/hpg/ - Headphone General


>Headphone purchase advice

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>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

Last Thread: 55840122

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PC with dedicated barely above shit PCI soundcard
>Preferred type of headphone
>Comfort level
As high as possible
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
Koss Porta-pro, Sennheiser Momentum M2

Second for DT1990

Get a decent dac/amp and a HD-600, they're neutral as hell with decent bass.

Is the Aune X1S any good?

Yes but the amp is not very powerful, although it sounds good and the DAC is quite good (based on reviews, haven't heard it myself).

The HD600s will probably get loud enough but maybe not ear-splitting. If you can get the X1S with the possibility of returning it if it's not powerful enough you could test it out. Or even better if you could just audition it somewhere but that's probably not possible as I just haven't seen them around stores.

Hi I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions for ear buds or something I could wear when working out. I would prefer something on the cheap side since I already have V-moda crossfade Lp for my home setup and Don't want to have to worry about breaking them.

I really need to go to the store and test those

You might also consider the Fostex HP-A3

I'll assume you meant IEM because earbuds are literally hitler-tier. For cheap I would say Philips SHE3590 is best, if you can go to $40-ish then the Zero Audio ZH-DX200/ZH-DX-210 is a good choice

First impression from someone on head-fi is that they don't have the beyer treble peak so I'm curious to try them on and see if it's bullshit or not, hopefully my store will stock them in like two months

I currently have the vsonic vsd1s, I wonder how much of an upgrade is vsd5s?

Computer, GNU/Linux
Preferably 3.5mm cable(s)
>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
Open, but it doesn't matter too much
>Comfort level
>Past headphones
Superlux hd668b

Other info:
I'm looking for 5.1 headphones. I like the audio quality of my superlux, and don't care too much to go further, although I'm open to.

>5.1 headphones

Don't... do that. You want headphones with good imaging and a wide soundstage, the "surround sound" headphones are just faking it and it's usually pretty jarring in my experience. YMMV

That said, at your price point I don't know if you'll get something much better than the Superlux 681 for soundstage. You might check the used market for some AKG 240 MKII's or something

£100 flexible



>Preferred type of headphone

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
Comfy, I wear headphones all day.
I have big ears so cups need to be quite large to fit.

300 USD/ 270 EUR
Samsung S6 / Pioneer DC-100Z
>Preferred type of headphone
Over ear/On ear (if comfy)
>Comfort level
Not an issue
>Preferred tonal balance
Neutral with a bit of a roll-of in treble
>Past headphones
AKG K181, Sennheiser CX 5.00

Im thinking Sennheiser HD25 or maybe Shure SRH 40.


meant for

so i bought this


what do i use to power them and get nice sound out of flac
im using integrated realtek and as you can guess its shit

also Preferred something that plugs into pcie and not external

idk if thats any good tho
hint, using those for pc gaming and with modmic when im not listening to music

>HD-650s, reporting in.

I think this is the equilibrium of headphones.

Any more expensive headphones and you're just getting the placebo effect and/or diminishing returns.

Placebo is not true but certainly there are diminishing returns. You don't buy $1000 headphones just for value.

I don't think any internal soundcard will sound better than an external solution. I don't know how good the headphone amp is in this but it's probably the most convenient option for you: Creative Sound Blaster Omni.

You can always optical out to a better dac/amp if the amp in it sucks.

Transducers, like headphone will never be placebo. Literally every single speaker or headphone sounds different. Diminishing returns is true though. A HD800 isn't going to magically make you eargasm when you listen to it. At the end of the day it's still just noise

Does anyone know how a little dot mk1+ and a pair of k702's will match up? I'm almost ready to pull the trigger.



yes, might be best

those headphones also have kind of short cable

Why is she so skinny? Like, it's literally offensive...?

Waiting for my Philips Fidelio X2 to come. I heard the sound stage and imaging is great!

I like their screwdrivers

I'm just so fucking torn between these and the AKG Q701's. It's just insane how hard it is to choose a pair of headphones. Goddamn.

Did you try them both?

I've only managed to try the Q701 briefly, will test them at least one more time. Unfortunately can't test the X2's, the local store doesn't carry them.

I just ordered akg k240's, did I do good? I used to have technica m30's but they broke.

