What's your favorite way to see upcoming changes in the weather?
Weather forecasting is technology
Other urls found in this thread:
I check out The Cloud 8^)
My phone tells me the weather.
curl wttr.in/my_city
Go out and look at the clouds.
Is this the hot weather lady/news anchor thread?
I bet you watched the Windows 10 Destruction.
>Go out
Nice bait
Nobody has posted that smoking hot weather girl from Monterrey yet? Nigga you gays?
kcal9: best in car chases, best in weatherfus
Related to skelly. If you haven't seen this guy's videos, they are pretty awesome.
Weather script that runs in Conky.
Blue board senpai
weather channel radar, it predicts the next few hours pretty well
Setting up a Linux based Beowulf cluster comprised of hundreds of pre-built PCs to calculate changes in weather based on observations by the gov using hypadvanced algorithms that I wrote myself, like any rational human would.
On OSX I use Weather Guru really clean and nice. Sends alerts when it's about the rain which is nice.
I would get a Mac if it was free
Now, this is what I was talking about in
Running CUDA-accelerated weather modeling on linux (gentoo)
>not using an SDR wired up to your Thinkpad notebook to receive a weather fax broadcast
fugin plep
Radar for the weather in the Netherlands. It's usefull to know when I can go out and buy groceries without getting wet.