>got a paper from police department
>they request my harddrive
Am I fucked up now? My harddrives are encrypted. What should I do?
>got a paper from police department
>they request my harddrive
Am I fucked up now? My harddrives are encrypted. What should I do?
use bootnuke.
Encrypt your hard drives with bitlocker, Install the windows 10 update, hand them over.
Give em a free shrug while you are at it.
>get some random ass harddrive
>fill it with normie shit
>hand it over
> Police department wants my computer
> Doesn't have a warrant therefore can't raid your house
> You actually thought of complying when they didnt have a warrant
Its pretty clear what you need to do right now...
>police sends you warning letter that they're coming to take your shit
>enough time to get a letter in the mail is enough time to destroy the evidence
Somehow, I don't believe this post.
They do this so that if you encrypt or delete they can fuck you for destroying evidence
If it's already encrypted u might be okay
>Sir, uh, UUID doesn't match with the one we've received from NSA
>"Huh? I don't have a 'hard driver'. What is this mystical device you speak of?"
what happen next
destroying the evidence is a crime in most jurisdictions. probably worse than whatever they think the OP has done. if they thought he was running silk road version 5.0 or whatever, they wouldn't have sent him a letter.
still, he should get an attorney and resist. if they had the leverage to bust in and take it, they would've done that.
asking Sup Forums what to do is insanely stupid. you should be in prison right now for your poor decisions.
>Officer I have no clue what a YUUU-YUUU-EYE-D is. I have a driver's license, will that do?
give them the HDD you paedophile
why so many words?
"no" would suffice
>"huh? I don't have thing"
>get beaten
What os are you running?
Do you watch anime? Do you watch cp?
if they were going to beat you they wouldn't have sent a fucking letter asking you to do something
Things that never happened: the thread
>got a paper from police department
>they request the murder weapon
Am I fucked now? My knife is cleaned. What should I do?
this thread is getting made every week
it's bullshit
You can change the UUID :^)
Tell them to eat shit or get a warrant
I think I see this thread once a week. Op is a baiting fag
That picture could also look like he's having second thoughts and removing the noose instead.
You literally only care if you have something to hide.
Destroy LUKS header then hand it over.
>Tampering with evidence
>it's a if Sup Forums does any of those suggestions, they will get beaten so hard and arrested eventually episode
What do you mean you "got a paper from police department"? You accepted some letter from them or did they just shove you a note under the door?
And why didn't they just come in and take it from you?
Soak it in cocaine, plenty of it. It electro-magnetizes the metal, making a flow of ions reset the chips inside and their physical status erasing any stored information.
Now it you are paranoid, buy a gallon of nitric acid and pour your HDD on it, make sure to blow it close for more effectiveness.
I've encrypted everything with a note: copy what you need, return my shit and you get the encryption key sans-effort.
I'm not worried about them seeing what's on my computers, just that they will ruin/confiscate them prior to the evidence of my innocence.
>Using physical media to store data
>Not having a legion of pigeons flying around your area holding all your data in binary form
Get on my level
if this isn't bait you're a fucking moron
We had this thread a month ago.
tell them that you don't have harddrive, you use:
1. boottable DVD with Linux
2. solid-state drive
>buy new hdd
>clone old hdd contents to new hdd
>hide new hdd
>make normie install on old hdd
>if they have a warrant, they'll take the old one and wont find nuffin
>not having an hdd with normie shit lying around
put a virus on your harddrive.
that way when they check whats on it, they'll get the virus
>they request my harddrive
>instead of just taking it
You might want to just wipe it and be charged for destroying evidence instead of kiddie porn.
new fag detected and underage
Again? How many times have the police requested that one harddrive by now?
install some sort of botnet, fill it with some normie shit and claim it was the botnet that downloaded your cheese.
Simply search for some kind of ransomware and tell them that it had encrypted all your files and then deleted them
>all files created on 3/8/2016
>data transfer in the last two days: 2tb
Not this thread again.
This was funny when it was posted two weeks ago.
>what is SMART
Its not March you fucking idiot
>send a paper to the police department
>request donuts
>not having a fleet of genetically engineered pigeons with rsa-4096 encrypted portions of data embedded in their noncoding DNA
Shitty opsec m8
>they request my hard drive
Send them a letter that says "request denied."
Also, incinerate your hard drive. It's the only secure way to destroy data.
