Is Pokemon Go fucking up our mobile networks? While the game is not data intensive...

Is Pokemon Go fucking up our mobile networks? While the game is not data intensive, it uses many connections and pings very frequently. Now imagine how much congestion it'd cause when there are hundreds, or thousands of normies playing the game.

Relevant article:

I experienced this today playing at my university campus. I had to wait like 10 seconds to catch a Pokemon while on LTE. Doesn't happen anywhere else.

People on shitty mobile networks are also leaving for better carriers because of their marginalized Pokemon Go experience.

So Sup Forums, how will Pokemon Go affect mobile networks? Is it already shitting up?

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>he doesn't use verizon
T-mobile poor fags baka

the devs already killed the game so it really matter.
not to mention once they add new pokemon all the oldfag genwunners will leave anyway.

anything that forces providers to upgrade is a good thing

Shitty barely functional networks buckle under load, in other news water is wet.


I didn't notice problems playing with hundreds of other people.

yes but sometimes the networks aren't shitty but pokemon go adds the load.

Pokemon GO is fucking up humanity

delete thread and kill your self, normie faggot

This is Sup Forums related. Maybe you guys aren't that into networking.

doesn't really matter* derp
pic related

>yes but sometimes the networks aren't shitty

I still don't see how they "killed" the game, you didn't tell me

I mean ones that are usually not shitty are also suffering

well, it might be relevant in OP's third world country and to other crying faggots who cant catch pokemon.

If this shit had an impact on mobile networks, then what about streaming services, social media etc?

>third world countr
I'm in Canada

>disabled pokemon tracking completely instead of fixing it
>made the radius at which pokemon are shown a lot smaller
>made pokemon harder to catch so you're more likely to buy pokeballs with real money

>although the bandwidth is pretty low for the application (about .1% of the overall traffic) compared to Facebook (which is about 16% of the overall traffic), the session total for Pokemon Go is almost 1% of all sessions on the network.

>The chart below compares the number of connections per subscriber that Pokemon Go is generating compared to other applications. As you see below the only application that generates more connections per subscriber is BitTorrent file sharing – which is notorious for session consumption. Pokemon Go even uses more connections per subscriber than DNS and SSL web browsing, which are the meat and potatoes for any device connection to the Internet.

>If this shit had an impact on mobile networks, then what about streaming services, social media etc?
Those generally make 1 connection per app, sometimes 2 (main app and stream).

Go likes to open a lot of connections, which leads to more state used per router. The routers run out of RAM, not bandwidth. You can see the same thing with a shitty home router + bittorrent (moreso if you use UPNP to forward ports, but that's another issue).

who /instinct/ here?

Oh yeah that's true. Even shit like rattata and pidgey are harder to catch now

It'll be like a sports game, or new years Eve when everyone is using up the network

It has more to do with the awful Niantic servers.



I'm also Ravenclaw so it goes hand-in-hand

Great, now Verizon will start charging us per-connection as well " prevent abusers from ruining the Verizon Wireless™®© experience"


People still play this? It's not even fun anymore. It was a cool idea at first, got bored of it after a few days, faked my gps to put myself in other countries then decided to uninstall.

Do they throttle?

but you're not a normie


I'm in canada as well. Can confirm it's a third world country

>just connecting and pinging kills your isp
god bless america

not ISP, phone carrier

it actually might have to do with how Niantic is handling so many people in one place too

All cell carriers in the US are fucking Jews

60 a month for """ unlimited""" LTE on a shitty network that won't be upgraded for years

Ey b0ss

Canada is third world when it comes to telecommunications.

Not a joke; you can look it up if you feel like it. Bell Canada and Rogers have systematically gutted the system and repressed every effort to improve it, tossing in a token fiber connection here or there so they can pretend to be living in the 21st century.

Actually, the average LTE data speed here is faster than the US. Stop spouting reddit tier conspiracy

Mobile internet is like dial-up. This means that for everyone connected to the internet with mobile they have to get a line. It's not packet switched.

>actually playing irl grindfest on your mobile
>not using the python bot or necrobot if you're a winfag

but still, isn't there so much the backbone can handle?

They just calculated that x% of the population has it turned on. And now all of the sudden it's a lot more.

then why is Pokemon Go such a problem? i assume there are tens of thousands of students using stuff like iMessage and Snapchat

They usually flip it on and off, and Pokemon really added a lot new users.

And they also group up, putting heavy load on a single mast.

Still, the provider should fix their shit.

makes me wonder if the providers are working on improving

Probably not.

