This is the sort of shit macfags have to do to install python. I know because I have to use Python for work on a Mac

This is the sort of shit macfags have to do to install python. I know because I have to use Python for work on a Mac.

I miss Linux.

Other urls found in this thread:

My Mac came with Python installed already.

Ok have fun being outdated. Paramiko needs to be installed through pip which gets installed through brew which fails because I don't own some directory, and of course sudo'ing doesn't work either.


Lmao what a pain in the ass. Glad I'm not a developer.


The shown answer itself states that these things have to be done because of a user mistake.
The suggested way to fix it is then overly convoluted. Building the locate db just for one search query? Heck, you already have mdfind and an up to date database there.
Also, most of what this guy does can already be fixed just by calling brew but this guy obviously doesn't know about it.

OSX has python 2.7 included. If that's not enough then installing another 2.x version or 3 is exactly one fucking line in terminal unless you fuck up your system like the guy in the picture and don't know how to repair it with your package manager.
If you are too stupid for it, then there are also official ready-made installers for OSX available at the python website.

If your knowledge about this stuff is so low though, I can't even begin to imagine you using pyenv for managing python versions. Most professional python developers I know are using it.

Last time I installed python with brew it worked fine I'm pretty sure. I don't even have Homebrew installed now thought because it's a terrible idea to have an actual package manager but not be able to use it for anything because OSX took the windoze route. OSX is for shitposting, Linux is for programming and gaming :^).

>The shown answer itself states that these things have to be done because of a user mistake.
Yes, me doing 'brew install python' was clearly chuck full of user errors, totally my fault. Fuck off, zealot.

>Ok have fun being outdated. Paramiko needs to be installed through pip which gets installed through brew which fails because I don't own some directory, and of course sudo'ing doesn't work either.
You usually can use easy_install as well.
Other than that: sudo because installations fails due to a permission problem? You really have no idea how permission management works or what permissions brew needs/wants... and you get paid for developing, really?

>You usually can use easy_install as well.
Which is also failing:
build/temp.macosx-10.11-intel-2.7/_openssl.c:429:10: fatal error: 'openssl/opensslv.h' file not found

Amazingly all of this works flawlessly on Linux.

Stackoverflow user broke his install

OP pic is of one of the fixes

Top rated fix is a one liner

TL;DR OP can't afford Apple products and has sour grapes

>Yes, me doing 'brew install python' was clearly chuck full of user errors, totally my fault. Fuck off, zealot.
Now it's my fault because you lack knowledge?
Do you really think the installation failing is the default case...?
Well, it worked fine for me. Looking at brew's issue tracker... nope, I'm not the only one.
If your fix was the image you posted it was even your fault as the image clearly states the problem was a user error.

>Amazingly all of this works flawlessly on Linux.
Also does on my OSX install. Strange, isn't it.

>This is the sort of shit macfags have to do to install python. I know because I have to use Python for work on a Mac.
It's not, you fucking faggot. Just use the dmg image from their website.

>using homebrew
>not using mac-ports
You don't belong on Sup Forums shitlord

>Now it's my fault because you lack knowledge?
Never said or implied that.
>Do you really think the installation failing is the default case...?
Probably not.
>If your fix was the image you posted it was even your fault as the image clearly states the problem was a user error.
No it wasn't, the picture said he deleted files and folders, I did no such thing. L2read.

But I'm not you. For me Linux works fine and OS X breaks at the most simple tasks. From my perspective it's much worse, and I'm not changing my opinion because some guy on the Internet swears his version works.

>it's your fault for not using [package manager #39283]

But that installation guide is for installing Postgresql you idiot.

Postgresql is a python dependency in brew you idiot.

You are a total idiot.

>current year
>still using macports

>out of counter-points
>resort to name-calling

What kind of webshit hipster are you that need to install some snowflake version of Python through a snowflake package manager written in fucking Ruby?

The fuck, OP?

Look I just want to install fucking Paramiko on this crud of an OS. The first link I got said to use brew's version of Python because Apple's was outdated or some shit and I did that.

Will suck dick if you help me fix this.

Your stupidity is too immense to tackle. I've never had a problem with Python development on OS X, it's fucking straight forward. You're doing random things that break dependencies and then going to Sup Forums to rant about it

>using a proprietary fork of FreeBSD
>not using ports

>The first link I got said to use brew's version of Python because Apple's was outdated or some shit and I did that.
You blindly followed a description you found in the very first link you clicked? Wtf kind of an idiot are you exactly?

