How to into Computers?

Hey Sup Forumsuys whatsup?

Im sure this is the most relevant place to ask, and i know you are all godly wizardmen, so please, treat my anus gently.

First, let me start this off by saying i have no foreknowledge of any technical computer aspects, no computer programming, security, hardware, nothing whatsoever. Im as stupid as your average consumer when it comes to technology. (Not stupid enough to use apple products, though)

HOWEVER, i want to go into cyber security as a career, and i would not mind being adept in the various programming languages and tools, (C++, java, python, all that good shit)

As someone who is so inept, where do i begin my journey in becoming a computer whiz?

Also other statements i'd like to make.

>My school cyber security teacher said you don't need any prior programming knowledge to become a good cyber security specialist
>i am 19, just graduated highschool
>My main goal is to do cyber security for the army
>Does being a computer require you to be good at math?
>Im shit-tier at math and am not good at math beyond 9th grade pre-algebra and other basic math

>My main goal is to do cyber security for the army
Whew, for a moment there I thought you were actually serious.

Lol kys

You can start by installing Gentoo.

Guys i said no bully.

Whats wrong with doing it for the army?

>no college training
>shit tier at math
>wants to do cyber security
If you really want to do cyber security then enlist and protect a computer with a gun

Could you give me some real advice instead of just freaking bullying me?


Being good at maths helps with programmign alot. You'll often find the more complex the program the more complex mathematics you will need to make it not run (or look) like ass.


>freaking bullying me? Asshole.

>Does being a computer require you to be good at math?

Yes. If you are a computer, you'll be expected to do a lot of math.

I suggest being able to do Math at a higher level and getting familier with a PC ( Hardware side ) , Then start learning how to program ( shit ton of places to learn from )
Tbh, You only really have to be able to do basic Grade 11 - 12 Math instead of that piss easy grade 9 shit. Other than that I would say don't bother being / doing any of that shit for the army unless you are willing to spend years training, seems like you were not the best at school so don't really bother. They are only looking for people with high experience.


Join the Air Force you mong.

Walk into the recruiters office and tell then you want cyber ops/cyber trans. You may have to wait a few months, but if you score well in your ASVAB you can get the job.

ight listen, i have the same goal as you, cyber security as a career, maybe for the army.

but i have a degree in CS and lots of "low level development" experience and i'm still working my way networking into cyber sec.

start with a cs degree

Thanks. What should i invest in, learning algebra or geometry?

And which programming language should i learn first?

And i know what you're saying, but my recruiter told me that they are in desperate need for cyber security applicants, no experience is required and they are willing to train.

I dont wanna join the chair force, though.

The military will spin you up on everything you need to know, no need to study any specific maths or subjects.

Chair Force is the life man, we literally get better everything than the Army.

Do you guys get to travel?

Thats what i really wanna do, travel.

Yeah, if you can get attached to a combat comm unit. They go on tons of mini deployments all over the world. In tech school you can trade assignments, and there's always someone looking to get rid of combat comm.

Algebra , I started with some easy then moved onto C++ etc
Unless you are wanting to go straight into the C's do something like Python.

Seconding this advice: Go to college. If they have ROTC, do that. Don't take career advice from a teacher..

can EUs apply?