So you create the biggest software company in the world and then proceed to give all your money away...

So you create the biggest software company in the world and then proceed to give all your money away? Can someone tell me what he is up to? I don't believe that the abomination who created Windows has a good heart. Or did he change?

You can't take your money with you when you are dead.

'Which would be worse: To live as a monster, or to die as a good man?'

Guess what religion he's not

He understands we are massively overpopulated and ripe for a WW3 soon. He is doing his best to reach out to poor people, improve their lives and teach them to not have 10+ kids that they are incapable of raising.

He is not gonna stop it though, merely postpone it.

Considering his net worth, it's not like he gave it all away and moved into a trailer park.

Then how would I prevent giving away all my money?

>sweating intensifies

Do you honestly expect an explanation from poorfags on a tech board?

The only group in society that thinks of money more than the rich is the poor. The poor cannot think of anything else and that's the true misery of being poor.

Charity contributes in the prolonging of servitude and this is what if you were really rich, would understand and no explanation would be needed. The horror of the system needs to be prevented from being realized from those who suffer from it and understood by those who see it. In a way, the people who do the most harm are those who try to do the most good. It's fundamentally immoral to use private property in order to alleviate the horrible evils that result from the institution of private property.

All authority is quite degrading. It degrades those who exercise it, and degrades those over whom it is exercised. Private property has crushed true individualism. Nobody will waste his life in accumulating things, and the symbols for things. One will live. To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

He gives away exactly enough to not pay a single cent in taxes because he fucking hates America.

-He isn't giving shit away. It would be like you giving a penny away and your twin who is just as retarded as you praising you for giving all your money away.
Also, by donating, he gets shittons of tax exemptions and other privileges while looking good in the eyes of the average clinically retarded sheep.
Not to mention the actions of the melinda gates foundation are specifically designed to create a massive need for microsoft products as well as improving the ease of data collection and indoctrination starting from childhood.

He has so much money and so much power that he grow bored of it, it's like when you reach the endgame of a MMORPG and you accumulate tons of gold (or any form of in-game currency) and you feel that you have everything you want.
So what do you do after that? You feel the urge to help newbies and low level characters and give them gold/stuff etc.

This is pretty much the same thing, only IRL.

admit now that you look back on the versions of windows made in the time during which Gates was in charge with fondness and nostalgia

he got out when the getting was good

hes giving that money away to a group he owns


Idk bout you but there's plenty of space in middle America. Malthusian fag pls go

>Elite Dangerous
>grind forever because autism and I like spess
>give palladium to retards just starting out who need the cash
>they get murdered by pirates almost immediately
Good times.

I don't think he's giving away all that much capital. B&MG Foundation has massive investments, and self-fund from that. When he gives money to B&MGF, he's essentially able to invest without paying taxes. More importantly, it means he gets a lot of pull in those companies he heavily invests into.

That said he has made large individual contributions to other organizations.

He's being quite smart with his money and not just dumping it into nogland.

You say that but he's given away hundreds of billions of pennies

>80% of humanity living on $10 a day or less
>earth is not overpopulated by humans

Oh yeah if we had population of one billion everyone would be a millionare! On a more serious note, you are retarded.

It's like playing God, you give them stuff and you feel good because you made a good action, but at the same time you get amused by watching them trying to cope with what you gave them.

I wish i had billions so i could play being a sick twisted philanthropist with complexs of God IRL

Basically yeah, if 7 of the 8 billion people died right now, the rest would be much richer.

>So you create the biggest software company in the world and then proceed to give all your money away? Can someone tell me what he is up to?

He won. Well, he won the round he was playing in, anyway.

He effectively retired. Now he spends his time putting his reasonably brilliant mind to work 1) fixing problems he finds interesting and 2) building a legacy that will make his name known for a century or more.

People talk a lot of shit about Gates, old Microsoft business practices, and vague claims that he held back tech growth. These people don't remember personal and business computing back in the day. Bill Gates and his "evil" business practices created a solid platform that allowed 3rd party software publishers to flourish. Sort of like what Steam did for PC gaming.

As for the "hurr Microsoft and Sun held back Internet development blah blah" no they didn't. When Linux finally became a non-shitty alternative for headless servers, the Internet exploded. But I read a study awhile ago that found that we only recently surpassed the number of tech jobs around in 2001 before the bubble crashed. Linux made the Internet better, but what good is that if you can't afford an Internet connection or food?

Oh, and Bill Gates was quoted back in the late 80s or early 90s saying that his goal was to make ever person working at Microsoft a millionaire. Find me a CEO saying that today.

Never really gave a fuck about money thanks to my rich ass family, once I gave a genuine Rolex to a homeless guy, turns out he was found dead two days latter near the restaurant I usually go, just a few blocks where I met him.

even money can't fix stupid

Probably because tax issues and moving money to foundations where it is safe from any laws(e.g. divorce).
He is still loaded as fuck too

That's some mighty fine logical gymnastics there. Microsoft's business practices were bad for everyone but Microsoft.
Remember Embrace, Extend, Extinguish?


What does it feels like being on the top guest list of every illuminati club on the planet?

I'm not sure you understand how money works.

Rich people will just become more rich. You really think you can get that money for free?

There's literally nothing wrong with getting tax exemption in return of donations since in the end both parties get benefits from it.

It's only a bad thing when you are vocal about it and try go get a good PR from it.

That's not what I'm saying. However because there would be less people, there would also be less competition for resources and so the standard of living would be better for everyone. We would still have the 20% elite fucking over the rest of the 80% but it wouldn't be as bad as it is right now.

