Updated windows 10 to the latest update

>Updated windows 10 to the latest update
>Do it overnight
>Look at a few creepy messages, system starts
>Some changes, but everything works as intended

>Updating Centos 6 installation
>466 new updates
>Kernel panic
>System is ready for the bin

Yeah, how is linux more stable again Sup Forums people? Tell me why it does such things and there are still retards that think it is more stable, good god.

Other urls found in this thread:


will Microsoft fuck me over if I pirate win10?

Im not aware of any working windows 10 cracks at the moment. But 7 and 8 are easily crackable.

No such thing as prated win10, just dl official ISO and at key press "i don't have a key" should work flawlessly with minor restrictions

Minor restrictions such as?
I mean a pre-activated one

>and at key press "i don't have a key" should work flawlessly with minor restrictions
3E ;^)

Watermark and cant change desktop image via uwp settings.

Nothing tragic.

crack 7. Update to 10. Have legal copy.

There are OEM keys for sale for 25 bucks, what's wrong with you?

this seems like the best way thanks
I want to keep my 25 bucks

>using centos

I could basically have posted any of your shitty linux distributions and would always get this exact answer from one of you lintards.

Centos is used because you can install centreon monitoring through the repositories, simple as that.

I won't compile that shit myself anymore, self compiled versions tend to break after each update, loonix woohoo.

you sound overly salty

>Updating Centos 6 installation
>466 new updates
you do know that centos 6 was released in 2011 ? what the fuck did you expect ?

You know that windows 7 was released in 2009 you fuckin idiot? It still updates without any fuckin problems.

Last time I updated that piece of shit was about 3 months ago. So what's your argument now dipshit?

It's a Centos 6.8 installation by the way so shut your whore mouth.

Are you people fucking retarded?


Pre activated ones exist, I'm running one for over two months now. The Anniversary update didn't trigger but you can do that manually from Microsoft's website, no issues with pirated yet, I imagine the moment they flip the switch to "pay monthly to keep using your OS" I'd get cucked as well though.

You should probably just pay somebody else to do it for you if you're literally too retarded to maintain a server.

>install ubuntu on laptop
>message comes up if I want to upgrade system
>after everything is the system reboots
>black screen
>nothing happens when I try to reboot again and again
t-thanks linux
never again
this has happend 4 times now

>facebook filename
>can't use linux

Why would you use Windows 10 when 7 and 8 are simpler, easier to use and less bloated?

>Updating Ubuntu Xenial
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt-get upgrade
>no restart required
>no kernel panic

Try Windows, it's designed for people just like you.

I'm a gamer girl!

You do know CentOS 6 hasn't reached EoL yet and is still one of the most used server OS?

Honestly Linux fags on Sup Forums are pathetic.

DX12 is still irrelevant right now.

Desktop Linux is a bit of a hack. It can work fine if you're really willing to get in deep, but it's nowhere near as foolproof as Windows (and even Windows isn't great).

The update period is over mang

all the new xbox games are windows 10 only

It's stable if a server is left on its own for a year or something.
However, Windows is stable too nowadays, Linux is just suited better for high load environments.

Which games are that?

Except not really. You can still upgrade no problem.



So what dumb fuck 3rd party software repositories did you have installed to skull fuck your system to death?


Jesus christ I had to check the date to make sure it's not 2010. Why are modern graphics still so mediocre?


>update ubuntu from 15.10 to 16.04 LTS
>leave laptop alone to update
>come back in 3 hours
>updater stopped at like 10% to ask if it can replace a file I modified earlier
>click ok and leave again
>come back
>another popup stalling the update
>sit next to laptop this time, click through everything
>update done 2 hours later
>takes 30 years to boot
>get 10 "system encountered an error" popups every hour
>have to spend several hours poring over logs to fix the issues because nobody in the linux community thought to include some kind of error details with the error popup
>reinstalling the OS was actually the quicker solution

2016 year of the linux desktop

wew thanks lad

No one said linux is more stable. But linux does not intend to sell your personal information and your ass to the highest bidder. Which is why many people choose to use it.