Same old story with how the ISPs are complaining about the big data use from Netflix and the like. If you give your users x mb/s, you have to be able to provide it.

But they rather bitch and complain about how those services are using too much.

but it's not about mb/s

Yeah but it's the same concept. The provider would rather bitch and moan instead of upgrade their infrastructure.

Pokemon Go smacks of poor coding, even more so than Ingress.

I blame most of it on their use of the Unity engine.

Why would frequent pinging be a problem exactly? If the signals aren't using that much bandwidth?

It probably doesn't mean pings in the same way as ICMP packets.

I had a shitty realtek-based router and when one of my family members opened twitter on her tablet it made ~500 connections in less than 60 seconds and it shot the processor on the router up to 100% usage, everyone else's network connection ground to a halt, but bandwidth usage was minimal. Meanwhile 4 people could watch their rokus simultaneously but since they never open more than a dozen connections the network was totally smooth despite using ~40 megabits per second

I would imagine this analogy extends to bigger networks

It varies greatly from software to software.

I bought a shitty router that couldn't handle more than a handful of simultaneous connections while an older, even shitter, router could handle over 1000 just fine.

They terminate accounts of people who use too much of the "unlimited" data.

Even 2G GPRS networks use packet switching.

2.5G, but yeah you are right. It's been quite a while since I've read up on mobile internet.

>almost 1%
Oh my GOD.

>So take that number, and then imagine that every 10 feet someone walks, a new sponsored ad pops up
Hahaha, no.

how dare people use services they pay for!

>a lot of people use same thing on network
>it puts a somewhat significant load on company's network




it's not like you're gonna need that lte connection from your basement.

I feel bad for you niggers living in the internet third world.

Here 100mbps is for poorfags, 4G LTE is 300mbps+ with 3CA, unlimited data, unlimited tethering and we don't have problems with Pokemon GO.

They won't improve the networks for this dumb ass game, you know. They're just going to put a hard limit on the amount of sessions allowed concurrently and the game will implement a queue to play just like WoW.

>implying that they aren't just justifying super expensive data plan

lol really? if anyone is 'fucking up our networks' it's the carriers. All those Pokemon go players paid for the service fair and square. If the providers can't do their jobs, how is it the customer's fault?

who cares if they paid for it? if a bunch of normalfags playing a stupid game is impacting the service for the rest of the users then those normalfags can go suck a dick.

maybe this will make carriers implement a pokemon go tax. that would be fucking great.

lol what? So if they were using the service for work you wouldn't care? You're a retard to get mad at anyone but the carrier for this.

>So if they were using the service for work you wouldn't care?
yes, because work generally means telephone calls. not poorly designed smartphone games that eat networks alive and make it worse for everyone else.

They're also talking about making the game block third party trackers so they can sell their extra peripheral radar device.

>maybe this will make carriers implement a pokemon go tax. that would be fucking great.

The carriers are already fucking you at every turn and you want to see them fuck you even more because you don't like a game some people play?

Man you're shitty

i don't play that dumb game, so it wouldn't be fucking me.

No, but if they were allowed to do it, it would set a pretty significant precedent.

T-Mobilefag here. Getting unlimited data with Pokemon go isn't that bad! No lag either.

Wind Mobile ~gone with the wind~™ master race
>b-b-but you d-don't have s-signal s-senpai!

Enjpy paying to literally recieve no signal

Enjoy taking duopolist dick.
I bet you also subscribe to their $200/month cable and satellite packages.
> ;^)

Enjoy paying money to receive 0 (zero) service. Thats what the rest of the world calls a scam
>a fucking leaf

Your Sup Forums is leaking and your bantz game is weak, but I'm sure we can both agree that mobile plans in this country (and internet in general) is an absolute hose.

Whats a hose is that you're literally paying money to receive zero service. It's the same amount of service you receive if you take that money and burnt it. At least the fumes from the burning plastic money would kill you

lol if i was on wifi then i won't be complaining
nice try spoofer

>master race
>can't even load webpages let alone play pokemon go
i'm not going to say the no signal thing because they seem to share Rogers tower locations

unless you're a real heavy data user, there are better and cheaper options that use the Rogers/Telus/Bell network. you know, LTE Carrier Aggregation.
>Koodo prepaid
>Public Mobile

I'm not that guy but my Wind plan has unlimited data and I only have signal problems in unpopulated areas.

i said, i'm not talking about signal problems. it has to do with how slow and shitty their network is.

