You lying sacks of shit. You told me to learn C++ and then I'd be a fucking computer magician...

You lying sacks of shit. You told me to learn C++ and then I'd be a fucking computer magician. This Is not what you said It was Sup Forums. Im allocating memory. ME. THE USER IS ALLOCATING MEMORY! WHAT FUCKING YEAR DO WE LIVE IN? FUCK C++, too bad Im stuck at a fucking company now with this bullshit language. " Oh just learn It, bash your head Into a keyboard then you'll enjoy It. I sit In a fucking cubicle for 8 hours a day coding software for FUCKING 30 /hr.... I COULDVE DONE LIBERAL ARTS

Other urls found in this thread:

nobody said this

Haskell is where magic happens, learn that

C++ is basically 1970s shit

EVERYONE. Said. This.

" Oh silly user, learn c++"
" Learn C++ faggot "
"Get gud also c++"
">Implying language other than c++"

Don't you fucking lie to me. I'm making 60 grand a year after spending two years learning this fucking shit. It's probably a dead fucking end and now I'm wage slaving life. Only difference Is I make 40 grand more than the burger flipper wage slaves. I'd rather be a burger flipper, that way I wouldn't be working unpaid overtime every fucking night. Indian coworker literally sleeps under his desk some nights.

should've learned web development

More job options and money

Well that ship has sailed. No one told me c++ coders are like Jews In Egypt. Ain't got no time for shit. Seriously contemplating sleeping at my desk tonight. I'd be out of there by 12 anyway.

What do?

Try to make shitty game people will buy?

Compsci careers literally require the employee to be on the spectrum.

They may be able to have friends and go to parties, maybe even get a hot gf, but OP, you are very deluded to think a normie could sit at a desk for 8 hours solving ridiculous bullshit with what could be considered arcane runes for all they know.

>OP is normie and just now finding out

But... I know c++..... I could surely just learn a more in demand language? It's not like Im stuck here or anything. But 60k a year at 22 Is a lot.

This, take whatever time off you may have and learn HTML / CSS / JavaScript. There are a MASSIVE amount of frameworks and libraries used in web development, but as long as you have a strong foundation in those three languages you can pretty much conquer anything, AND you already have experience in C++! So many faggots complain about how JS is difficult to learn and isn't like the other two, but having studied C++ for a year I was able to tear through JavaScript like a hot knife through butter.

Easy salary bump in less than a month.

how retarded are you that you can only learn one thing? web development is braindead easy, especially compared to advanced c++.

Because.... HTML Isn't a programming language? To be honest I just wanted to program, saw that It finally clicked with me and I didn't care to diverge. Next thing you know I get an offer about a year In to work on software (mostly optimization, engines, kill yourself shit ) but for good money. Me being naive, and not realizing the only good paying comp sci jobs are In silicon valley didn't realize that I'd be stuck forever In a mess I didn't expect. I thought I'd be drinking mountain dew and coding through the night writing an indie game. I WAS NOT PREPARED. This Is some mental breakdown shit bro. Honestly I could knock out html and CSS In a week. I already know javascript. But I can't design, or do art. Time to kill self. Sup Forums lied...

Yeah you could, but you'd just be back here complaining about how you're still not a Sup Forumsod. The problem is, you don't seem to be interested in the actual power c++ offers you because it seems to bore the shit out of you. Sorry bud, that's most of the languages.

Normies care about the end, not the means.
Wizards and the like get just as excited about the means as the end, and use the latter for dickwaving.

Don't drop philosophical shit on me bro. I know C++, I'm actually pretty damn good at It. So good my boss thinks I have assburgers. I just want to kill myself every other second of the day. Python seems like a dream compared to this, I can literally do what takes four lines and do It In one. I just can't get optimization where It would need to be. And since my job Is... Surprise surprise optimization I don't have much of a choice In language. If I was working on something Indie I'd be orgasming. I just can't afford to ditch 60k a year at 22.

html is like 5% of what you do in web development. Even CSS is a small part. most of the labor comes in at the javascript/php/SQL shit, which is programming.

so youre bragging about making more money than most people your age because you're 'allocating memory', which is the entire point of using a low level language? i don't get it.