Fact is we're growing out of control like cancerous tumour and it simply can't be sustained. The earth has limited resources and economies can only support so many people. We're already overpopulated and if we don't do something fast then a WW3 is guaranteed.

Resources are not the limiting factor in this world's wealth. It's people's time. When you buy a cell phone you don't buy the materials used to construct it. You buy the time it took people to develop it, to mine the precious metals used in its processor, to have it shipped to your local AT&T store, etc. etc. If there were less people in the world, that means there would be less of people's time for sale. The price of time would skyrocket and everyone would end up having less, though perhaps they would have more pieces of paper with bigger numbers on them. Wealth isn't goods and wealth certainly isn't currency. Wealth is the power to control others and by having less people to control there is less wealth.

money != resources

Come back and try again later

t. psyche major fuckup
>average clinically retarded sheep.
who gives a fuck what defective livestock see in you? you're fuckin weird .

>Rich people will just become more rich. You really think you can get that money for free?
Not him but if 90% of humanity suddenly vanished then a ton of resources would be free up. In addition to that tye rich would immediately grow poor as their customers would mostly disappear.

You don't understand how money works. Competition can be created just like value. Lurk & learn more before spouting nonsense and adding to absurdity.

TFW Bill's rule #1

>Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem.
The world will expect you to accomplish something
BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of
high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car
phone until you earn both.
Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till
you get a boss.
Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
Your Grandparents had a different word for burger
flipping: they called it opportunity.
Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so
don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as
boring as they are now. They got that way from
paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening
to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So
before you save the rain forest from the parasites of
your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in
your own room.
Rule 8: Your school may have done away with
winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some
schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll
give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right
answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance
to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't
get summers off and very few employers are
interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on
your own time.
Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people
actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up
working for one.

I wonder how people survived for millions of years without an economy. They must've just sat around like in the great depression and waited for someone else to do things for them. Wait, that didn't happen? You mean people actually worked together for the betterment of their species and not just themselves? Incredible.

>How to be a Goy 101

Thats a really good metaphor

>majority of population growth is in Africa
>Bill wants to keep them alive


1. He still has way more than he needs to live an extremely comfortable life.
2. he won the game
3. Being a shrewd businessman doesn't mean you don't like helping people who aren't your competitors
4. Hes retired.

To my understanding, billionaires get some kind of tax exemption if a certain percentage of their income goes to charity. I don't know the exact details, but I've heard that Bill Gates is like the textbook example of a wealthy person taking advantage of that rule.

>le poor people all over the world make less than Americans and can't afford jack shit
Your economy is shit, and even the most basic necessities are overpriced.
You have no idea what a dollar can buy you anywhere else.
Cost of living isn't the same as your third world shithole in literal third world shitholes. People can get by on much less than you give them credit for, it's just that electronics are much more expensive.

t. Indian

>pidyon haben

Actually it kinda does. Money represents the value of resources. The less resources there are, the higher the value of said resources will be. When the majority of humans cannot afford most resources you take for granted and that is is a sign that there are too many people and not enough resources to go around.

Anyway I look forward to WW3, maybe we'll cut the human population in half if we hopefully drop enough nukes. Maybe after the war people will learn that there is only so many people the earth can support even with all the technological advances and respect that.

It's about goals, Bill has his mind set on a Nobel peace prize. It's a trophy for him, life's game "achievement unlocked".

You have to be 18 to post here, little commie.

i.e. 1 penny.

He left out that you could work you fingers to the bone day and night and still not make enough money to send your kids to college. Acquiring currency is 80% who you know/luck and 20% what you can do. Success, on the other hand, is a goal that has different criteria for different people and anyone who thinks there's a one-size-fits-all answer to becoming successful has their head in their ass.

>both parties get benefits
>the guy who gets the money back since it's merely making a roundtrip
>and the guy who isn't paying taxes because he donated to himself
>oh wait, that's the same party
Huh.... really makes you think...

When you make like 5 million a year you pay a few million in taxes.

If you donate to charity its a tax deduction.

Its basically a way for rich people to keep their money.

State capitalism imposed by an authoritarian state is often confused with socialism, this isn't Sup Forums


He wasn't charitable until he had a wife.

It took a feminine influence in his life to show his cold autistic heart the ways of empathy and compassion.

#FemaleEmpowerment #MaleFeminism #KodeWithKarlie #DiversityIsStrength

Its actually extremely hard to learn empathy.

You have to fake it A LOT before you actually feel anything.

No, it doesn't. The sole purpose of profit is to distort the ratio of money to resources so that you are ripping people off as hard as you can while they still think they're getting a deal.

>Trying to eradicate Malaria
>Trying to get clean water to a billion people who don't have it
>Improving the health and welfare of women and children

He's Andrew Carnegie 2.0: atoning for business sins by throwing out the the widest philanthropy net possible.

lovin those hashtags on Sup Forums

This logic is what I ment

i knew it
steve jobs is really just a fake

Was gonna post this.

>tfw ywn fuck Jenifer Gates
o well

The Slav guy has quite a pretty wife

Por que no los dos?

It varies from person to person.

the money is donated to foundations and charities he is part of.
ergo its money that isnt taxed.
a small portion of what would be taxed is actually payed to those charities and foundations and the rest of the money is going back to him.

literally tax free money.
everyone who is rich does this. this way you keep staying rich without being taxed to death.

Wasn't even aware I was capable of it until I was like 30.