
>not deleting as soon as it's done

i seed on public trackers if I enjoyed the content and want others to have access to it, OP

>another thinly veiled bait thread with anime in the op
What's the correlation between anime and autism? There must be a link.

>"if i don't seed I won't get sued"

cool story

>nobody seeds
>you can't download anything
>kill yourself

>play csgo
>anime avatar
>guaranteed hacker everytime

Funny how it actually works. The only time I've ever gotten a letter was when I left a torrent seeding over the weekend accidentally.

>Not setting seed limit to 0KiB/s

I'll never seed as i know there are multiple dumbass drones like you who will.

These. I thank the people in other countries for sharing, I wish things were different here in Burgerland, but I don't want those nasty letters from my ISP.

>tfw I don't even use a VNP, my ISP just isn't a dick
Fuck Comcast man.

why not just proxy to russia or something
russia dgaf if you pirate

I have AT&T, no letter and finally switched back to private trackers.

You did the right thing not seeding. Parasitic non americans keep leeching off america.


my current ratio is 0.13

>this thread

well i know i have your gratitude

I seed for a bit. Kinda don't torrent much now though, just one or two per week. Not including distros and shit

I usually end up with at least .6 from just seeding while I download.
I could do better but, eh.

>Be part of private tracker
>Dont seed
>get b&

>buy a seedbox subscription
>plan doesn't allow seeding
>that's ok, I'm gonna store most of the stuff I download so I'll seed later
>check back in a few months
>one file somehow has seeded 450GB and counting

There's nothing really wrong with deleting as soon as it's done as long as the torrent is clearly already sufficently seeded. Only time I really bother to stay on for long on pub trackers are when it's new or underseeded and I want to give some new seeds a chance to get on before I bail.

muh nigga

>not seeding 100% freedoms-respecting software and media
Why don't you want to share freedom?

I do this on every non-private tracker.

Different user here, I do the same but I kinda feel bad about not seeding desu. I just don 't want my harddrive cluttered with shit. So I would like to thank you for seeding shit for my selfish ass.

Been taking without giving anymore than required since the beginning of the internet.
Don't hold hands with pirates you don't know only trust your true nakama onichan

this guy gets it

Exactly. Fuck seeding. My bandwidth is my bandwidth nigger, fucking hippie fucks.

>seedbox doesn't allow seeding

>see anime avatar
>check profile
>private /

Its ok user, not everyone lives in 3rd world with 512kbps upload. Some of us have symmetric lines.

>gratefully utilize tormenting processes with the help of other people who have lenient internet providers, dynamic IPs, and VPNs
>people will think you're a jerk

Too any seeders out there, I want y'all to know you're appreciated.

I seed becuase i dont delete the stuff i download right away anyway, i have tons of storage space and i live in a place with dirt cheap unlimited high speed symmetric internet with no dmca crap.

>Downloading a file just to delete it when it's completed