>not realizing the only good paying comp sci jobs are In silicon valley
You're absolutely right. The bay area, a few cities in Texas, and that one research park in North Carolina are just about the only places that have tech jobs in the US. Everywhere else either requires 15+ years of experience or has no tech industry to begin with.

>But I can't design, or do art.
Pfffffhahahahahha holy shit! Just find a few page designs that you like and try to copy those, that's what everyone else does. Seriously, go to and tell me how many small business sites you've seen that don't look exactly like that.

Up are not a user you are a designer, you are allocating memory because it's your job

You're not the user, you're the progammer.


>I sit In a cubicle for 8 hours a day coding software for 30 /hr.... I COULDVE DONE LIBERAL ARTS AND BE FLIPPING BURGERS FOR 8/hr

We got him lads, hahahahahahahhahaha, another day, another one meme'd.

pretty sure op is baiting

Programming is a high paying soul destroying job that leaves no time for learning other non programming related skills or hobbies. It's even worse when working on something you didn't make our don't care about.

Do what most DO. Get a gf or get drugs. Is say quit but your boss is probably waiting to replace you with a pajeet anyway

If the user is allocating memory then you fucked up OP.
Enjoy your buffer overruns.

If you wanted to become a wizard you should have learned Haskell.
Then you'd definitely never get laid.

Why is a 22 year old bitching about making $60k a year?

That's what I'm wondering. Fucking millenials thinking that if you're not doing something you like right off the bat you're better off not doing it.

OP you are from Sup Forums aren't you? You sure sound like one.

I had something like that, but in uni.

>"You can use any programming language, but I will be able to help you only if you will be using C++"

And it was like that on almost every single programming related subject I had (and we had WAY TOO MUCH). The only exception was subject related to microprocessors systems, where we had to use C, because of having to be very economic with memory.

I hate programming today.

>falling for memes rather than doing research

>tfw fell for the piston 3 meme
>tfw fell for the chinkpad meme
>tfw fell for the gentoo meme
>tfw fell for the win10 free upgrade meme
>tfw fell for the amd has better price/perf ratio meme
>tfw fell for the private tracker meme

Fuck you op I started my cs degree at 21 and you make more than most people in my country

Learn Lisp to become a real wizardd

Not the languages fault you made dumbass decisions and now are stuck with a crappy dead end job you hate. Should have learned a real language that has actual career potential.

>Indian coworker literally sleeps under his desk some nights.
you work with pic related?

Haskell is just the C++ of functional languages, so, no.

as in of course

>60 grand a year
>still complains
What a spoiled yankee bitch, top kek

Burnout. Take a break and go on vacation. Or start looking for a different job.

And when I say vacation, don't just lay around at home. I mean get away from everything. Take a trip somewhere that you don't have stress. Get a massage, get laid, and relax.

Maybe look for a different job when you get back anyways.

C++ is a top language because of its libraries. It has momentum. Also Graphic libraries specifically.

Should've just majored in Physics instead

>memory allocating
What exactly do you mean by this?
You allocate memory in the same way you do in all languages.

If you use smart pointers, you can just create the pointers and they will be de-allocated when nothing is referencing them.

You could also use c-style memory management, although that is rarely a good thing as pajeets cannot seem to figure out how to de-allocate memory again.

>Haskell is just the C++ of functional languages, so, no.
No, Common Lisp is.

Kill yourself, they still haven't found a cure for mental retardation.

Common Lisp is more like Perl: hackable and extensible, a lot of ways to do the same thing, and made obsolete by more crippled and babby-friendly successors.

Are there no programming jobs that work 40 hour weeks? I thought unpaid overtime only happened in game dev.

Underage or retard detected.


I do 40h weeks Android/Java programming. Overtime would be nice for extra cash though (since I'm paid hourly)

Can you stop being a fucking baby? You took 2 years of experience and turned it into 60k a year. I'm not your age and I am still studying so I'm working 60 hours a week @ 8/hr. Be appreciative.

So work somewhere else, retard.

Programmers are treated like gods these days- that won't last, so ride the fucking gravy train while you still can

>FUCKING 30 /hr
>unpaid overtime
You're letting yourself get fucked. There are laws against before forced to work off the clock. Unless you're salary.

But you should have gone operations...
> Exchange admin
> 32 hrs / week from home
> Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays off
> $85/hr

WTF user, you actually listen to Sup Forums for career advice..?

