What email providers do you use?

And which one you think is the most secure (and not based in USA ofc)?

Other urls found in this thread:


Proton Mail. You can get the free version of it and send/receive 500 emails. Its based in Switzerland and they have some of the most secure internet infrastructure and internet privacy laws in the world there.

Only bad thing is, is that its browser access only. You can't access it via outlook, thunderbird, k-9, etc


This shit do not support pgp so it cant be considered secure at all.

Tutanota is same shit but much better.
Cheaper, easier to set shit up and doesnt force you to use Google services.

Email you say? sigaint.org or rather their tor site. No tracking ips, no cookies.

You can set up outlook/thunderbird to use tor as a proxy and download/send messages even.


Who here /owndomain/?

>Buy a cheap VPS in Switzerland
>Use your own domain from Namecheap
>Configuration is easy as shit
>Control every aspect of it such as:
>2 Factor Auth. when going on the web client
>Everything over HTTPS
>PGP Encryption enabled as default
>No shitty Security Questions (shit like 'what street did you grow up on?')

What programs do you use? Also I don't understand the pgp as default thing

Fastmail is super unrepresented on Sup Forums.

On my server I use the 'Mail-in-a-box' software bundle, you can find a few guides about installing and setting it up floating around on the web, once I had that running, I generated a free SSL certificate using lets encrypt to make sure that everything was running over HTTPS and then installed a 2 Factor Auth. plugin for the mail server.

PGP is a protocol for encrypting emails, its pretty useful if you are on an ISP or network that loves spying on you - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy .

Thx for this useful answer. How easy is it to backup your mail ?

>Renting a server you don't even own

It was pretty easy, its just a matter of reading up the guides and following it very carefully.

I got my email server up and running (plus with the extras such as SSL and 2 Factor Auth.) in around 4 hours.

So, you've never heard of self-maintained/physical access servers?

>Reminder: Home-hosted online services are pajeet tier.

Selfhosted mail is a bad idea. Your letters will go straight to the spam folder. Tons of spam, ugly opensource webgui.

>2 Factor Auth. when going on the web client
Why the fuck do you need 2FA?
>PGP Encryption enabled as default
GPG is a client side thing. Or you want to run actual encryption (eg for iphones) on a vps?

>Self hosted mail is a bad idea.
...the whole point of Self hosted email is to have an alternative email service rather then using the bigger email services (gmail for example), I used my own webmail because I didn't like gmail and the fact that I wanted to control my own service instead of leaving it up to a multimillion dollar cooperation.

> ̶L̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ emails will go straight to the spam folder
Not really, all my emails appear in my normal inbox. If you are using an email provider than automatically sends all new mail to spam (aol, yahoo etc.), then you might want to consider moving away from your provider.

>Tonnes of spam
Not really. If you don't post your email out on the internet and listen to your common sense than you won't get spam, period. And if spam does happen, then just enable a filtering policy.

>Ugly Opensource WebGUI
You get the opensource gui, get the ui templates and then edit the HTML to make it look nice. It's too easy.

>Why the fuck do you need 2FA?
Here you go: welivesecurity.com/2014/02/11/two-factor-authentication-what-is-it-and-why-do-i-need-it/

>PGP Encryption enabled as default
What I meant was that I use PGP on all my outgoing emails and that my server will not send an email if it hasn't been PGP signed.

I also see that Google Translate has served you well, Pajeet.

Yup, go Protonmail.

Tutanota is in Germany. Germany is one of the 14-eyes countries, and Germany's laws are getting worse and worse privacy-wise. privacytools.io/#ukusa

From le plebbit:

>In terms of jurisdiction, nobody really comes close to the Swiss when protecting privacy.
>They are not part of the EU so they can really tell everybody to f*** off (which they have done repeatedly in the past).

>There's a write up about the Swiss legal environment here: blog.protonmail.ch/switzerland/
>The main points are, no wiretapping without a court order, and the target MUST be notified. >ProtonMail is also exempt from Swiss data retention laws which only apply to ISPs.

Are you concerned about the 'metadata' or the actual mail contents? If you're mailing into the US or anywhere they have "access" being outside the US is pointless.

Secure the email contents with PGP, beyond that most providers will have similar security measures in place.


Cock.li is teh best

I use Openmailbox.org

Dunno what others think of it on here, but I think it's great and it works in email clients.


Actual humans answer support calls when something goes wrong.

I think he meant any email you send to someone will be marked as spam

should we put Sup Forums approved email services in the sticky or something, this thread happens at least 2-3 times a day

>Sup Forums approved
Good luck getting a 100% consensus.

people tend to forget about the wiki

>my own
>cock.li with gpg everything

the wiki is authored by the people who bother to edit it. that doesn't mean everyone agrees.

i'm using teknik.io