I'm building a somewhat budget PC...

I'm building a somewhat budget PC. Is there a recommended CPU set to go along with the GTX 960 that won't bottlneck it to fuck? Intel, please, my motherboard is LGA 1151. I'm looking at the i5 6400, since I can get it for $175 right now, would that work okay?

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did you already get the gtx 960? I'd get a Rx 460 if I were you.

I don't think any cpu for that socket will bottleneck that gpu, so maybe the i5 is the way to go.

Why's that? I'm not 100% versed in this whole thing, I'm more or less learning as I go.

But no, I haven't bought the CPU or GPU yet

It's shit for value now

That i5 will be fine. A cheaper i3 will be fine too.

the RX 460 is only as good as a 960
the RX 470 would be a better buy in this case

get a RX 470 instead of the 960

Would the RX 460 be compatible, though, is my worry. Pic related is the rest of my build, sans the CPU obviously

oh boy here we go

the RX 460 falls at about $110-130 price range for the 2GB model, less powerful than a 960 but uses less power as well. Has support for DX12 async compute which means waaay later down the line once directx 12 picks up it'll probably either catch up or have an edge on the 960.

But, the 960 is not a bad card at all. How much are you spending OP? I'd suggest looking at alternatives. If you wanna cut dollars the RX460 isn't a massive performance dip but it is still a performance dip. It performs like a GTX 950.

RX 470 seems to be the sweet spot, if you can shell out an extra like 40 bucks or so, depending on where you're buying this thing.

To answer your original question though, the i5 6400 is a pretty damn good cpu for the price and will go together like cheese and crackers with whatever the shit you buy that's near-ish to your 960 budget.

The long and short of it is that I'm really trying to squeeze my pennies, you know? I haven't got a lot of money right now and I can't really wait either. So with the fact that I have to buy from Newegg to get the 6400 for $175, I'm left buying there with a budget of about... $175. At MOST.

One ssd
Two sticks of ram
I5 6400 will do swell
Cheapest 470 you can find, which I think is powercolor
That is my recommendation
But you didn't specify what you'd be using the gpu for so the also alters my answer to you

Today's latest and greatest GPUs should all work just fine in your system. You can get the 960, RX460, RX470, whatever, and it'll work fine with that board.

Some side thoughts about your build -- ditch the 2 SSDs and get this one.
RAID makes the SSDs faster but in reality you won't notice the performance difference but you'll have an increased chance of failure.

Also, opt for dual-channel RAM (2x4GB instead of 1x8GB.)

If you wanna squeeze pennies get rid of those SSDs and get the one I linked. Put that money towards an RX470 and have some spare change.

The SSD/HDDs I already have, they were either laying around or a gift, they're just in the list for compatibility purposes

>one ssd
>dual channel ram
You fucker you stole my post

I see. Do you live by a Microcenter?

Not without driving 4 hours into Detroit

Why would you reply to me and not say what you'd be using the gpu for and make me ask again. Is it casual browsing, Cs go? Witcher etc so more demanding titles? 1080p? All this matters. And you say your budget is 175. Is that for ram case mobo and gpu?? Please be more specific man its driving me nuts

Apologies. The short version: I have the RAM, motherboard, PSU and case already. I plan to use it for streaming vidya, anything from Terraria to Dark Souls 3; whatever sounds fun. I don't NEED 1080p ultra max settings, I'm fine with mid range.

Then get the 6400 and the cheapest 470 your could find and oc it is my suggestion
Or second hand a used r9 390 perhaps you can find below 200 with no tax. Even a used 970 will do desu but don't overpay for it
Never buy older generation cards new, only second hand is it worth the value

>have the motherboard already
shit. Looks like there isn't much you can knock down the price for.

My honest suggestion - buy the CPU now, wait a few weeks and get a few extra bucks and get the RX470. The difference will be pretty big from the 960 to the 470. It's like, what, $30-40 more, and at least a 15% perf. difference. You can make that money looking for change. In the mean time you can use the onboard video on the motherboard, so it's not like you'll be without a PC.

Now's a bad time to buy 960s, they're on their way out but the price hasn't dropped yet because NVIDIA doesn't offer any alternatives at that price point.

I see, I see. You raise a fair point. Is it worth getting my friend's old GPU for the time being? He recently jumped to a GTX 1080, leaving his GTX 470 Twin Frozr rotting in a drawer.

I fucking love having spare GPUs, you'll never know when it'll save your life. See if you can get it for under $20.

I had a pair of spare 560Ti's I used as my backup and testers for dead systems, i recently put them in a build and gave it to a poorfag friend for a junkyard build.

If he doesn't wanna go for cheap, just borrow it.

yea its compatible but i would highly recommend a rx 470 instead of the rx 460

Alright. I'll use the money I save not buying a GPU now to upgrade to a 6500, get the 3.2GHz for a little extra breathing room. He also says he'll give it to me for free.

Fucking nice. Enjoy dude.

Idk m8 that card is near worthless
Doesn't seem little it'll run your requirements to a satisfactory kennel level

Thanks for all your help, and that goes to everyone who flicked through this thread at all.

Holy fuck this phone
Delete kennel*

Fyi no intel i5 in the last 3 years will bottleneck a 960 but i recomme,d getting a radeon 470 gpu and whatever cpu you can afford with the leftover money as long as its at least an i5

Buy a refurbished R9 290 on NewEgg and get fucktons better performance than the cards everyone else is recommending.

You don't need a fucking 6500, dude. Get an R9 290 and a 6400. Fuck. I mean unless all you plan to play is CSGO.

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