It's actually very ridiculous to use Wind Mobile. Think about landline internet for comparison. It'd be like getting the cheapest Internet package (5mbps/512kbps), and adding an unlimited data add on because you're too poor to afford fast unlimited internet.

how much are you paying anyway? $30? $40? Given how fucking slow WIND is, I rarely see any WIND friends who use more than 2GB on it. If you only use 2GB, there's a new Public Mobile (owned by Telus and uses the Telus network) plan that gives 2GB data, unlimited text/talk for $40 a month.

It must really be a poor experience on an iphone or shitty android. No webpage loading problems here.

lol. don't kid yourself, WIND shill. everyone knows how slow the network is, and it's easily proven by speed test and ping test results. webpages do load, but it's obviously really fucking slow.

do you have a stake in Shaw Communications?

It would be worthwhile to invest if it triggered you any more. Definitely have the money left over every month.

I understand where you're coming from though. Post-purchase rationalization is a pretty useful trick to keep your confidence as you make poor conditions, especially monthly ones.

>premium data
>$100+ plans
>2gb of monthly transfer

actually no, I use a Koodo prepaid plan. It gives me fast LTE data on the Telus network, and I only pay $15 a month for it. But that's because I'm a light user who uses about 200MB a month, and the service allows me to carry over unused minutes and data.

sounds like you're the one doing the post-purchase rationalization. this article explains it pretty well: i have friends who use WIND and given how slow it is, you'd might as well make a trip for a wifi hotspot.

What? My connection isn't slow. I stream music to my phone (from my desktop computer at home), ssh to servers from it, and do all sorts of other internet shit on it all day including basic normie shit like games and Snapchat. It's actually faster than the internet at my university (I often turn off wifi to use my phone network's faster speeds).

I think I pay around $45 but I also have a bunch of extra services like unlimited international calling/texting.

>2GB data

>My connection isn't slow
Then post your speed test. I see 10Mbps download is usually the highest speed for Wind.

Your university must have shitty ass Internet, you know most universities actually get gigabit fibre lines for the Internet right? But that's your IT department's problem

Also where?


>telco sets up network infrastructure
>sells usage rights for a share of network resources to consumers
>consumers use their share of network resources
>telcos sold more than they had, their shit falls apart
>it's some how pokemon's fault

fuck telcos. They are greedy cunts that take as much as they can and give as little as possible.

At least T-mobile is decent

I'm not going to install some shitty app just to give you a screenshot. I don't care if you believe me or not.

My university does have shitty ass wifi (it's practically a meme on campus). I'm at the University of Calgary. Each year they say they're going to fix it but nothing they do makes any difference. The IT people are dumbasses though, or rather not really the IT people but the VP of Finance who runs IT and the other dumbasses in charge.

They're constantly starting new software migrations while old ones haven't finished. We've got people on three different email services and all of them are shit in some way. They also disabled e-mail forwarding for "security purposes" which is shit because that's how most people got around their bullshit. They also keep recommending that people pair their phones to the service too but if you do that shit then it allows them to remotely wipe your phone if they want to. The worst thing about all this is that recently our servers got hit with a ransomware attack (check the news) and a fuckload of staff and researchers lost all their email shit. Our IT staff paid the ransom but now they're too "paranoid" over the keys to fucking use them. The bastards keep asking us to change our passwords but the system clearly keeps old passwords on record as we can't switch back to them, so now I can look forward to having lost several passwords to the break in as opposed to just one. Everything they do is so fucking dumb.

Fuck you for making me think about them. I'm fucking pissed at how shit they are. Seriously, fuck them!


oh nooo
people are actually using their data plans nowww
whatever will they dooo
Upgrade your fucking networks, assholes, or charge us less. goddamn.

Shill who buys Shaw stock with the leftover money in my Win Plan here.

Why would I need more than this at $CURRENT_YEAR ? I can stream 720p or 1080p h264 without grain bloat from my VPS faster than the counter ticks along the run time.
Opus is an efficient audio codec, but I can also do FLAC because unlimited data.

What now, RoBellus?


You're going off on a "muh feels" basis when it comes to Wind. It's objectively proved that the Big 3's LTE is faster, and Wind's 3G is slow as fuck.

Wind users always go "b-but it doesn't feel slow!" You do realize you don't have to install a shitty app to do a speed test.

The things you do: streaming music (320kbps at best), SSHing and Snapchat aren't actually speed intensive. Try streaming video on it and you'll realize. LTE-A is onto 300Mbps+ now and you Wind cucks are still stuck at around 10Mbps HSPA.

>leftover money in my Win Plan
lol stop saying this, I already told you there are cheaper and better RoBellus options than Wind

As if $45 for unreliable 10Mbps 3G gets you anything