I like the Q701 better than the X2 but I may be biased...

What puts me off the Q701's a little is the whole amp thing - while I'm probably gonna get an amp/DAC someday, I've heard the AKG's are a bit picky when it comes to amps, and if I were to go the Q701 + dac/amp route I could probably only get my hands on something like Dragonfly Black or FiiO E10K and I'm not sure if I'd regret it later on. How would you describe the Q701's sound? My own opinion about them was akin to something like pretty thin, detailed, wide but not very deep soundstage. Tried them from the store's Marantz CD player and my phone (not a very good source, I know).

>My own opinion about them was akin to something like pretty thin, detailed, wide but not very deep soundstage.

This is fairly accurate. I've always preferred something with an airy sound so the Q701 fits my requirements to the T.

It's also true that it needs something beefy to make them sing but the Magni and Modi are like only $200 total so it's not a big deal.


Found this at the thrift store for $15. I do good?
I'm new to audio faggotry and having a hell of a time trying to find info on this thing. Searches either turn up Russian sites, or for the "DX" version of it.

Well it depends how loud you want them to go. I used my K701s with a Sony MP3 player and they sounded fine. Didn't go ear blasting loud but it was enough for home use

Been using a pair of k240 as my main drivers for the last 4 years.

They've been amazing, produces very natural and clear sound. Bass can be considered low but I prefer it this way.

Tried using the ATH m50s for a lil bit, but the sound wasn't really what I was looking for.

I do edit alot of videos tho so that's the reason I prefer to stick to the neutral sound.

Changed the pads to velour pads though, those plastic pads were disgusting

I like clarity and detail but I also don't want the music to sound boring. Would you recommend them for someone who listens to a pretty wide variety of music (from stuff like The Smiths to Yung Lean to Aphex Twin to a bit of classical)? How's the bass in those - I don't want fart cannons but I'd like to hear the bass well. How's the balance?
Also, 200€ is a lot for a poorfag student. Can't shell out a lot of money often, so I need to be satisfied with the purchase for a good while.

>I like clarity and detail but I also don't want the music to sound boring. Would you recommend them for someone who listens to a pretty wide variety of music (from stuff like The Smiths to Yung Lean to Aphex Twin to a bit of classical)?

Yeah, no problem. The Q701 is a definite all-rounder with a bit of edge in symphony classical and live recordings.

>How's the bass in those - I don't want fart cannons but I'd like to hear the bass well. How's the balance?

The bass is a bit lean for sure but it's not distorted and bleeds into the low mid like the HD600 or HD650 do.

If you're worried about the bass there is the K7xx variant which sounds slightly bassier but there is a trade-off in terms of clarity.

>Also, 200€ is a lot for a poorfag student.

I would save up until you can afford at least the Magni and Modi. Don't get the O2 either since it doesn't supply enough current for the Q701.

Interesting. Thanks for the info.
How do you feel about FiiO E10k or Dragonfly Black? Are they able to amp the headphones properly? Any idea how they sound?

recommend on pc headphone amp $200 budget

You're probably the first person on here to say that o2 doesn't have enough power for 7xxs. I'm pretty sure Nwavguy himself stated and checked the 7xx with o2. Explain your reasoning.

I haven't the Dragonfly Black so can't comment much but the Magni and Modi stack is quite a bit better than the E10K. Mine is even the older original version so the new one should be even better.

I've compared both and find that the Magni and Modi gives a better bass than the O2. At that time it was also cheaper so going with the Schiit stack is a no-brainer.

Anyone know how the Venture Electronics Monk Plus Earbuds on Massdrop are?

I hate earbuds so I would say they're shit

Did you do an ABX test?

who's the artist for this? didn't he make a bunch of great steampunk/airship/loli art? he did an anime too I think.

yeah remember when the dt1770 was going to be the shit?

I honestly can't remember the least beyer release that wasn't a let down.

50-60$, not flexible
iPod5, planning on getting some sort of android smartphone in the future
>Preferred type of headphone
IEM earbuds
>Comfort level
As long as it doesn't fall out of my ear every two seconds, the comfort doesn't matter.
>Preferred tonal balance
Doesn't matter.
>Past headphones
Apple earpods. They break too easily and I want something that will last me a long time with sound quality that will be enjoyable.