BTW in almost any C++ thread there are enough people that stretch that C++ is a language from hell.

The good news is: now that you know C++, every other language will feel like heaven for you!

Then learn another fucking language and get another fucking job you fucking wanker.

>listening to Sup Forums
>taking advice from Sup Forums
You deserve it, retard.

C++ is shit OP learn C and then Python and then D and then Java and then go back to C++. After you use normal languages you'll be able to code in C++ without using all the retarded extra features on it.

Haskell is. There was a time Common Lisp was considered huge. I mean, it takes whopping 17MB installed! Haskell clocks in at over 1GB for kitchen sink installation. Even the Python3 is 88MB.

CL has only 967 spec symbols (functions, constants, datatypes..), some are redundant (like 'first == 'car), plus few implementation specifics like sockets in SBCL, and people still call it huge like we are living eternal 80's.

Here. Allow me to teach you python:

> syntax uses indent levels instead of brackets
> within a class "self" refers to the specific instance
> def __init__(self,) is the constructor
> you define a static variable in the constructor as self. =
> no header files

There. Now you know Python. Go get a Python job. It's that fucking easy.

maybe you should just kys?

>complaining about 30 dollar (probably) /hour

kill yourself you fucking spoiled shit, minimum monthly wage here is what you make in a single work day

go fuck yourself

>literally the cancer that is killing haskell

Heh. I make $45 an hour just doing powerpoint.

The C++ of functional languages is Scala.
Like C++, it supports all programming paradigms. Furthermore, every company unlucky enough to have it in production, needs coding guidelines because there are too many, arbitrarily convoluted ways to solve the same problem.

Only people that have never worked a job outside of their programming job complain this much about programming jobs, seriously. It is a very apparent trend with every complaint like this.

Your first mistake was listening to Sup Forums turbo autists. Sure, c++ is essential for programming, but why would you want to work fixing memory leaks and buffer overflows all day/night? You should have chosen to work with a more forgiving language. I chose to work with c#/f# because: 1) It's in demand. Plenty of small and large businesses use it. 2) It's easy as fuck. I'm a chemical engineering student and time is precious so c# lets me pump out shitty half baked code and rake in $$$. 3) Pay is pretty good. I don't know why but c++ isn't as valued as it used to be and almost any other language will put more $$$ in your bank.

All is not lost OP, if you know c++ you could learn c# in a few days/weeks and find an easier/higher paying job. Also, the c++ experience on your resume will probably help you land a new job, so learning c++ wasn't a total waste of time.

Why would you let your users allocate memory?

> Learned programming at Uni

what's the most wizard language and why is it perl?






>this is what Sup Forums ACTUALLY believes



Why yes. Is there a problem with this? In languages where memory is managed by garbage collectors, what language do you think those garbage collectors are made in?

>I sit In a fucking cubicle for 8 hours a day coding software for FUCKING 30 /hr....

Not the best wages, but it sounds livable.


And worked for McDonalds making less than $10 / hour?

good kek sir, now get back to it, codemonkey

Nice meme.

This. The technology is meme-tier, but boy, the best time to be part of the meme is at the begininng.

Living my dream.

Teach me senpai.

Can you write with gotos in Haskell? You can in Common Lisp. The vastness of a language is not just measured by spec symbols, but the different areas they are used for.

>Im allocating memory. ME. THE USER IS ALLOCATING MEMORY!
You learned bullshit.
What the fuck are even smart pointers? Wtf is the stack?

Boy do I hate white males

>I just can't afford to ditch 60k a year at 22
Dude, I'm 24, quit my job a couple of years back, went to study an IT related degree and been living these past two and a half years with the 18000 euros I had saved up from my shitty wage slave job before. What the fuck you spend your money on.

Could you expand?

You do realise that if everyone understood why you consider bitemyapp to be cancer without additional explanation, your post would be pointless?


You got cucked hard. Even web devs make more than you.

>this guy doesn't actually make his own transistors from sand he collects himself

what are you? some little baby "programmer"?? smdh

This, it has its place but java is more sensible for a career. Good news is that java is very similar (and easier). Just remember not to code like a pajeet, always include dependent libraries in your build, don't assume the end user should "upgrade java".

>implying webdevs earn a little