Does anyone know where I can find an ISO for Windows 10 Enterprise with the Anniversary Update...

Does anyone know where I can find an ISO for Windows 10 Enterprise with the Anniversary Update? I can't find one anywhere.

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Enterprise, you retard. Not Home/Pro.

Enterprise doesn't work that way. You need to pay the first month of the subscription for the amount of computers required in advance and they send you a link for a correspondingly licensed online installer.

So I'm fucked when it comes to this update? I can't get it on my PC.

People tell me Pro is better than Enterprise now or Pro is better than Enterprise LTSB or something.

Yeah right, then why aren't all the enterprise customers moving to Pro for less money? The people you know are poorfags trying to convince themselves that what they have is better.

Why do you need enterprise? Just grab the Pro ISO from Microsoft's website and crack it with AutoKMS like all your fellow Sup Forumsentoomen are doing.

I mean 'better' for Sup Forums autism purposes. I honestly don't know though I just read it while I skimmed a thread quickly. I lack context.

Do you want me to spoon feed you?

No, fuck off; we are full.

You can disable telemetry in Enterprise.

What's that gonna do? Your privacy is being invaded regardless, you don't actually have any control over a closed source OS.

The only important setting to disable in Win10 is the p2p update nonsense which can slow your internet down, and that can be disabled on Pro.

Look up generations crack of Win10 LTSB and do an update. Not even sure that the anniversary update was pushed to LTSB yet as my laptop and desktop are running it.
>inb4 omg don't use a touched ISO
You're fucking noobs get a grip

Beyond that, you can defer updates, disable defender, doesn't come with Cortana, isn't preloaded with stupid store shit, less bloat, less bullshit.

>he thinks disabling telemetry actually works in windows 10.

lel this

if anything, "disabling" the privacy invasion settings or installing those placebloat programs that promise to fix win10 spying just sets off a flag and gives advertisers a higher priority to spy on you.

>using Windows for anything but gaymes
>removing the windows gayme store
What the fuck is the point? You don't think you are actually free of the botnet with LTSB, do you?

Yeah, but you can't use it unless you're logged into your Outlook account.

I honestly don't care. Your phone is botnet, your ISP is botnet, every digital thing you use is botnet faggot. Also who the fuck ever used the windows game store. Go back to Sup Forums faggot nigger jew

Get the trial ISO from MS Technet.

You can activate it as full product with volume license spoofing.

Epic agreed

1) No it's not, Enterprise still has shit that can't be stopped, you need Enterprise LTSB to get rid of it.
2) You're asking for the Anniversary update, which did nothing but add more telemetry and remove many methods of disabling it, kind of contradictory.