Basically, I need earbuds that will be affordable and can work on an apple ipod or an android smartphone which is what I am planning on getting later. Thanks for any help.

hje-120k best cheap IEM. everyone should own these for comfort alone.

how is it? I've been thinking of getting one for ages but now I think I want the mk5

yeah just stick with what you have or go closed. 668b is already pretty much the best in that range. save up.

hp50, might even be able to get a pm3 if you hunt for used/refurb.

I have both and love both. I'm listening to the x2 right now out of an e10. I also have an hd600, so you know the kinds of references I'm using.

get the x2 if you're looking for bass, and that somewhat chunky, driving sound that makes electronic, metal, rock sound nice and punchy.

that said, unless you want that bit of fun coloration, don't get the x2, go for the AKG. the x2 does all music well but when you really listen to classical, acoustic, vocal music with more complex elements it becomes clear that the AKG is overall more balanced and refined. it is leaner sounding, the bass has a nice punch (maybe better than the hd600), but it doesn't have the kind of impact and warmth the x2 has. the highs and upper mids are more even than the x2, but there is a mild upper-mids emphasis that makes them sound "cold" to some people. not necessarily a bad thing though, the q701 is as cold as the hd600 is smooth (or veiled) sounding.

neither really needs an amp, the q701 is hungry but less than the hd600. x2 wins in comfort but not by a mile. x2 will be more immediately pleasing to less-experienced ears, it has a normie friendly sound if that helps.

sorry for the rambly post just woke up.

I've been looking at the panasonic rp-htx7s. I've heard they are pretty good for the money. Does anyone have any experience with them?

I'm wondering if the Sennheiser HD202s aren't better for the money

I have no idea but for $15 if it works that's a steal. can't tell if the headphone outs are for balanced use (doubt it) it for monitoring with different headphones/people/sources.

piston 3, get them while you can. they have controls that work on android too. only thing is the don't isolate well at all, they're like an open headphone. if you want isolation I suggest the meelectronics m6 pro, much more expensive but in your budget and good at blocking noise.

ehh they're not bad but honestly they're style/retro-bait headphones. you could get better for the money, same goes for the 202. what is your budget?

the last time i browsed /hpg/ was many years ago

anything new that I should add to my o2/odac + dt880 setup?

Informative stuff all around, thanks. I don't think I'll have the dosh and availability to go for the Schiit stack, so would you say that the E10K is good for the price? And one last bit of info, my previous cans were Shure SRH440's and I liked them. Would it make more sense to go for the X2's or the Q701's?

>it doesn't supply enough current for the Q701
Not quite the case. Roughly speaking, the 701 impedance load is around the peak power outout of the O2, but it is slightly more limited by voltage than current supply.
In any case,
>Magni and Modi gives a better bass than the O2
does not follow from current limits, which I am highly skeptical you were encroaching upon.

>ehh they're not bad but honestly they're style/retro-bait headphones. you could get better for the money, same goes for the 202. what is your budget?

I would say around $50 I'd willing to go a little higher though. What I'm looking for is mostly "workhorse" headphones. Something I can throw in a bag not cry if they break or get lost but are still pretty decent. Closed is preferable because I'd like as low sound leakage as possible and I'd probably be using them in environments where I can't control the surrounding noise level like an airport or hotel lobby. Portability is not a huge concern as they would be carried in a bag or backup

>Preferred type of headphone
>Comfort level
>Past headphones
some shit sonys

This is a present for someone. They go through a lot of headphones and prefer a removable cable. They'd usem at work/on the bus. Prefer something that wont break in a month.

Is it worth it to buy a DAC for under 100$ as a replacement for shitty integrated sound?
Using K553s as my headphones rn.

Thanks hpg, really appreciate it

>want to buy Shure 440 and mod in velour cushions
>doing this apparently ruins the sound
I just wanna be comfy

-My budget is 6k USD (yeah, i know)

-I listen to improvisational jazz (give me percussion! and sound artists with the occasional foray into Arethra Franklin's catalogue (guilty pleasure what can I say)

-I play Sierra games. Sometimes I play the modern stuff too. When I do I like immersion!

- I want to feel comfortable as heck. Like two clouds breezing by my canals. Anything less is unacceptable.