>out of counter-points
>resort to name-calling
>"i-it's your fault for running brew install python!"

You fucking idiot, it *is* your fault for blindly following some guide and then going to Sup Forums to rant about it. It's nobody else's fault.

>can't install python
>posting on a technology board

The first link said to install python, it's not exactly sudo rm -rf /* but let's go ahead and say that was totally it.

I didn't follow a guide, I did brew install python. Go ahead and tell me how that somehow messed up dependencies for some other package that I never touched despite python itself working perfectly fine.
>I don't know BUT IT DID!

>Will suck dick if you help me fix this.
How? I don't even know what's wrong with your setup. When you followed random instructions and copy pasted commands into your terminal everything could be fucked up.
It sounds like you are usually not using brew, so maybe just completely delete and install it again (using official instructions). Don't forget to also delete
directories in case brew leaves them untouched (dunno about that).

And make sure permissions are correct regarding /usr/local. Brew tells you about this and what you have to do to fix it when installing!

>When you followed random instructions and copy pasted commands
For the third time, I ran ONE command: brew install python. I know what this command does, it tells brew to install a package named 'python'. Do you want to continue pretending this was some complex inscrutable script?
I'll try that, thanks.

p y t h o n . o r g

>The first link said to install python, it's not exactly sudo rm -rf /* but let's go ahead and say that was totally it.

>I didn't follow a guide, I did brew install python. Go ahead and tell me how that somehow messed up dependencies for some other package that I never touched despite python itself working perfectly fine.
You are an idiot

>For the third time, I ran ONE command: fuck-my-shit-up --delete-all

>I know what this command does
Apparently not

>it tells brew to install a package named 'python'
And its dependencies, which may or may not conflict with currently installed packages... Have you never used a package manager before? Dependencies break all the time.

>I'm gonna change ur command to fuck-my-shit-up --delete-all xDDD
Wow, so badass. You totally showed me.

>And its dependencies, which may or may not conflict with currently installed packages
And yet none of the erros point to that, how weird.

>Have you never used a package manager before? Dependencies break all the time.
I understand that coming from OS X this would be your experience, but I don't remember the last time dnf fucked something up.

>uses third party package manager
>copy-paste random commands into his terminal
>installs something that is already installed on his computer
>blames his computer rather than his own incompetence

Python is already installed, just run pip install paramiko you fucking retard

>And yet none of the erros point to that, how weird.
You haven't even posted what error you got, how are any of us supposed to know what kind of error you have? Telepathy?

>I understand that coming from OS X this would be your experience, but I don't remember the last time dnf fucked something up.
This is my experience from having used RPM and APT since 2006.

Also, why didn't you just install Paramiko with the already installed version of Python?

>uses third party package manager
How is it my fault Apple doesn't have a decent package manager?

>copy-paste random commands into his terminal
Again, brew install python isn't a "random command".

>just run pip install paramiko you fucking retard
I tried that, it throws a fuckhuge python exception.

>For the third time, I ran ONE command: brew install python. I know what this command does, it tells brew to install a package named 'python'. Do you want to continue pretending this was some complex inscrutable script?
>I'll try that, thanks.
Let's pretend this is what happened. But you know, IT support with users being like "I didn't touch it!"... that's a bit how I feel right now. Something _is_ different from a normal install. Granted, it isn't necessarily your fault. E.g. using installers that copy stuff often change permissions of certain directories (e.g. /usr/local). That's also one of the most common problems of brew.
However, brew detects this upon install, brew doctor detects it also and both supply you with the necessary command to fix it (chown -R), so unless you ignore the warnings there should be no problem.

>How is it my fault Apple doesn't have a decent package manager?
But it fucking does, check out pkgutil you moron

>Again, brew install python isn't a "random command".
It fucks up your paths and environment variables, because homebrew is a fucking third party program.

>I tried that, it throws a fuckhuge python exception.
Well, of course it does after you fucked up your environment by haflway installing a separate Python version through homebrew you idiot.

>But you know, IT support with users being like "I didn't touch it!"... that's a bit how I feel right now.
I'll post my console history if you want.
I also did made brew link to its own version of python and for that I did chown a folder where the bin would be. But that's for python, which is working fine regardless of where it came from. My problem now is Paramiko.

