fixed a computer today with ransomware that encrypted every file on the computer
> The ransom was for 300 bitcoins

Bitcoins should be illegal


An FPGA is enough.

AMD is not dying, why would you think that? They are doing fine like they always have.

No, the best option to crack and stuff is an FPGA or a good GPU because they are more scalable

It is on wall street which means it isn't.

It's 2016, you can crack passwords with much less

2010 called. It wants his money back.

tfw no open-source tripcode cracking fpga architecture

any you would recommend?

no, its 2016, you you still need power.

something along the lines of a 4 way titan x build can crack 10 character ntlm passwords in minutes. that is the kind of powerhouse you need if you want an actual cracking rig.

amd isnt even the defacto standard in these builds anymore either

Was stealing electricity at work with 6 antminers but these days yield is just too low and Ive shut that operation down.

It's a good excuse to learn VHDL

I don't know much about fpga but I would use nvidia titans

that does sound interesting, but it would be cool if there was an open-source project to reference, since I wouldn't even know where to begin