I'm ready for a recommendation.

Velour pads don't seal as well around the ear, which changes bass response and some other things.

You could try looking for some real leather pads.

Benchmark DAC2 + Sennheiser HD800S

what's your opinion on V-Moda?

I need over-ear + Bluetooth and these probably sound better than Beats

get custom IEMs

That hardly breaks my budget. I am looking for serious recommendations.

Which means what exactly? Wow. What a helpful bunch you've all been so far.


Name a more neutral headphone in production besides SRH-1440/1840 (distortion monsters) and Etymotic ER-4.

e10k is more than enough. what you're paying for with those other amps is build quality pretty much, the extra power isn't going to be needed outside of some very hungry headphones which you'll probably never own. the sound quality is the same on both, and the e10 gets plenty loud. I have mine set on level 3 of 10 and all my headphones get loud, including q701, hd600, and x2. I will say though while the x2 is only 32ohm and plays out of anything fine, it will be a bit quieter on say a phone than another generic headphone or IEM, I think the stock cable is just more resistive, haven't tested it.

as for coming from the 440's, they don't seem to have prominent bass elevation, more roll off actually, so you'll be more getting more extension on both ends no matter what you pick. but since you're not used to a bass hump you might find the leaner bass and colder sound of the AKG more palatable.

if money is a problem you could honestly skip the amp altogether. testing from my cheap phone I didn't have to get close to max volume to make either very loud.

Buy 15 HD 650s because they're endgame anyway and a dragon dildo to go with it

Yeah... okay... no.

These threads are garbage. I was wrong to seek advice from you fools.

JPS Labs Model AB-1266 Deluxe + Custom AMP

But you're just memeing so fuck off


Or just buy Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10

I think you can cheap out and just buy 14 and spend that extra $300 on a couple gallons of fake cum as well

Probably, yes. At $100 you might consider the Micca Origen+ dac/amp

I never had headphone with a detachable cable and im about to get some Monoprice 8323.

So is a detachable cable annoying?

Sound bretty gud, built well, nice cables, fairly comfy but they're all on-ear headphones AFAIK

whatever namefag
don't let the door hit u on the way out

Hi /hpg/, I've been searching through internet articles and the Sup Forums wiki and I've narrowed my search down to three headphones.

>Audio Technica ATH-M50x
>Beyerdynamic DT 770

The three features I care most about are comfort, best passive noise isolation, and nice bass sounds.
I'd say I care about noise isolation and comfort equally, bass comes in after but I still want a deep and audible bass. Also closed back full over ear cups is a must for me. Reviews say ATHM50x is the best, but the other two models look more comfortable and bigger.
Please help me, I am going to be using whatever I buy until it outright breaks, and I want to be sure I'm getting the most out of my money. I wear my headphones multiple hours a day, so this is important to me.

I am currently using a Skullcandy Hesh 2 that I got last year for $7.50 new sealed in box, but I used to have nicer headphones before this and I miss the quality.

Thank you very much, I just might be decided on the AKG's. Will go try them out one more time at the store to get a good impression on them.
Money is most likely gonna be a bit tight soon, but right now I can probably extend the budget a bit to go for the E10K. That and the Q701's sound like the best way to go.

CAL, v6, or hammo s.

CAL is 50, v6 is 60-80, hammo s is 60 on ebay.

CAL is quite bassy/warm sounding. this is one of the best bassy headphones imo, very forgiving but it also sounds a bit loose and bloated, but it does have an amazing FR for the price. build quality is just ok, and while they're small they don't fold. but if you like warm sigs this is a must own.

v6 is one of the best headphone out there, but it's kind of the opposite of the CAL, it's very detail and unforgiving, even sibilant without eq. but if you want to get into "audiophile" level sound for cheap this is it. build is also amazing, mostly metal. it folds too. but it does have a long, bulky fixed cable which is why most people don't use it on the go.

hammo s is the most portable, it has a very balanced, close to neutral FR. isolation is great, comfort too. they fold and come with a nice case and 2 removable cables with phone controls. I love this headphone but they do have problems: they're beats clones, and while they have excellent build quality for a clone including metal parts they are gaudy looking. they also sound great stock but to make them sound amazing you have to do a mod that requires no tools but does make you take off and put the pads back on which is a huge pain with how they're designed.

