QBittorrent is too goddamn buggy for daily use. Why does Sup Forums recommend it?

It lost my torrents TWICE today, and it keeps my Windows 10 desktop from shutting down.

Why the fuck is this client so buggy? Why the fuck doesn't Sup Forums know this is a problem with qBittorrent?

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What sort of bugs are you getting? System specs?

And by twice I mean today, for the 2nd time, my torrents were gone when I opened my client.

Fuck this fucking shit.

works for me, get a better computer i guess.

2 separate times I had to reload my torrents into the client because it just lost them for no reason and also, qBittorrent keeps my Windows 10 machine from shutting down.

Specs are just an Intel i5 2500k basic PC.

Are you talking about your .torrent files or the actually data?

Are you having them save to a certain location?

Try out picotorrent. picotorrent.org/download/

The torrents that are loaded into the client are gone when I open the client. I like to keep a couple dozen torrents seeded when I use my PC and when I opened qBittorrent today, my torrents were gone and I had to dig into the "backup" folder to get them which I suspect the devs added because they know qBittorrent loses torrents easily.

My PC is fine. Fresh install of Windows 10 that is only a couple months old and the only thing I run is an i5 2500k with 8GB of Crucial RAM. Nothing else. Every other program runs flawlessly on this PC except qBittorrent.

That is way too basic and amateur looking for me to try. Looks like it's alpha level. Maybe when they get to 1.0 I will consider it.

you could try setting up custom places to save uncompleted downloads, and completed downloads in the settings


It's not the downloaded files. It's the torrents that are loaded into the client that keep disappearing.

I fount it buggy as fuck as well, using utorrent now cause i just want stuff to actually download.

So they'll be downloading and then just go away?

I use qBittorrent to seed a couple dozen things, shut it down, then shut my PC down.

Next day I turn it on, open qBittorrent and the torrents are missing from the client. It's completely blank.

That is odd. Like I said though; I'd keep your .torrent files your seeding in its own directory, and tell qbitt to look there for them to seed out. see if that works

>using qStalledmeme

I have never encountered a bug in qBittorrent and I use it all day since years. Windows 10 and bloatware are probably the culprit, I recommend trying the portable version because you wont find another open source client with the same features.

If you don't care then install Tixati which is also written in C++ and very light/stable.

I have no problems, maybe your retarded.

>qBittorrent keeps my Windows 10 machine from shutting down.

>too goddamn buggy
>used it myself for years now with literally zero issues
Some people shouldn't be allowed into computers

Works fine for me, op is a fag.

>my Windows 10


It probably also helps to use a sane operating system, such as GNU/Linux.

I use qBittorrent with Windows 10 and I don't have any issues. It's probably something else.

i've always had issues running qbt NOT on windows, use transmission or, better yet, deluge

>Windows 10 and bloatware are probably the culprit,

This is the most retarded comment in this thread.

works fine on ubuntu, bitch

I had the same shit happen
lost all my torrents multiple times

went back to utorrent 2.2
never had a problem since

Guys I just use Regular old Bittorent.
Is there anything wrong with that?
Does it have a secret bitcoin miner?

You're lucky. qBittorrent is known to go on deletion sprees too. There's a reason nobody serious about torrenting uses it. It's a meme client.

>Regular old Bittorent
Since you're not even bright enough to list the version I'm not going to chase after you. If you want a good client just use uTorrent 2.2.1. (when it asks if you want to update, hit "NO".) 2.2.1 is accepted on all private trackers and it works like a dream.

We know. That's why we use uTorrent 2.x.

>Since you're not even bright enough to list the version

Fuck you nigger.

>Sup Forums is comprised of an extremely vocal minority of retarded Winfags

>qbittorrent is buggy
good meme. very good. i like.

>RTorrent Master Race

Like I said, you're stupid. You don't know you can install other versions and you don't even have a clue what version you're running.
uTorrent 2.2.1 is too good for you.

Moot confirmed that Linux users are in the vast minority on Sup Forums. Your percentage is only slightly higher than other boards. None of you have anything to talk about but your OS since your OS is your only hobby, so Linux just tends to get talked about more.

>Like I said, you're stupid.


is this what they call an autistic outrage?

omfg can we have a /torrent client/ thread without autistic spammers?


Not much to talk about.
>"I'm having an issue with qBittorrent!"
>"Oh, that's a known issue with qBittrorrent."
So this was /threaded long ago.

>no halite
Try halite.

Works on My Machine™

in b4 win10 bans torrenting

Utorrent. Free software is kike brainwashing to bring about communism

I had the same thing happened to me. Both on NSA/Windows and Ubuntu. It's a known issue, it's said to be fixed but it's not. Check it's issue tracker.

I've switched to deluge on Ubuntu and Tixati on NSA/Windows. Zero issues.

Works fine on me.

>Windows 10
Well THERE'S yer problem.

Tried it for two months, two months of agony, went back to uTorrent.

352 torrents loaded, 216 GBs transferred in the last 10 days.

I'm on FTTB 100/40, unlimited, and over a dozen drives totaling over 15TB of space where hundreds of gigabytes of data are juggled every month.

