Is there any free software which can easily transfer both images and music from your PC to your iPhone?

Is there any free software which can easily transfer both images and music from your PC to your iPhone?

iCancer it is,Carlos

iTunes is free :-)
iFunbox is OSS AFAIK

Buy an android

Surf on, floaty pizza

You don't need any accounts for it?

See pic related.

Have you tried "iTunes" the software made by Apple that's specifically designed to do exactly that?


I'm looking for an alternative. I know there are few softwares doing either, but I'm looking for something that just simply transfers both images and music, nothing else.

Use symbian os

Should be a bunch of WiFi file transfer apps, at least there is on android

Why that pizza is so stiff?



>iFags need a music player to transfer text documents and photos
You can't make this stuff up.

he said free

I use syncthing for everything.
My phone is synced with my laptop, as soon as I take a pic, it's already on the laptop. Same for music. I had music to the folder and it gets synced to the phone.

What about Syncios?


Is mediamonkey actually "safe" to use? It does not track your ass or anything like that? I'm pretty paranoid about any softwares

If you're that serious about tracking, don't use Windows. I can assure you your music player is the least of your concerns if you do.

>Install Airblue Sharing
>Bluetooth it over



Don't jail break.
Install File Explorer, EZ Share, Air Sharing, Air Disk etc
You won't be kewl but you also won't be at risk. You also won't be as ignorant as OP.