Thanks. These sound amazing as a matter of fact. I love the design too. Will order. I do not know what you mean by custom amp however. As in build one myself?

$125 flexible
ASUS Xonar Essence STX
>Preferred type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Maximum comfy
>Preferred tonal balance
Bright if possible, but not needed
>Past headphones
shitty razer headset

cool. just eq the lower bass up a tad and see how you like it. if after that you want more bass impact and warmth, return them and get the x2.

Why the would you? What do you not like about it?

On the chance you are here to do more than crap on the thread.

>That hardly breaks my budget. I am looking for serious recommendations.
What is that supposed to mean? What do you think the extra money gets you? The Stax SR-009 and electrostatic amp is the serious pricier solution.
Adding a Smyth Realiser would be a better use use of the remaining money.

oh and I also need a new mic
shitty desktop mic would be fine right?

I don't need a freaking amp. I'm listening not playing.

Headphone amplifier, as akin to loudspeaker amplifier.
The Stax require it because they are condenser headphones, and require bias voltage, just as with condenser microphones.

I'm buying these Abyss headphones. From what I have skimmed so far the makers developed from the ground up a different way of amplificationing sound with electromagnetism and the best formed from minerals coil they researched. It has lambskin cushioning for the ears. I don't think it needs an amplifier but that's just me. I think they knew what they were doing when they designed this badboy but hey that's just me.

Thank you very much, I think I'll go with v6 and just zip tie up the slack in the or something but I will screencap this post for reference

>These sound amazing as a matter of fact
no, they don't. you're being memed so let me help you out with a serious answer:

diminishing returns hit hard on headphones after about the $300 range. I will list you some headphones that are considered among the best that are expensive but you have to know an hd600 is going to get you like 80-90% of the way there. here are some expensive headphones worth buying:

stax of your choosing
mr speakers ether/ether flow
focal elear/utopia
hifiman he1000, edition x
maybe one of the audeze LCD series
stax sr009 (the only one that will actually push your budget, was and still is considered the best purchaseable headphone)

the only higher-end headphone that can be considered better than these (by most) would be the sennheiser orpheus. the old one is no longer made, can be up to 30k used. they just came out with a new one, over 50k new.

you can spend more on a placebo amp with tubes and shit but you'll be paying for a useless meme.

Murata. He did character design for Last Exile.

no, it's freaking great and every headphone should have them. 8323 is not that great of a headphone though, be prepared to have it hurt the top of your head and then have the plastic crack along the band.

You're jealous. No, you can just come out and say it, you're jealous. I'm purchasing what appears to be the absolute best money can buy (the site I read compared it to a top of the line hyundai!) and this stirs a primal rage within you. Seeing others happy irritates you clearly. The green eyed monster lives in this thread. I'll get my Abyss and after a while that Orpheus will be mine as well. You can't stop me.I will defy you at every turn. I will not be beat.


if you're actually willing to blow up 6k, you might want to buy two headphones. maybe a closed one as a second.

e.g. I have HD650, Ether, and will have TH-X00 Purpleheart (used D2000 previously). each has a preferred purpose

>I'm buying these Abyss headphones.
You are are free to do whatever, I'm pretty sure Sup Forums doesn't control your finances. I wouldn't suggest it.

>makers developed from the ground up a different way of amplificationing sound with electromagnetism
Peculiar phrasing aside, it's usually called planar magnetic. It's somewhere between a ribbon and moving coil transducer. Magnepan, Audeze, Fostex, Yamaha, Hifiman are some other examples of audio brands known for this driver type.
I don't advise buying different technology for its own sake, but whatever.

>best formed from minerals coil they researched
Everyone says that.
The headphone is made almost entirely of aluminium, even the foam. This makes it a bit heavier than the famously weighty Audeze headphones, but JPS does pressure relief way better than Audeze ever did.

>I don't think it needs an amplifier but that's just me
It's more insensitive than a lot of other headphones on market. A common drawback of planar magnetic headphones.
More gain is advised, therefore a small headphone scaled amplifier is suggested.

I can't believe I didn't even notice the tripcode.

Dead giveaway.

since you're tripfagging, I welcome the upcoming proof. right?