Go to Louvre in Paris

>Go to Louvre in Paris
>Near entrance, under the pyramid
>Apple store
When did "techmology" make you sad?

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There are lots of other shops there as well user.

Don't worry, some refugee will probably blow it up soon when they realize that Apple is gay.

yeah but the OP doesn't have a borderline autistic sense of propriety over those industries. a tech store at the louvre has to be what he wants or he'll be sad.

The French are dependent on apple stuff. Literally 80% of the population has an iPhone. I've never seen so many sheep.

yes, but none trigger my autism as hard

How about no fucking shops at all? That is a historic building turned business.

sure. i can respect that perspective. but the OP is sad about the apple store and technology. this isn't about the sanctity of a historic and influential museum.

wao lulz sheep so epic

You need money to run something like the Louvre

isn't it funded by the french government (and in turn by the people)?

more sources of income = more money

It's been there since they built the pyramid dummy.

you're creating a chicken and egg problem without acknowledging the true nature of it. perhaps there's enough money from taxpayers to keep the louvre running, but it would have to be in a limited sense. maybe reduced hours, but more likely serious limitations in the acquisitions that can be made and the conservation that can be done.

so leasing some space upstairs might give them some amount of extra income per year - might be a lot, might be a small amount - and they can use that extra income to do more ambitious things.

so it's not fair to say that they need it to run the louvre, but it's also not entirely inaccurate either. i'm also not entirely clear on whether anyone here who has thought about it this much honestly objects very strenuously to the presence of retail stores if it means growing the louvre's purse considerably. like i agree that it would be preferable to not have stores, but not MORE preferable than having a thriving louvre is.

or at least, this combination (the apple store isn't *inside*, like adjacent to the paintings; and whatever this has allowed the louvre to acquire and preserve seems to be working) doesn't bother me enough to make me demand that it stop.

i feel like this is like objecting to sweatshops in third world countries. like yeah we all disapprove in principle, but we're all still buying clothing that couldn't possibly be this cheap if the workers weren't being treated like slaves.

You are off by 20 years, retard.
Pyramid opening: 1989
Apple store: 2009


French aren't human.

Tom Hanks found Jesus great great great great great great granddaughter by solving a puzzle there.

I understand what you mean and would agree, but the louvre isn't really historical much. It's a modern museum that looks like shit and aged like milk compared to real historical monuments.

>historic building
Built in 1989

Historic != Historical.

>historic underground shopping center


France has 70% Android, higher than Burgerland.

Va te suicider, tarlouze.

Hahaha, from what year do you hail? Don't worry, you won't be leaving this time with your dignity intact.

Oh look, another whiny non-technology thread. When does school start back up again?

Oh no, this isn't yet another AMD/NVIDIA thread. What are you, 5?

The pyramid looks more out of place desu.

Seriously, why would you do this?

Because art you bigoted swine. I bet you are able to appreciate architecture and craftsmanship wtf is wrong with you, I'm fucking triggered.

i bet you don't believe in magnetisum and power that a structure like a pyramid, with the right proportion, can harvest.

since you are here you should taste the montardes at the shop Maille.
There is also Mariage Frère if you want tea or offer tea. It's not expansive at all (7.5€ the 100g)


well, it's what you find in supermarkets all over France
of course it's not expensive

>mfw burgers always think our basic food is luxury

When idiots started falling for the smartphone fad. NO technology is worse for our society or a bigger worthless, barely functional, inferior clusterfuck than this garbage technology that is destroying our society.

actually no. in our supermarkets you don't find those teas. you have to go to a tea shop. And about the shop Maille, they have a lot of different moutardes that you won't find in other places

your commentary just reads like a faggot who's bitching and whining about society in general and finding the latest scapegoat to blame its "demise" on. didn't xkcd do a comic about this?

jesus he did. if your commentary has been pre-empted by an xkcd comic, it's unequivocally stale.

na, it's just old if it's on xkcd, stale is when your argument is brought up in dilbert comic

Because Chinese fashion accessories are apparently art etc.

desu it's better than a walmart
