
Linux on the desktop general. What are your favorite Linux programs to use on the desktop? What window manager do you use? Show us what your environment looks like—custom or stock, it's all welcome here. Feel free to post Windows or Macintosh on the desktop experiences in here as well; it's always interesting to compare and contrast.

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>unironically using freetard garbage

thats a nice desktop. but I'm pretty sure, the same thing could be achieved using gnu/linux

yeah and it would only take you 40 hours to achieve
meanwhile i simply install and everything just werks

My OS X clone linux desktop

I hear this a lot, but actually it only took me four or five hours to install linux on my desktop
nice clone & nice anime

>Linux on desktop
Literally why? What about Photoshop or Illustrator?

I use gimp or imagemagick. and get this: i actually like them more than photoshop

2 much anime has rotted ur brain

>What are your favorite Linux programs to use on the desktop?
My terminal emulator and every program I can run in it (vim, moc, cgdb, shell scripts, ...)

>What window manager do you use?
Openbox currently, but I switch a lot.

what terminal emulator do you use? I use xterm. vim is very good indeed, but personally, i use mpd+ncmpcpp instead of moc. Care to share a screenshot?

why would u need photoshop unless youre paid to use it

> what terminal emulator do you use?
Terminal emuilator is urxvt. It has some nice features over xterm like being able to run it as a daemon, but otherwise it's really similar.

> mpd+ncmpcpp instead of moc
yeah, a lot of people use that. But I've always used moc and it does everything I want it to, so I've never bothered to try mpd.



you are prohibited from posting in this thread due to GROSS

There's nothing gross.


I am tasteful.

Please no more anime, people. It's not cute.
I know you are fat and smelly.

AwesomeWM with modified multicolor theme, no display manager, autologin to virtual console, autostartx, xterm -fg green -bg black.
That about sums it up. Here's a laptop scrot, it's basically the same, except desktop has 3 cheap as fuck goodwill monitors.

I like tiling mode but AwesomeWM is a dynamic WM so it has every mode...
Not much to see on the ol' laptop here. I like to keep it simple. ncmpcpp + mpd on the desktop looks pretty fancy. Mostly just use it as a tool instead of pasting pictures of little girls all over it.

hello I use arch linux its only for the elite in computing society like me

>graphical file manager
What's wrong with ls, mv, and cp?

Please stop.

>Window frames
WTF Why do you need these? That's like 10% of your screen just to remind you what program is running in the window. Use your brain. And it already says it in the bar at the bottom.
I am pissed.

reported for being and idiot

Nice fixed font

I have said nothing illogical. And I didn't even curse at you.
Where's your counter argument, exactly?

your dumb

wtf are you even talking about
let me see yours

I think this guy needs some learning material.

what the heck is going on lads

wtf is this cr*p it isn't cute at all

> favorite Linux programs
mpd+cantata, mpv
kde connect
> window manager
kwin, kwin-tiling is enabled on some virtual desktops

I use Shinobu eating a donut. As you can see, I have multiple instances of Shinobu eating a donut. Shinobu eating a donut is very cute and functional.~

nice pic btw


This thread is full of homosexuals and fat loli obsessed asians.
I have to get out of here before somebody tries to eat me.

thats really functional—i like it, looks like a good space to get work done :coffeesip:

This isn't Twitter, Summerfag.


please do NOT abuse my thread & my good-will with the funny quoting meme—post your linux on the desktop stories & impressions instead. you may also post anime, within reason (special dispensation owing to anime is good). thank you

these are aesthetic as fuck

how do you get them, should I install ubuntu?

i'm using windows 7


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>pedophile using Windows
Every fucking time

they're 5000 years old idiot

Here is my thinkpad with one of my favorite programs running, tilda~!

Speaking of tiling wm, I use ratpoison since a few days and I love it.

There is no wasted space between windows, every program launches at full screen but you can accommodate frames. Ratpoison is so scriptable that you can switch between windows using dmenu or a expose.pl, but of course normally switching windows is just a keyboard shorcut.

I also like moc, is fast and very intuitive. Is also easily scriptable and many people use ratpoison shorcuts to control moc.

