Is there anything Linux can do that Windows simply cannot?
Is there anything Linux can do that Windows simply cannot?
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Not completely trash a hard disk with a shitty, proprietary file system?
Not spy on you.
Not so sure about either of these.
Take up less than 1 gig of space on an hd.
I'd like reasons that aren't coming from an autist please
This one I can agree with.
But for a modern distro, this is far from true.
Run bioinformatics software like samtools, bwa, genome assemblers...
Most things I work with every day work only on Unix-derived systems.
excluding the obvious "just vm" linux can:
give you reason to learn about the fundamentals of filesystems and unix operating systems.
give you freedom to completely swap out your desktop and manager
allow you to rewrite and swap out parts of it that you dont like (eg. you know those annoying errors you occasionally encounter with windows where it just says an error code and that something is wrong, with linux you can just look it up and change the os to fix that problem. in windows the source is closed so you are stuck with rudamentary work arounds)
>too hard
insult your own intelligance and give up, use whatever works for you, but dont act like just because its too hard for to spend a few hours on askubuntu and the archwiki that you are somehow getting a superior product
Networking. Though BSD does some of the networking better than Linux. (10/100/1000 nat at linespeed on low end hardware, for example)
That being said, Linux hits the networking mark by being good enough.
Which sucks, because as much as I'd like to keep Windows as my load balancer, it just can't keep up.
a proper cli interface
native unix toolkit
anything networking
by far better programming environment. things just work
think most distros are still under 2gb
Be case sensitive
Give easy access to system-level stuff via an easy interface
Not be a cunt to install when the installer dislikes one little part of your system setup
Have a process hierarchy.
>cli interface
There's scarcely anything either of them can do that the other flat out cannot with the exception of running a particular program that was specifically built for them (and even then that's arguably not true once you bring VMs into the mix).
It's mainly about things they each do better.
games, hahaha jk
Updating the whole system including all the softwares
take poo to the loo
Turning off cortana
Run on ZFS
Changing between desktop environments without crashing
there's kind of shitty/hacky methods to do that in windows but yeah
Will that update vlc player and Photoshop CS2 to the latest?
Run on a 486 with 16mb of ram from one floppy
You update VLC with powershell or chocaletey.
>Photoshop CS2
I mean, it's not like theres updates anyways
Run a complete Apache fullstack
run battlenet launcher and all the games
u wot blizzard games run ridiculously good on wine
Does choco update Windows 7 to 10?
if you get the module for it yeah
being a trash
be free
this, ubuntu is even passable for gaming today
If you play super normie shit like valve and blizzard games. Let's be honest here, game support is still woefully lacking from devs and publishers
Sorry I was busy making a deposit in the atm machine
Not being infested by Pajeets and shills.
Updating without restarting.
most indie games are multi-plat and those are essentially the opposite of "normie" and older games run fine with WINE. The only game I have had trouble with is a poorly made bullet hell that runs like shit even on Windows.
I love generic side scrollers with "retro" 8-bit graphics that look worse than actual 8-bit games
Indie platformers are the most normie thing I can conceive of behind shit like CSGO or LoL.
Considering the top sellers on steam I agree
what about cod/battlefield/halo
Same basket as CSGO and LoL.
1. One click full system updates, I guess you could configure choco to do a lot, but I don't think you could reach all system software.
2. Case sensitive folders, probably pointless.
3. Use more than 512GB of RAM, also probably pointless but there is that.
Ask the people who use Linux for top 500 supercomputers instead of NT
There's a literal fuckload of features regarding networking, local security, encryption, filesystem support, virtualization, hardware support that windows simply doesn't bother with as a consumer workstation OS, ignoring the capability of the kernel API (implying anyone here knows about that), performance differences, and "little things" like /proc
Not spy on you automatically
Yeah, it can not install updates if I don't want them.
Never get higher than single digit market share.
>2. Case sensitive folders, probably pointless.
Windows can do that with ReFS, not easily though.
desktop market share destroys good operating systems anyways
infuriate you for free.