I'm bored, let's go Sup Forums
/hst/ homescreen thread
The color gradient is cool. I'm not sure I could deal with such a cluttered screen.
Someday I'll eventually finish my own
It's like that because that's the schedule for my university classes.
Wallpaper is animated
>Sunrise Calendar
Why do you still have that...?
Rate me /g
is this the new cell phone desktop thread
I like this. Maybe make more stuff fit the green theme and it'd be like a fallout theme. Looks cool tho friendo
10/10 I like the colorscheme and flow
9/10 all around great
7/10 feels empty sort of
11/10 Always and forever
9/10 Really great
Posted it right before I finished.
Just bought a nexus 6p and I wanna rice
what ROM is best?
That font seems like it is too hard to read to be practical as a clock.
I need to find a different icon for Textra. The height difference vs Gmail is triggering me
Is that supposed to be the Earth, or a giant green orb in the clouds wearing blue panties? That looks stupid as fuck, are you three years old?
Are you in middle school or something?
Is there a Louis-tier android homescreen? (Pastel as fug)
I neeeed inspo
Person who posted this here, it's only 720p because I just grabbed a screenshot I sent someone on Telegram (which compresses shit). That's a Nexus 5X.
Clock looks sick, how did you do it?
what's it say?
keeping it simple
Too cluttered for me the but looks nice otherwise 8/10
Don't like red and icons and such look too big 6/10
The fallout theme is ugly imo 5/10
What the fuck am I looking at? 0/10
Elder God Tier
Not a fan of clock font 9/10
7/10 font is kinda hard to look at.
Icons don't fit imo maybe try Candycons or Cryten? 6/10
Not a fan of vapor wave and this looks empty af 7/20
Heres mine
oh it's one of these threads
Hey family, I'm new to this. How do I make my homescreen not-ugly mode?
where's her face
Literally on this board rn just to find Android recs so I dont have to deal with Apple garbage anymore. At least its cute tho
Looks cool and useful.. what did you use to make it?
Yo Sup Forums what do I add?
Oh my gosh that's beautiful
Thanks user, but not sure how I should set my apps to open I could do what I did here again or look for some icon pack.
Also slight update
can you post that image
Sure, it's a screenshot from Is the order a Rabbit? btw
as an anime professional i'm going to have to ask u to not use that name for it
You are autists
Oh my bad just didn't know how to spell the Japanese name and didn't want to bucher it.
it's ok ur forgiven
thanks for the pic~
What's the name of this icon pack?
r8 me Sup Forumsuys
R8 m8
Is there a way to show your notifications with KLWP?
Okay but your icon pack feels cluttered
>on a phone
I see you don't have gapps, but still, this is no excuse. Phones aren't very secure.
I only use it to browse the occasional .onion site.
Why hasn't anyone made a fork of BlankStore yet? It could use some improving in the visual department..
>no vkontakte
But I'm not Russian.
It's good enough. This way it's not bloated.
Some of these are different packs. Try whicons
Yeah, I see that now. Thanks
What do I do with the unthemes ones? Is there a "good" solution?
Not that guy, but do you know what I do?
I change all of the icons on my homescreen, but I leave the ones in the drawer as they're.
If the icon pack doesn't have an icon you want? Try using something like glaskart that generates icons using the base pack.
I've never had a problem with it
Good idea, then you can choose from multiple packs. But CM launcher doesn't support that. Should I use Nova, or is it botnet?
It is closed source, but the dev is a decent guy. If Nova was a botnet Sup Forums wouldn't be all over it.
Simple and clean homescreen.
Whoops, wrong board lad.
Please tell me the icon pack and the font for the clock
I'll love you long time
As a /legbut/ I'm going to have to kindly decline the invitation you gave them to bring their iPhone shit to lgbt. We have enough of them already. Thanks.
rate my apple peasantry
Nokia Z launcher
where can I find more walls like this?
Sup Forums
I like your icons senpai
Pls r8, no h8
Really new to Android, but I'm getting some good ideas from the thread.
Yeah no I mean to update it for every week.. or have you got the same classes every week?
need that wp senpai
clearly stock/10
-doc slider icon
-essentially the conky of android
+icon pack
cute but center the rocket's exhaust between a column of icons
not really clean at all
get an icon pack
thats some rockstar tech right there. nice.
9.5/10 the clock's too far to the right and almost clips off.
Feels good: VZW m9 finally got s-off support through sunshine.
Feels bad: CM is the only rom I could find that supports it.
Yes I edited the minimum wallpaper.
Yes this concept needs some work.
Updated mine and I think it looks better now.
Le reddit xdxdddxdd le instagrsm xdddddd
Min wasn't doing it for me, not sure if I like this icon pack either tho.
Give me (you)s faggots
how come i can't find a pack with official lollipop icons pulled from a google rom? my phone has stock android except for the icons which are oem and obviously hideous. i want to use unicon so i'll have the new icons applied system wide.
Yeah, I do, but this gives me an idea though.
r8 h8 masturb8