Another application is Lyx, very nice for making academic books, is actually a LaTeX editor. Also I recommend sxiv, a sexy and lightweight image viewer.

Although there is one thing bugging me, I need a file manager or an image organizer that is lightweight, has a tree view, thumbnails and image previews (not the same as thumbnails).

Currently using Xfe, which is lacking, I am thinking on using gthumb, which is by no means lightweight.

i didn't read that post

>four or five hours

are you running a pentium 3 or something

Also ratpoison is a manual tiling wm, so your windows don't get resized and repositioned everytime you start a new application.


Yeah, and there is a script to save setups. There are scripts for a bunch of things, is surprising.

But I know it might be not appealing for screenshots, and as I want another wm for a more classic look I am using vtwm for the CDE look. There is also a gtk theme to make gtk applications have a CDE look.

please dont emulate the "CDE look"

pls don't even look @ cde

Gib a gud reason why not, I like the oldies.

its bad

good oldie: twm. sleek. "puts the funk in functional". works perfectly today. easily configured. bad oldie: cde. big dumb panel thing. ironic vaporwave appearance. bad.

I want 4dwm look with the motif (a.k.a. CDE) window borders, and maybe a file manager with the Irix icons. The CDE taskbar is near impossible to find thus far, as it is a good file manager.

ew desu


mpv ~/Videos/Anime/* --loop --shuffle --wid=0 --alang=jpn --slang=eng --volume=40 &
Put this in your .xinitrc and next time you start X it'll set you're wallpaper to you're anime (unless you don't keep you're anime in ~/Videos/Anime/ if not feel free to change that part

Unless twm can have the motif look I will use vtwm for my second wm.

Suck it.

god that guy is fucking gross

the thing that will suck is: your desktop

mpv --wid=0 file.mp4 is what puts the video in the root window

The order of the options don't matter too much; this line is what I use and it just werks
Botnet, use webm

Really, someone has to make a good file manager that is also lightweight.

I know there is a bunch but don't like the visual bloat, just want to browse my pics.

Can I get this on botnet 10

i think so


Lacks thumbnails, not the same as image previews. Worker file manager is similar to ranger but more customizable and in X, but also lacks thumbnails. There was a fm called endeavor mark 2 with both but it was discontinued, so it leaves me with gthumb, which weights as much as 3 times more than any file manager.


i just use the firefox file picker if i need to browse directories with thumbnails desu

this is nice but the css could use work

rate my shit.

it's very bad, you know

I don't know what DE you are using, but is a mess.

Do people really use Linux in 2016?

i do—and I like it. But gosh, i sure wish i had a nice iMac to run Arch Linux on! Oh well, you know what they say: never spend over $1000 on a computer that isn't making you money

Isn't there a /fag/ thread for you?

please leave. that was a very rude post.

hi miles

Nothing wrong with being a faggot.


Hello not desktop thread. After an unsucceful upgrade attempt from Fedora 23 to 24, and bugs with a clean install of Fedora 24, I decided to switch to Arch.

Everything just werked the way it was supposed to. Feels fast.

You're not using the superior original sprites with boxing glove hands.

Are you an ant?

Nothing rude, there was a thread was called friendly apple general and was referencing to that

You know you can just run screenfetch -s, and it will make a screenshot for you. No need to run scrot separately.

Yes I did know you can do that.

On other systems I'm pretty sure when I run scrot from dmenu it takes the screenshot after dmenu dissapears, it took the screenshot quick enough for dmenu to still be showing though, which I didn't notice until I posted.

You can bind your Print button you know? I have
import -window root png:$HOME/snapshot_$(date %Y%m%d%H%M%S)$$.png
no scrot, no bloat.

The laptop I'm on has no print screen key.

Yes I know you can bind a program to take a screenshot to a key

Using LXDE, finally installed Marco to get maximum comfy

why not fvwm or maybe even CDE now that it's FOSS?

what messenger is that?

Mpv, unity


>four or five hours to install linux
that includes downloading the iso on a shitty adsl connection and a shared network right ?