>tfw you're a retarded americunt
Month day year
Why do americans do this
Month: 12 possible values
Day: 31 possible values
Year: 4.54 billion possible values
Month/Day/Year is in ascending order of the size of the range of values that can be fit in each field.
>not having an air gaped machine
>keeping thinks worth raiding on home PC
This, blame Microcuck for ruined dater
>Why do americans do this
Hm, I don't know. Might have something to do with the fact that we say the date as "August 3rd, 2016" in spoken English, not "3rd of August, 2016" like some romance language barbarian.
I say, good show.
>Land of the free
I hope not.
Give it to them
>Post ip and login crews so someone can ransom your box.
If you haven't done anything illegal, check for botnets. You might be a proxy for someone else. If you have been naughty, however:
Reverse parallel construction.
1) Back up non-incriminating data (downloads folder, internet history, dank anime memes).
2) Get gentoo (don't download it at home).
3) Install gentoo (seriously). Set your system clock back a few months first. Map /var and /tmp to RAM, so you have an excuse for no logs/internet history. Configure encrypted swap, if any. Rice like a hipster.
4) Make a rough timeline of what you've used your computer for over the past few months. Pretend anything illegal didn't happen (don't even write it down).
5) Copy across data that supports your timeline. Avoid the temptation to edit data to seem 'more legit', you should have enough data from normal usage to make it seem like this install is a few months old.
6) If you've played online games or installed and used software that you know calls home, install them (in a backdated VM if windows) and test that they work.
7) Don't forget the porn. This is your computer, after all.
5) If you use online services like Steam, a VPN, SSH, or a seedbox, copy the auth tokens / client configuration if possible to maintain the existing client IDs and just reconfigure them if you can't.
6) Install a botnet, like Hola VPN. Anything that will turn your computer into an open proxy and thus excuse unexplained illicit traffic. Imagine that you're just 'not stupid enough' to get a virus and thus didn't bother using protection.
7) Burn anything physical that contradicts the timeline you made in step 4. Burn the timeline, too.
Also, call a lawyer. Chances are they only want the drive because they already know what you've done (thanks NSA) and want proof (via parallel construction) that you did it.
thanks, criminal user.
>sir, the unique bootloader trojan tactically inserted by the NSA into everybodies hard drives doesn't include the correct customer ID
This is the future we live in
Buy a ransomware kit and infect yourself. Give them the drive and explain that it just booted up like this and you have no idea what's wrong.
Use the bitcoins the cops front for the ransom to flee the country.
ITT: America
>having cp
Prison, the life time on the list and the loss of all your family
>destroying the evidence
>getting caught
Even if you don't have time to depose of the destroyed hard drive you can just claim its from along time ago. this whole post is bullshit.
>people getting v& for looking at CP without other people not calling the cops first
Did that ever happen in the history of anywhere? I mean, even since I was 12 I did so much illegal shit on the Internet , from piracy to downloading illegal porn to pirating illegal porn. I've done that in small quantities for almost a decade and neither me nor my parents ever got into any trouble, despite all the horror stories I kept hearing, like people having to pay up to 3000€for a single mp3 downloaded from limewire at the time. Why would the police investigate low grade criminal violations on their own that have no real affect on anything? Is this an American thing, or what?
What else would they want? If OP is a pirater they wouldn't need his hard drive. Where do you live?
Your only option is suicide. After you boot and nuke of course.
Germany. I've never done anything big enough or with malicious intent, but enough to probably earn plenty of jail time. My point is, if you're just a consumer of something, be it drugs, piracy or CP, no one is going to go after you without them getting tipped off. Do you really think the NSA forwards data to the FBI to put 18 year old robots in jail for looking at cp? That's a waste of federal budget.
Is the palm the rest of the world
>better laws than the US on personal freedom
Are you retarded?
I'm allowed to drink beer and wine at age 16, hard alcohol at 18 and our age of consent is 14. Now go and compare that to the US. I dare you. Oh and we don't have to pay $30000 a year to go to college.
Delete sensitive material and give it to them? what are you some kind of a fucking moron?
Yeah but you do get arrested for illegal opinions
Fuck off, invent your own language
Hand over the stolen drive Jamal.
Give them some 2nd hand empty HDDs?
lel lad
They also have to submit to Sharia law. Not really the land of the free in Germanistan.