I can code Android Apps. I have done so multiple times in Uni projects, with stakeholders from the industry

I can code Android Apps. I have done so multiple times in Uni projects, with stakeholders from the industry.

How do I start freelancing? I am willing to work for 10$/hour at the beginning, as long as I get some first references.

Still, there seems to be way too much competition on Upwork, Freelancer and similar sites.

I have no Facebook (just a fake account for Tinder). How do I start networking there?

Any other sites or methods you can recommend?

>Beginner code person
>10$/hour intro salary

Beginner code? I know many apps that are successful and look like dogshit compared to what I have coded. And its not just Android, I also set up Backend Servers in Node.js or Spring with dynamic website management.

Make your own app.

I don't like working for free. At college at least you get credits, but simply wasting your time on something that is never going to be successful?

But you never know if its going to be or not going to be successful.

Make a Pussy Go app to compete with both Pokemon Go and Tinder at the same time.

> working for 10 bucks an hour.

If you want to look professional, charge higher, but make sure you're absolutly good then.

> Working by the hour which limits your income instead of creating a succesful app.
It's like you want to stay poor

Yeah, stick to server-side development.
Android development is oversaturated with poorly payed Pajeets you'll never be able to compete with (pay-wise).

Android apps and basic programming is the ultimate Pajeet zone. You need to have friends in high places to get a decent salary or you're stuck with Pajeet wage of 1 slice of bread per hour

the minigame should be where you point the camera at her pants, a virtual pussy appears and you should flick her virtual bean to unlock a date with the person.

At least you know you both would be weird and in the same area.

Freelancing is a sham. Go work for a real company. One that doesn't pay by the hour, but instead, gives an annual salary of 60k or more (don't do less than 60k, do try to get higher), along with benefits.

But what can I do to make money as a Freelancer? Even if I learn enterprise stuff like Hadoop, people would only hire me so I am bound to one location, where I have to go to every day in a suit.

shit man whre the fuck do you live?
even shitty self-taught front-end webdevs make atleast 40 bucks an hour with no degree.

I know that, but I need to work on weekends and after college and no company wants to hire me part time with a home office.

I live in Germany. The problem is here:

shit man your gonna have no luck if you can work only weekends.
might be luckier with a part time job at a coffe shop or something.
i worked as a burgerflipper and then at hugendubel when i was in uni.
now i make about 70€ an hour full time working for a company doing fullstack webdev.
dont do contract work. find a company to work with.
while you are in college or uni you can take whatever job you want.
no one is gonna judge you for working at subway while still in uni.

10 poos/loo/hour

But at least you make money. You can open up a tech support booth or something, coding apps makes you 0 money because of poos. Every entry or simple job is taken by them since they are the cheapest and you don't have to spend money on educating them. The only place you can earn decent wages is high end technology that the Pajeet can't do. Obviously that means it's basically a 7-5 job.

Alternatively, you can take the Pajeet jobs for Pajeet wages and prove that you can do everything better than them. Be extraordinary so the boss notices you and hopefully moves you up when there is a spot. Bosses don't want the cheapest workers, they want the best skill to cost ratio. The Pajeet is dumb but it's basically free. If you outpajeet the Pajeet, you will be seen as a valuable asset and clever bosses know that they should invest in such assets. You should be able to get your boss to fund some courses for you and move you up a step or two, increasing your array of skills and salary.

Then you would earn a decent wage and have a very safe spot since no boss wants to fire a worker he invested in.

You should be careful though, some bosses will think that you owe them after they fund your courses and will try to Jew on your salary. But if that happens, you can just bail and look for a better job, with your wider array of skills and beating the Pajeet skill to cost ratio, which should get you a pretty good job.

Deutschland Deutschland über nichts

Nigger, ich bin noch Schüler (mache nächstes Jahr fachabi) und arbeite Teilzeit home-office als Webentwickler.
2k im Monat, damit ich mein auto bezahlen kann aber besser als nichts.
Bau dir ein Portfolio auf, tu so als wüsstest du alles und Beweise ihnen, dass du von zu Hause aus ihre Aufträge rechtzeitig fertig bekommst und du hast nen Job.
Ist echt nicht so schwer.