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Discuss FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD, OS X, etc
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dammit TJ
What BSD distro has X + WM/DE installation during the install process?
Do you mean if it installs a GUI for you or if it has a GUI doing the install process?
Would prefer if installer was GUI or the GUI-esque "CLI" installer. Want it to install a GUI during the install process somewhere, though, so I can boot to GNOME/Xfce/w/e
OpenBSD's installer isn't a GUI but is really easy to understand as long as you can read. It comes with cwm, twm, and fvwm installed by default and takes two commands to install a DE
macOS, PC-BSD and OpenBSD installs GUIs for you.
The first two has a GUI installer too.
Anyone intellectual enough to be aware of BSD If you try BSD, you use BSD. All the negative speech is coming from the marxist GPL fags
>Can't have Linux thread without Windows shitposting.
>Can't have BSD thread without Linux shitposting.
This summer is pathetic.
Just switch to Linux already.
Eat a fucking dick you goddamned mongoloid.
It's almost over, hang in there.
But thats just a retarded Mach kernel
Please don't feed the desperate shitposter.
>modified BSD kernel with BSD userland
>not worthy of discussion in a BSD thread
Sure thing kid
How related to BSD is OS X exactly? Isn't the kernel darwin and it's based off nextstep?
Debian Jails:
If it were not for Debian creating their kFreeBSD version of their distribution, FreeBSD would not have the capability of having Debian in their mediocre jails to boast about.
Gentoo Jails:
The Gentoo community tries very hard to make their distribution as BSD like as possible. Thus allowing FreeBSD to have Gentoo in their jails until 2012 when misguided changes in the FreeBSD kernel made that impossible.
Arch Jails:
With the ArchBSD project created by a person named Amzo, BSD which soon be able too have Arch jails too. But Amzo has been treated like excrement by BSD supporters when discussing about it.
Developed and implemented on GCC and is not heavily used on OpenBSD. In fact, all security features on OpenBSD were actually pioneered on GNU/Linux.
These are all illegal strip down forks of Debian’s APT-GET.
OpenBSD’s PF:
A stripped down copy of IPTABLES.
FreeBSD jails:
Stolen from a Linux prototype.
Ports and pkgsrc:
The ideal was pioneered by GNU’s Stallman when he demanded that the source code of a program be made avalible as well.
Intel and AMD KMS:
Linux developers licensed their KMS components under the MIT license rather then the GPL (a mistake in my view). This allowed FreeBSD and OpenBSD developers to port KMS over legally. If the drivers were GPLed, they have to be done illegally.
Darwin's the operating system OS X is based on, the kernel is XNU.
>based off nextstep
Which is based on BSD
Well alrighty. As long as macfags don't use this as an excuse to talk about macbooks I'm good.
Quit shitposting.
>BSD kernel
>What is mach?
OS X's kernel isn't Mach, it's XNU.
XNU is mach with bsd userland you fucking retard. It even uses the Mach-O file format instead of regular ELF.
>in a kernel
Yeah, I'M the retard. XNU is a combination of Mach and BSD kernels.
Can BSD run black ops 3?
>caring this much about a shit apple product
Found the applefag
Which is better for desktop use, FreeBSD or OpenBSD? What is NetBSD and DragonflyBSD even used for?
Portability? I guess.
Experimentation? I think it branched from FreeBSD 4.x or 5.x and took some cues from AmigaOS im kernel design. Also HammerFS which i think its similar with Zfs and btrfs.
I don't, I'm just arguing semantics.
>caring this much that Apple can be discussed here
Found the 12 year old edgelord
>Which is better for desktop use, FreeBSD or OpenBSD?
>as long as you can read
Disqualifies pretty much everybody on any *chan then.
Given our primary form of communication is text, I'd have to disagree.
>Found the 12 year old edgelord
Apple used to be good ... then Jobs died.
I agree Cook's got no clue what to do with the company now, but OS X is still a great OS. I jumped straight from Leopard to Mavericks and am now on El Capitan, the only thing that's gone downhill is Disk Utility.
OpenBSD can be installed in 10 minutes it's so simple.
Remember when Apple cared to appeal to power users and those who liked UNIX rather than fags/dykes, hipsters, and normalfags?
OS X is okay, it used to be much better.
That I can agree with
Why is this thread constantly under attack of homoerotic linux shitposters?
>this mad
Freetards can't handle true freedom, so they shit on the license and everything associated with it.
It's like 2-3 different people max. BSD is probably going to become a regular thing on Sup Forums so they'll give it a rest soon.