>It fucks up your paths and environment variables, because homebrew is a fucking third party program.
Jesus Christ, just shut up with stuff you have no clue about.

>I understand that coming from OS X this would be your experience, but I don't remember the last time dnf fucked something up.
Well, it's a little different for some Linux distributions like debian stable as they carefully try to avoid such things. On distributions (or using not-5-years-old repositories) such problems can happen but it often really depends on what you do/use. Shit fucks up when using new versions of ffmpeg all the time as they like to break the ABI compatibility every other day. It doesn't matter if you are using OSX or Linux here, using git master versions of ffmpeg (or even the latest stable ones) flips your shit on a regular basis.
But then most software is pretty stable in this regard, on OSX just as on Linux. It also depends on how "deep" you are involved into some stuff, most people probably won't upgrade ffmpeg every second day.

>Jesus Christ, just shut up with stuff you have no clue about.
It does, you idiot. How else do you think it is possible to have multiple versions of the same binaries and libraries installed simultaneously? Do you know anything about UNIX at all?

>It does, you idiot. How else do you think it is possible to have multiple versions of the same binaries and libraries installed simultaneously?
$ python -V
Python 2.7.10
$ python3 -V
Python 3.5.2

Are you that faggot from last week who was whining because you didn't want to use keyboard shortcuts to do shit?

That's not what I said at all, I use mostly keyboard shortcuts, I just want my mouse usage to not suck as a consequence.

I knew it was you, you stupid faggot. Kill yourself.

I hope you are trolling

I'm not talking about having Python 2.7 and Python 3 installed simultaneously, I'm talking about having Python 2.7.7, 2.7.8, 2.7.9, 2.7.10 etc installed simultaneously. I'm talking about having flask 0.8, 0.9 installed simultaneously etc.

L-O-L you are that faggot

>can't read
>my fault

kys faggot

Pro tip: don't be a faggot and just download the .pkg from Pythons website.

He should have just used the Python version already installed on his system before fucking everything up by typing random commands into homebrew.

I'll try saying this for the 5th time, maybe this time you'll get it: paramiko doesn't install regardless of python version or where it came from.

>Maybe if I keep pretending brew install python is some random obscure command I'll be right!

>paramiko doesn't install regardless of python version or where it came from.
pip install paramiko without any issues at all.

You're either lying or leaving out the fact that you broke your pip dependencies FIRST by half-assedly installing python through brew

rm -rf / is not an obscure command either, but you shouldn't run it unless you know what the consequences are.

I'm sorry, but you're more retarded than idiots on Sup Forums that are tricked into deleting system32 on their systems.

>literally paying for a shittier version of freeBSD
surely macfags aren't this dumb

So let me get this straight: python is now installed and runs fine, pip has issues installing a package and you're saying the problem is with the python installation?

But I do know what it does. It installs python. It's not my fault it sucks at dependency managing. I've installed like 30 versions of gcc over the years on Linux and it never had an issue.

Amazing thread. Thanks OP.

>>I use Linux and know how shit works. I can't install Python on Mac help!

How do you get this retarded?

>No points
>Resort to name-calling

>So let me get this straight: python is now installed and runs fine, pip has issues installing a package and you're saying the problem is with the python installation?
No, I'm saying you broke your pip configuration

>But I do know what it does. It installs python
And a fuckton of dependencies
And a fuckton of configurations

>It's not my fault it sucks at dependency managing

>I've installed like 30 versions of gcc over the years on Linux and it never had an issue.
Homebrew is NOT Linux you idiot. OS X is not Linux. Go fuck off back to Linux if you can't even install a python package, jesus fucking christ

>Simplifies my post. Crawls to moral high ground to escape plebdom.

What a bad ass.

>No, I'm saying you broke your pip configuration
How? You keep saying 'you broke this' and 'you fucked that'. I've told you everything I've done: installed python through brew, then made brew link to its own version and finally tried pip install paramiko. Can you explain to me how any of these steps broke pip instead of just flinging blame and calling everything a "random command"?

>And a fuckton of dependencies
>And a fuckton of configurations
Right, and a package manager is supposed to be able to handle dependencies. If I have Python 2.7.0 and brew installs 2.7.1 I expect it to be able to update, not to fuck up like it did.

