So I have to write server-side Java code.

Coming from C# I thought all the hate was somewhat unwarranted.

Turns out it wasn't.

Who the fuck uses this bullshit?

What sucks about it user? Too hard for you or what?

I came from Java and C to C#; the hate isn't warranted. They are virtually the same languages. C# does have some nice prebaked shit (monads, LINQ), but it's not like that shit hasn't been done in Java by 3rd parties.

The real advantage C# has over Java is WPF. And thats Windows only. So it's a shit advantage at best.

said; too hard for you or what? Are you a shitty C# dev as well?

C# is also verbose af and encourages over-engineering

It's only verbose if you're a shit dev and dont use linq and binding to cut the cruft. Java is equally as verbose.

>too hard, huh? HUH?!

lmao what kind of shit argument is that for a programming language, you might as well use assembly then

No, because OP is shit-posting. Java is just as verbose as C#


l done Java @ Uni & it suked. bloated ass shit

I had to work with J2EE 1.4 back in the day. Bloat took on a whole new meaning.

Scala was practically a godsend.

I went from Java to C# and then back to Java again. I prefer C#. LINQ, reflection and generic types are a lot smoother to work with than their Java equivalents.

apparently literally everyone, so get used to it if you enjoy employment

This is just a troll image but I'll take the bait. That Java code is unnecessarily verbose. C# (and Java as well) could be something like the below. Sure it's more verbose but not that horrible.

static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Enter the URL you wish to crawl..");
Console.Write("@> ");
var url = Console.ReadLine();
using (var client = new HttpClient())
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(client.GetStringAsync(url).Result,
@"href=[""'](.[^""']+)[""']", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
var text = match.Groups[1].Value;
File.AppendAllText("results.txt", text + "\n");

Holy shit. Like sucking microsofts cock is bad but you fuckers are going to the next level by using this kind of shit.

We're not allowed to use linq (on operations per frame) at my job, because it generates a shitload of garbage. Such a frustrating library.


If your arthritis is acting up and it's still to verbose for you you could do a static import and just use Write("...")

Oh, just curios. How does a print() without new line look in python?

>inadvertedly changed java to dynamic typing
You don't know shit about programming languages, do you?

Yeah. The problem I have with Java is not the language, which is not terrible, but both the fucking stupid idea that a POJO is the best solution for every problem, hence bloat, and also the idea that XML configuration is free in some way, so that Java frameworks put a huge emphasis on hand-writing hundreds of lines of XML, then claim that you only have to write a few lines of code to get X task to work. It's so clearly aimed at managers who can't tell code from a hole in the ground that I can't believe anyone agrees to use it. Which is probably why you get $10k a year more to use it I suppose.

var is a statically typed variable. Have you ever used C#?

The worst aspect of Java is definitely the garbage collector. Taking the already slow mark and sweep algorithm and making it even slower.

Java isn't very slow anymore, it just uses a lot of memory

>not handling network errors
>not handling error response from the server
>not checking if content-type of the response if fucking text/html at all
>not handling decoding errors
>parsing HTML with regex, the Pajeet way

>padabum kiss

goes the gaff relief drum thingy