Why do normalfags give up so easily, Sup Forums?

Why do normalfags give up so easily, Sup Forums?

are you his slave nerd?

I have to admit that is a pain in the ass to create a bootable stick on GNU/Linux

No, thank god. He wants to be an IT major but only uses windows 10.

How should I break it to him that he'll never excel?

How exactly would he excel by using freetard shit

I had an error where after the bootmenu the screen woupdn't work. But after reburning different iso's like 50 times i noticed that the brightness was on lowest levels. Sometimes you just have to be persistent.

Nice bait faggot.

because trying the same thing and expecting different results is a sign of insanity


fucking neurotypicals

because some idiots like my friend try fucking Kali Linux as their first distro, and bitch about how installing software on linux is so hard
literally all you have to do is apt-get install synaptic or ubuntu-software center but nooo, typing four words is hard


At his age he should be able to do everything Linux related himself. Wouldn't approach him and tell him that though, he will either get mad or annoyed at the very least.

underage gnu knight detected

>How exactly would he excel by using freetard shit
A company uses a server computer with energy efficient components where the focus is on RAM quantity, and uses Linux for security reasons.
Instead of the company wasting money on buying individual computers and having to do Depreciation and Amortization calculations for that shit,
they get the server admin to run instances of Windows to the worker monitors (with peripheral connectors) via VM maximizing component usage without wasting on idle components as happens with individual computers.
With VM, any fuckup doesn't matter because it's VM, and a shared folder/local wireless storage resolve many office issues, while the freetard admin gets to be involved in sacking Windowscuck slaves such as yourself thanks to the supervision over what the workers are doing.

I get it :^)

as a general rule, if something doesn't IMMEDIATELY work perfectly I throw it out.

I have zero tolerance for sloppy products. nerds have trouble understanding how sloppy linux is because they think everyone is autistic enough to want to experiment and troubleshoot rather than have something they can actually use.

What is this fag trying to do

He wants to create a bootable USB for windows to uninstall Ubuntu and install windows on his laptop.

>"When i face a problem in my life, i just run away. Problem solved."

ITT: once again, idiots who don't know about the ROSA Image Writer.

wow amazing, please list all the software you are using.

I have bad news, you are retarded.

dd if=/your/iso.iso of=/dev/usbstick bs=1M
If that's too hard for you than just fuck right off of Sup Forums

>i never used rawrite32 on windows or gnome-disks (or gnome-disk-utility) on linux