>I've told you everything
1) No you haven't.
2) I don't know what packages and configuration your version of home brew uses
3) just give up and go back to Linux, you're obviously too dumb for a real unix

>then made brew link to its own version
This fucked up your paramiko package, it is looking at the wrong paths

>Right, and a package manager is supposed to be able to handle dependencies. If I have Python 2.7.0 and brew installs 2.7.1 I expect it to be able to update, not to fuck up like it did.
Homebrew is literally just a glorified ruby script made by some hobby enthusiasts. It's not a mature package management system

>1) No you haven't.
>There's no way something I like could break! You have to be lying!
You're getting kind of pathetic, user.

>This fucked up your paramiko package
First, how? Jesus, it's a brew command called 'link'.
But my problem is with installing paramiko itself, if it couldn't find some dependency wouldn't it just download it?

Enjoy making less than 6 figures for the rest of your life while we can take yearly trips to the Thailand

I never said it couldn't break you fucker. I said the opposite, that it obviously broke because you're fucking around with multiple versions of Python installed using separate installation methods. Homebrew is not some officially supported package manager for OS X, it's a fucking script that pulls down files from a server.

You don't need a 6-figure income to take yearly trips to Thailand.

>Help I'm retarded and angry!


That looks like how one installs postgresql to me.

I use gentoo, and I go through just as many steps plus the compile.

my postgresql is betterer tho

>I said the opposite, that it obviously broke because you're fucking around with multiple versions of Python installed using separate installation methods.
And again, this is something any Linux package manager can handle perfectly fine. Even with several instalation methods, I've had dnf update packages I had installed through rpm -i. I don't think you understand that that's my whole point: OS X sucks at the most basic shit possible, like updating a package.
>but it's not official!

>Installs third party script downloader. Doesn't work like it should. It's OS X fault I'm not even smart enough to be a Macfag.

Are you retarded? Your post is the equivalent of Linux sucks because it isn't Windows. You fucked up your own system by randomly doing things you thought was "clever". You didn't "update a package", you've installed a conflicting package which has conflicting configuration with the package that was ALLREADY INSTALLED on your system with a completely different package manager.

Let me put this in terms you might understand: you used a distro that had RPM already installed and Python installed. Then you decided to download APT (and an unstable version of it too), tried to install Python through that and now you are angrily yelling at Sup Forums because both package managers are using the same path on your system, causing all sorts of difficulties for you. Homebrew is not OS X, it is a meme ruby script made by meme web developers that wanted a lightweight node.js like environment for mac

>.. meme ruby script ..
Good post otherwise

Home brew is quite nice, don't get me wrong, just wanted to point out to OP that it's not comparable to a distro because they are usually built around their respective package managers

Oh ok. This should only happen when I install a package already on my system right? And shouldn't brew link fix it? doctor doesn't report anymore unlinked packages, so I have no clue what else could be missing.

>using OSX for anything but light media production and Facebook.

No and no. Homebrew is a tool for powerusers, you need to know where it puts stuff

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>the muddy, brown version of china

im so jealous

>expecting anything more than internet connectivity+browser from a facebook os

Seriously. Real corporate workdrones use Windows 10™.

>OSXfags pride themselves on their OS "just werking"
>even their third party package managers are shit
tip top kek

>their third party
>third party

shit developers developing for a shit platform

>op is a retard
>"it's OS X fault"

not a problem on windows 10!

any package manager worth its salt should have the equivalent of apt-get's --fix-missing option and be able to repair damaged packages without that much faff


Homebrew is shit. Use the built in package manager

>mountain lion
pajeet tier

SeeMissing packages IS NOT THE FUCKING PROBLEM,OP confirmed for double retarded

Actually that is the reason people use homebrew: missing packages on the default package manager. But because homebrew is crap and fucks up when """updating""" an already existing package, you end up with this thread. If OS X had a decent cli package manager with plenty of packages and the ability to add repositories, this wouldn't be an issue.

not even OP, I value my sanity enough not to use pajeet's first babbyproof POSIX-compliant OS
Been a while since I've used apt-get, too used to emerge at this point
thanks for the (You)'s though :^)

>cli package manager



This is one of the minor annoyances with OSX if you're use to working on a Linux machine. It's worse on Windows.

>cli package manager
It does, it's called pkgutil

It does, it's called macports