Oh and I've been on Win10 since early windows insider beta.

Just torrent on your Linux home server like a normal person. rtorrent is better than anything available on Windows anyway.

>on your Linux home server
>like a normal person

This is why you don't have friends.

>autistic furfag dragon splash screen

I know you can disable it but still, only thing I dont like about qbt

dragons don't have fur you dumbass

I bet you get triggered by reading fantasy novels

>still torrenting
Slower for legally downloading anything that has a direct download available, and fucking stupid to use on pirating because you're fucking broadcasting your IP address to content owners that will fuck you, yes, even in your seekret club torrent sites.

I swear, I have no idea how this fucking retarded "technology" is still relevant. Just goes to show that today's dumb fucking society will cling on to the most retarded shit forever because they don't know any better (see: smartphones).

deluge works pretty gucci with windows tbqfwy senpai

>Slower for legally downloading anything that has a direct download available
Private trackers max my DL almost always because everyone runs a seedbox.

>broadcasting your IP address to content owners that will fuck you
I don't live in the US so i don't give a fuck and neither does my ISP.

ymmv tho

I use ktorrent

>Windows 10
You should probably kill yourself.

The mlp client? no way i'm using that

>using anything other than Deluge
>actually using Windows 10


>you're fucking broadcasting your IP address

Nobody uses tixati.

But I do have friends, one of them liked my home server so much that he bought my first build and is using it himself even now, years later.

>10kb/s and only connects to a few seeds
>utorrent 2.2.1
>1MB/s and connects to all seeds

works on my machine

>I don't live in the US
But your country is probably under the influence of the US and you WILL get fucked for torrenting.

I don't understand how non-US citizens are still deluded that they are immune from US law when pretty much every one of them get fucked regularly by US regulations.

>people haven't gotten over their baby duck imprinting on utorrent 15 years later
This is actually fucking insanity.

>Windows 10
Found the problem. Probably that handy anti-piracy "feature"

are you just making shit up or do you have something to refer to?

Not him, but around here ISPs literally advertise their 1000Mbps connections based on how quickly you can download full BR movies. There aren't any legal services that allow you to download full BR movies around here, so what they're referring to is pretty clear.

>Windows 10
There is your problem, you dunce.

Yeah i don't deny that it's a possibility but for now i'm safe.

And taking into account that over here everyone pirates (even asking someone "did you watch X movie" implies that he/she torrented it) if something like the "stop torrenting pls" notifications happen the ISPs will probably lose customers.

>I swear, I have no idea how this fucking retarded "technology" is still relevant.
What's the superior alternative to downloading things you """"own""""?
Oh wait there is none.

Never happened to me in three years. Also hasnt closed down at least in two years even once unexpectedly.

And I run it 24/7/365 in a VM.

Been one year since I discovered qBittorrent - I literally had 0 problems.



Kill yourself Winfag.

use it everyday and have no bugs faggot

get rid of your shit pc

>windows 10
There's your problem. It works perfectly on 7. Windows 10 has a subtle anti piracy feature. Remove that bloated OS and install something else.

I have never had the issues youve had
Why does everybody have a fuckin vedetta against QB

I have never actually had it bug out on me. You are supposed to stop your torrents and close you client before you shutdown anyway. You being retarded isn't a bug on its part.

>bug on closing and restarting qBittorrent?
>Let me tell you about my server that never shuts down!

It's a bug with qBittorrent restart, moron. If anything interrupts the shutdown/restart it will forget all your torrents and will occasionally delete all your downloads. (I have my suspicion that's linked to its behavior of redownloading files it can't find. It's probably loading the torrents, hitting a snag, starting off the redownload process by deleting what's there, then it finishes the trip by losing the torrents.)

What's your next post going to be?
>Windows 98 bit rot? What bit rot? I've never installed a single application on mine and it still runs like new!

How is a new download from their site an "Old regular bittorrent"

OP, what version of the program are you running? This sounds like a bug the program had back in the 2.x branch at the very beginning.

>qBittorrent keeps my Windows 10 machine from shutting down.
>keeps my Windows 10 machine
>Windows 10

I have used Qtorrent for 2 years.

Nothing EVER has happened like that EVER.

Also check picture

It's called Deluge because it's like uTorrent shit but diluted.

It works fine for me desu.

Running uTorrent 2.2.1

its literal perfection, i will never understand why people use stalltorrent

Been using it for over a year now – no issues.
>0 crashes
>0 bugs
>0 times stalled

µShill fags pls go.

Using it for over a year and never encountered any bug

You're the problem here faggot

>using proprietary software ridden with known and unknown exploits that connects to the Internet and hundreds of thousands machines a day

Get the fuck off of Sup Forums

find one know documented exploit for uTorrent 2.2.1, just 1 (one), and ill eat my shit live on stream for you

I suppose you use a free VPN, wich one ?

It's what's running the torrents on server. I'm pretty happy with it.

I am still using qB version 3.3.1.

Is 3.3.6 stable enough to warrant upgrading?

Prepare that livestream

You are retarded