As an AirBnB host I would like to

As an AirBnB host I would like to

-automatically block advertisement (using daily updating easylist domain list)
-automatically block VPN
-automatically block porn-, warez- and unmoderated user generated content (Sup Forums) sites
-automatically block TOR-network
-automatically block all sorts of UDP connections, especially for file sharing
-record all the other traffic that is permitted

on my WiFi, except for connections to/from devices with certain MAC-adresses (my own). My D-Link router can block UDP for all devices (without a whitelist) and every DNS-request to a cetrain site (which I cannot configure automatically as a batch of easylist-domains)

so what can I do? I don't think there is custom firmware for D-Link (similar to Tomato), so I guess I would have to route everything through a raspberry pi? What Tools would I have to use? Is it even possible to block VPN/TOR?

Other urls found in this thread:

limit down/up speeds to like 32kbyte/s, will drive them mad if they try to stream anything
very least get a second router to section them off and give you a quick kill switch (pull plug).

>unmoderated user generated content

Sup Forums has mods tho

pfsense or iptables

Just set up a Linux box as your router and go crazy if offense rules

You could track the traffic with wireshark

Kill yourself. If I was your guest, I would kill you.

do you intend to tell your guests that you are monitoring their use of your internet service?

why do you want to do this anyway, this get you off our something

>no fun allowed

fuck you man

So you'd be fine if a stranger came to your house and started streaming cp and hundreds of gigabytes of content?

I'd do the same honestly, you can be held liable of whatever the hippie on the other room is doing with your internet connection.

Put a data cap if that's the case, but don't monitor what they are doing.

>hundreds of gigabytes of content
on my internet connection???


that won't sound like such a great idea when fbi knocks on your door the following week

It's pretty easy when you have records of when your guests were there.

So if my guests murder somebody and hide it inside the house, I would be held responsible? Doesn't make sense.

>> on 4chins
>> I want to block all Australian surf boards, especially 4chins

Alrighty then

Not that guy, but yeah, I would be when I'm not at home. When I am at home, I would cap the BNB wifi to ensure I have enough bandwidth left for myself, but otherwise I don't see the problem.

I have to agree with other anons, I wouldn't let just anyone use my connection.

Op, if you're using airbnb. That means you're not home while they are, who cares if the firewall blocks your content, you won't be home. Just enable and disable it as needed.


kill yourself my nigga

Get a better gateway device to do all this shit. Use pfSense and do L3 routing with it. Lock down some VLANs. You can get an Edgerouter X or Lite, too.

Setting up a guest network with name like "airbnb guest" and having the password be your last name or something is a good way to impose those restrictions.

>citation needed

Just turn of the internet completely. Or i would bitch about your "broken internet" every fucking day and make sure to download as much illegal stuff as possible with my stunnet/shadowsocks vpn or lantern proxy.

>block Tor
>MAC filter
>block UDP, but not for DNS (le DNS tunnel faec)

Spotted the clueless wannabe stasi

Why would you want to do all this? Is your goal just to annoy customers for no reason?

Your shitty 30$ D-Link router can't do anything form your list.

You would need to invest in a enterprise grade router or build your own pfnsense box.

>Your shitty 30$ D-Link router can't do anything form your list.
Sure it can. Just install openwrt on it.

>You would need to invest in a enterprise grade router or build your own pfnsense box.

That could just be your excuse to cover up your crimes.

>Sure it can. Just install openwrt on it.

and that would magically give the router more power somehow?
consumer routers don't even have the storage to host a big domain list and fuck me in the ass if the router has more than 30mb of ram

>and that would magically give the router more power somehow?
None of the things OP lists are limited by power.

>consumer routers don't even have the storage to host a big domain list
Nor do they need to, as you can query your favorite blocklist over DNS.

>fuck me in the ass if the router has more than 30mb of ram
And what do they need that much RAM for, do you think? (Protip: nothing.)

Setup a kali box then configure your router to send its traffic to the box where you can run urlsnarf.

OP you're just gonna get bad reviews from this. Have fun destroying your own Airbnb career.

I would totally fuck with your system if I ever stayed in your house. Find your shit and unplug it or just reset it. Leave bad reviews, smear my semen on your door handels, shave my pubes in your shower. You are basically challenging anyone who knows the first thing about networking to fuck your shit up.

just setup a guest AP with a VPN to a cheap vps, then whatever they do it won't go through your ISP.

This. Just make a separate guest network instead of being a big gay baby and blocking everything. You only have to block/limit what's actually "risky" for you like warez/porn sites and TPB since public trackers took a hit recently and even then this should only be done IF your ISP has actually caught your dumb ass torrenting before.


buy a good VPN, pay with bitcons and route all traffic trought the VPN

if your guest do anything shady it wont matter

The chance of that happening is virtually none, if that kind of thing happened often you wouldn't see "FREE WIFI" being advertised in almost every restaurant/hotel

>so what can I do?
You could just not be a total faggot

Most hotels and restaurants have paid services in use that can configure what to block for their customers. They get a preconfigured router that's it.

That would literally never happen

>FBI rairds the AirBnB host
>"We have evidence that terabytes of CP was downloaded from here on these dates"
>"My apartment was rented to some neckbread on those dates. Here are his personal details including payment information."
>FBI raids neckbread

Most people don't like to be woken up at 4 am with a gun in their back if it's avoidable

This reminds me of that bnb Russian host we had once.
Fucker didnt let us even use the shower for a fair time let alone flush the toilet until all four of us did our needs.
No need to say I shat on the shower and clogged the drain with shit before leaving.

Why the fuck not?
I mean sure, limit the bandwidth if you want, but why would you care about the content?

If police comes you have your guests' names to hand out.

Chance of that happening: 0.001%
Chance of you getting bad reviews and losing customers: 95%.

this 2bh fambam

You are likely to piss off someone who knows what they are doing and can/will wreck yr shit up once they find out you are monitoring traffic

And I hope that's exactly what happens to you, faggot

So you want the worst possible reviews on air bnb?

not in europe anymore.
well europe without the uk.

germany for example ruled that a person cannot be held responsible for someone elses actions when using your internet connect or wifi.
most other yurop shitland countries have the same rules.

well not the uk though.
and not france.
france is in the dark ages regarding technology.

Most European countries don't have the retarded German internet connection rules and even Germany is correcting their shitty legislature.

This is why I run my vpn server on multiple ports.

What will you work then?

>having data caps

You have a higher chance of pissing your guests off into giving you bad reviews. You also have a higher chance of pissing off a tech savy guest, they will have fun with you. Stop being so distrustful, it's a sign of low intelligence

This is close. Force all their traffic through Tor. Then, if they misbehave it's less likely to come back to you.