>OpenBSD can be installed in 10 minutes it's so simple.
you could probably mash enter and get it installed, too
yeah and vi was invented by GNU and so was dd
>GNU project starts in 1983
>somehow they developed a text editor ~7 years earlier
it was sarcasm
I heard OpenBSD is dropping it's Linux compatibility in it's next release. What do you folks think of that?
the more useless stuff they can drop, the better
see the VAX architecture for an example, it seems that because of this they've been releasing stuff a month early
They already have. I'm fine with it, I only used it for one program. And it was a browser so it's not like that's difficult to replace.
You'll have even LESS packages. LMAO
> doesn't know about ports feature
Fuck off, shitstain
the layer hardly even worked in the first place, literally no one used it
I can tell you haven't used a BSD before.
Why the fuck are you here?
I literally did.
>I literally did.
maybe you did, but using an emulation layer is the wrong way of doing things
if anything you should be encouraging devs to actually make portable and open source stuff
Yeah well not everything works that way. If I have the choice of either using my favourite program in the Linux compat layer or taking a massive downgrade because there isn't an OpenBSD version and it's not open source, you can bet your ass I'll be using the compat layer.
>make portable and open source stuff
It is portable and open source. Just use Linux.
Just quit shitposting. I don't tell you to use my OS, quit fucking telling me to use yours.
You don't want to use Linux but you want to use all the software developed for it and then bitch that it isn't portable when Linux is 100x more portable than BSD.
what do you have against BSD?
>You don't want to use Linux but you want to use all the software developed for it
I fail to see the issue. Is there some law that says since the dev uses Linux I need to use Linux? Could you give me a link to it? I've got a hard time believing that.
Would just like you to realize that the problem is yours and not the softwares.
does anyone have experience with DragonFly BSD? Is it better than Free/Open BSD?
it's mostly just an OS that a disgruntled freebsd team member does experiments on
Have you guys notice that since last year BSD interest (and anti-BSD shitposting) has increased significantly?
yeah lol, kinda popped out of nowhere super quick
Well you know what they say, the more you hate it the stronger it gets. I think BSD will become a regular thing on Sup Forums pretty soon.
Go shitpost somewhere else. Any Linux application worth using is going to be open source so it can be compiled for OpenBSD if you really wanted to use it.
Which has better ports system, OpenBSD or FreeBSD.
FreeBSD's ports are older and more flexible, but I've had shit break more often using it.
Just switch to Linux already
Fuck off
>true freedom is corporate cuckoldry
Isn't XNU a hybrid kernel (like Windows NT)? Doesn't that mean there is some userspace in the kernel?
When that happens you'll start seeing plan9/temple/obscureos generals.
can you fuck off with that "lol if you use BSD ur a hipster xD" meme already?
No, XNU's actually a monolithic kernel.
Not according to Wikipedia. Is Wikipedia incorrect? Do you have a source?
Stop shitposting already
I know, Wikipedia's wrong. This talk explains it pretty well. Somewhere about 40 minutes in is where she talks about it being monolithic.
Says the shitposter
It's true and you know it, contrarian mentality is board culture. Why do you think most of these retards moved from "noobuntu" to arch?
I'm not him, idiot.
No it's not, you fucking retard. Just because something's less popular does not make its userbase hipsters.
Sure thing bud.
I know that Linus Torvalds personally believes hybrid kernels are just marketing (and are just Monolithic) so I wouldn't be surprised if developers just call XNU or Windows NT Monolithic.
Will you stop replying to him? He only cares about being the biggest faggot possible to get as many replies as he can. Take pity on him.
>I can't argue with it
>It must be a shitpost
The more I reply, the more he replies, the more I can report him.
I was making fun of a shitposter and he called me a shitposter, it was safe to assume he was the shitposter.
It won't work with BSD though because its actually just really difficult to use, where on Linux you can still play games and run most software.
Hit a nerve or something? Holly shit calm down. The fact is Linux can do everything better than *BSD, the only reason to switch is the obscure factor.
Oh great, the cancerous tripfag is back.
>the only reason to switch is the obscure factor.
no it's not, but keep talking
Everything except be more stable and have a cleaner and more sane base.
>Hit a nerve or something?
Not really, I'm just sick of shitposters.
>Holly shit calm down
Suck a dick you piece of shit.
>The fact is Linux can do everything better than *BSD
Nope. Go shitpost about how great Linux is in /flt/, this thread's for BSD users. I don't go into Linux threads shitting on Linux, I'd appreciate it if you'd do the same for us.
>the only reason to switch is the obscure factor.
Sure thing kid.
>muh pf
>muh jails
>muh zfs
Guess what? Linux has better solutions and zfs works fine.
Chroots + Grsec/PaX patches = gud
Don't forget systemd-nspawn --ephemeral
Run a copy of / in a btrfs snapshot, hngggggg.