What technology do only dumb people buy?

What technology do only dumb people buy?

>pic related


About 50% of engineers at Google use them

Windows Phone

Why people want a smartphone with no app support is beyond me

Sure is summer

The speaker equivalent of Beats

You sure about that?

sure is mad

Well it's the 30+ crowd's Beats at least

HP laptops (consumer)

Not in the slightest, I'm just sick of 12 year old edgelords shitting up the board.

These fucking things.
They aren't even cute


I'd like one actually, small and portable PC. I dont need gaymes/gpu/cpu power to be portable.

Get an X1 Carbon

it's more expensive than a macbook air though.

especially if you get student discount.

They appeal to blacks though.
Razer Keyboards btw

>claims 50% of Google engineers use a McAir instead of a proper laptop.
>calls me edgy

>implying I ever did such a thing
12 year old edgelord confirmed

Pretty much anything targeting gamers

>Be in third world
>Build your PC will cost you at least 400 or so
>Uses tons of electricity
>HP laptop
>As cheap as 200 for basic models
>Uses less electricity than most stuff

I tried every brand so far.
Sony - Overpriced shit
Gateway/Acer - These are disposable stuff, WORST fucking quality ever
Lenovo - More like SLOWnovo
Toshiba - Alright
Lanix - KEK, Mexicans building laptops? Nice joke
Asus - Great quality but the cheapest ones are like 700, so no budget

And I use latop basically for shitposting on /poll/ and Sup Forumsand watch movies, so HP is fine

Any consumer laptop is going to be shit

Almost exactly the same specs

You hurt my feels

smart watch


I dont have money for either. Student without any loans in the Netherlands.

most anything "audiophile"

>Windows 10 Home

Sorry, but I'll take a MacBook over that shit any day.

Feels bad man. I got a pair of beats studios for only 100 so fuck it, I think it's worth it. I'll say the new cancer on the block is that new dog collar headphone bullshit.


The Solo 2s are good though.
Any other model is niggerbass

I'd be too embarrassed to wear Beats

>/threads his own post

>Too fucking stupid to install Linux

>implying OS X isn't better

>guaranteed never used one

They're the only ones selling 17" laptops though.

17" laptops

>he can't handle a man sized laptop


>having a dick means you should buy portable devices that are shit for portability
kek, whatever helps you sleep at night

The soundlink minis are actually considered some of the best bluetooth speakers.


>battery life
>pure black display
>broken promises
>shattered dreams

Big phones with big screens.

Oh look, you dropped it again!