Did I Just Steal This?

Something tells me I'm gonna get an apology email because someone listed the wrong price...


Newegg already kicked it from my cart God damn it

Stop being a cuck. His fuckup - your benefit.

Payment Authorized.

just how many did you cucks buy? it's out of stock already

can they even do that legaly? I'm pretty sure they can cancel the order here in germany
>tfw not american
>tfw no beowulf cluster with modern i5s for cheap

OP here. I tried to put 2 in my cart before I made a thread and it only accepted one.

They will just do pic related

Bunch of fucking jews, at least make it 10%

>Payment Authorized.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Just bought one thanks, thanks OP.

And now it's out of stock.


why is the first thing retards do when they spot a product listed with the wrong price posting it on Sup Forums?

this only lowers the chances of receiving the item at the listed price, since now hundreds of people order it as well. this happens like twice a week on Sup Forums and it always, always ends with people not getting jack.

why not keep quiet and hope that they don't notice? fucking retard


Mfw I've bought 3tb drives for $20 because I didn't blab on Sup Forums


Don't worry I just contacted Newegg to ask if they would be shipping these, and they said YES (well, they actually said they would look into it)


The seller can just refuse the sale and return the money, and for this, you can, deserve and should be punished for acting in bad faith.

Op post an update if you actually get it or not.
Oh and send me that processor. Thanks senpai

>jumping on good deals is an act of bad faith

stop posting

>mfw this faggot's daily life
>>wake up from the hardwood floor that is my bed
>>get on newegg
>>see what I believe to be a good deal
>>it's such a good deal that it will probably go out of stock in 4 hours
>>decide that I can't buy it because there's a small possibility that it was put up as a mistake and I'd be acting in le bad faith face if I bought it
>>product goes out of stock in 4 hours
>>eventually reviews start going up praising the sale
>>end up buying it full price like a fucking cuck
I guess you have stallshit pictures on your computer, so being a smelly cuck is expected.

You are calling other people jews while complaining that you didn't get enough free money?