>upgrading ubuntu 14 to 16
>continue browsing Samoan basket-weaving forums for the entire time
>check every now and then if the terminal wants something from me
>after 1 hour I reboot the system
>wa la

Works on my machine :^)

Found the problem

Nice meme

>Desktop Linux is a bit of a hack
Not really in my experience. I'd been using Linux exclusively for the past 6 years now and I've never experienced any instability.

Why are you lying on the internet user? Is it ok for you to dedicate half of your time fixing shit that should not be broken in the first place?

Epic meme bro

Thanks idiot, that person would do the same as I do now, simply install from scratch and move the settings file over.


An intelligent os would check before if there's anything bad.

It is a fuckin clean machine that has NOTHING but the centreon installation from the official centreon repositories on it, god damn.

I had Ubuntu 12 LTS on one of the most common and popular laptops ever made (T420) and an update still broke the internet.
Then I had to get another PC to find the patch, because unlike Winblow$, Linux won't just give you the option to uninstall the update.


Windows 10 has been crack-able since Day 1.

>install raspbian
>apt-get update
>apt-get upgrade
>kernel panic

top z0z

You could've tried selecting the "Report problem..." option which would've given you a crash report that includes name of the crashed program, system information, system logs at the time of error, versions of installed packages and a full stack trace.

So that kernel panic is obviously a known problem. Found this reddit post.

"As it turns out, for some unknown reason the initramfs was not built; /boot/initramfs-2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64.img was not created during the yum update process. This is apparently a known bug dating back for many years, although the particular origin is ... mystic.
Booting to the previous kernel and issuing yum reinstall kernel resolved the problem; however, from now on I'll be going through the following process religiously even on my low priority servers:
Install new kernel
Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf to set default=1 so the last known good kernel will boot by default
Set the new kernel to boot once only with echo "savedefault --default=0 --once" | grub --batch
Reboot and make sure the new kernel boots, otherwise reboot back into the old kernel
Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf to set default=0 now that the new kernel is known to boot"

This is absolutely ridiculous, if microsoft did something like that people would shit in their offices.

I'm on Debian testing and I haven't had too many troubles. It reminds me of running XP. Things break but you fix them. That's kinda how I like my PC. I would rather be able to fix my shit than to just always be forced to reinstall Windoze everytime something goes wrong.

Now that I've said this does anyone dare me to full-upgrade??? :^)

I like computers. If I have to spend a few hours every couple of months fixing something that I broke on my computer, I consider that a hobby. At least I'm learning instead of just swallowing Steve Ballmer's sweaty glans.

But if you need your system to either fix everything for you, or you just want to reinstall every time something goes wrong, go for it. Also enjoy your virus of an operating system.

>implying this is user error
loonixers deep in denial

>wa la
>murican trying to say voila

>he bought laptop with AMD graphics

big if true

you do know that you can buy a key for 15 euros

>So that kernel panic is obviously a known problem.

of fucking course it's a known problem that has been around for years (rhel6/centos6 is almost as old as windows 7), that's literally why every fucking LTS distro with OLD packages are used by people at all and especially so on servers, so that the people who have a fucking clue and can read the fucking manual know ALL the bugs, ALL the quirks, ALL the odd behaviours and things to expect, so that they don't irrevocably break their system and so the fucktards that do break their system know what to do to recover it

stark contrast to what you and fucktard OP would like to portray where microsoft is apparently immune to pushing bad updates, do you guys live under rocks or do you live by the words "werks on my machine"?

>Booting to the previous kernel

oh look at that, booting to a previously known good kernel that EVERY FUCKING DISTRO EVER SAVES TO GRUB results in a working system, hey you could learn something from this

>This is absolutely ridiculous, if microsoft did something like that people would shit in their offices.

microsoft do shit like this ALL THE FUCKING TIME, do you literally not pay attention to tech websites when they report that pushed nvidia drivers broke booting on systems(very recent), broken updates that were pushed resulting in very long (>10-20 minute) boot times, major windows updates resulting in broken systems "something happened", or a whole plethora of issues related to updates