I've fed up with Windows 10 Sup Forums, I'm moving to Linux

I've fed up with Windows 10 Sup Forums, I'm moving to Linux.

What is the best one out there, and why?

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go fuck urself retard


Fedora 24.

> stable
> current
> switched to wayland
> well-supported

Consider installing a different DE though.


Do not fall for the inevitable memers suggesting anything other than *buntu or fedora for your first distro.

Anything else is an unecessary timesink for beginners unless you intend to do something very specific with it.

The Linux community is so friendly to new people

didnt read kys

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

debian testing with cinnamon, It's basically ubuntu and mint except not a piece of shit.

Fedora 24

(If you're really new and can't handle googling basic things, Ubuntu)

I recommend Cinnamon but I'm trying to ween myself by from being Win7 dependent

I was thinking about mint, but these last days Sup Forums started saying stuff like bloated/unstable. Also what about the ubuntu botnet meme? Liked cinnamon already googled how to install it on ubuntu, just taking some time do decide.
Security wise do I need something? on windows I'm with avas + malwarebytes + glasswire

ubuntu MATE

Windows 7


To be honest all Linuxes suck for any kind of actual work. You can't have stuff like Autocad, Photoshop, After Effects, drivers that let you use the advanced functions for your hardware, or even good drivers for uncommon hardware. If you're trying to do some kind of professional work that would require certain suite on Windows, in Linux you will end up replacing it with two or three different suites that will allow you to do like 99% of what the Windows alternative could, but in twice the time. It's just not worth it because it won't allow you to work as efficiently as Windows does.

Now, there are a bunch of issues with the shitty kernel (and the people who develop it) and the different distros, but you probably don't need to know all that. Bottom line is that Linux kernel is acceptable as long as you don't need support for hardware or application software, and that all desktop distros suck in different ways and are inferior to Windows. If you only want it to surf the web and watch videos and casual stuff it will be fine though; just don't forget that Linux for work is a no go.

Arch Linux.

it will be fine for work as well, not specialized work tho

Dont forget to disable that terrible "Secure Boot UEFI" in BIOS...

And go with Ubuntu (xUbuntu is fast and unbloated).

Pic related is Mr Robot updating his sources and installing TOR like a great hacker he is..
(...not even hacking his kernel from scratch...)

Debian without SystemD, remove SystemD and install SysVinit, use a netinstall, best GNU based OS i've ever used

does mint count as *buntu?

Either Arch or Ubuntu.


But what's so wrong with Win10? I like it a lot and I'm former Fedora user. The only thing I want to murder in this system is the forced update-reboot cycle.

For new users, the choice is split into DE and distro.

The Desktop Environment changes the look and feel.
Things like how the panel work, how you launch applications, what applications look like etc, is the DE.
Most things you experience right away is because of the DE and if you have a problem, it is usually because of the DE.

The distribution is less important, but new users get the feeling this matters a lot.
It changes how you get the software.
This includes how fast you get updates, how much testing is done before you get the updates, and what software is installed by default and what is available.

I don't think this matters for new users.
New users need to learn about the system before they make changes to it.

So my suggestion is ubuntu + mate.
It is very basic, so it is hard to fuck up.
After a while, I would suggest that you replace the window manager with something useful.

This way, you have to critically think about what you want, how things should function and you have to figure out how to make it so.

Use Mint and don't let memers tell you anything else.

Also type in terminal
sudo ufw enable

how is it Asian language support? Read a lot of japanese stuff

That is objectively the most sensitive answer. Faith in humanity restored.

Is pretty good by default but install WenQuanYi font if you want the most recommended fonts
sudo apt-get install fonts-wqy-zenhei

downloading ubuntu and mint, decide when installing later. So none of pic is true?

Why don't you get Fedora? Seriously, you are in for a world of hurt. Those things work for a few weeks, then something breaks, then you get frustrated.

Well whatever, just remember there are alternatives that actually work.

Never heard about it before those 2 are the recommendations I usually see for people coming from windows

There really isn't much difference in distros, just use Mint.

I'm curious about linux. Does anyone use linux exclusively in command line? Can you run a browser from the linux command line?

The best Linux is GNU/Linux

Yes, w3m and lynx are good. Depending on your terminal emulator, w3m can actually render images. It's kinda neat.

People do it, yes. There are CLI based browsers but they're (unsurprisingly) very limited in terms of features.

Everything of pic related is true. Here's the update blacklist: github.com/linuxmint/mintupdate/blob/master/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/rules

a. unlikely
b. yes , with either lynx or links (links -g)

Like what DEis the best

>never heard of fedora
it's in your fucking picture you dumbass

damn you! I was pretty comfy with mint for the last 4 years. fedora it is!

The best one is the one that you build from bottom up. But if you are really new start with Ubuntu MATE

linux mint sarah. it's easy to use, stable, fast, and kinda looks like the older versions of windows with the start menu and all that. it even comes with a little ap store type deal where you can get cool free programs.

Wtf I hate mint now!!!

I'd recommend Ubuntu GNOME as your first distro. Clean UI with all the power of Linux.

>inb4 Mint
I'd recommend Mint if they didn't ship their distro with their shitty Mint apps. Those things can go fuck themselves.

>no hardware acceleration
>plugins that did give it acceleration are no longer under active development
Yeah MATE is totally a good choice :^)

Mint (Cinnamon)

>looks great
>just works
>windows users feel right at home with it
>triggers Ubuntu fags

>all desktop distros suck in different ways and are inferior to Windows
This. For roughly 95% of use cases out there, you're going to be doing double the work you would have done on Windows to use Linux.

>I'd recommend Mint if they didn't ship their distro with their shitty Mint apps. Those things can go fuck themselves.

I think that is part of the appeal, actually. It means you can just install it and have everything you need to get up and running. If you don't want to use them then just replace them later.

Can't you just install cinnamon on ubuntu?

Install Manjaro. It's basically Arch without the autism. I prefer Xfce or MATE.

Gnome 3

>"It's basically Arch without the autism"

>It means you can just install it and have everything you need to get up and running.
Not when they break constantly and have interfaces that are stuck in 2009.

Don't use vanilla ubuntu, get Xubuntu or Debian.

yea get fedora or Ubuntu get used to gnome 3 or unity for awhile and you'll find your productivity and happiness increase by avoiding microcancer

Allegedly, but I never got it to work properly. I installed Cinnamon and uninstalled Unity and all sorts of shit broke, plus it is going to be more than your average person is going to want to deal with.

If Ubuntu offered a Live CD with Cinnamon pre-configured then I think people might be more willing to take it seriously, but Unity and that shit with Amazon kind of killed their credibility for most people.

Lol wut? I only ever had one issue with Mint, and having a menu more similar to classic Windows than all this shit other distros, or even windows itself, pushes is one of the major selling points. The dark theme is also really nice.

If you absolutely have to use Ubuntu then get Neon.

this is not your containment frogposting board, please leave

>Does anyone use linux exclusively in command line?
Only at work.

I started in debian testing and moved to fedora 24 just because. Wound up staying. Sup Forums shits on gnome but its the only DE I like using.

I'll suggest what I suggested to other people.
Try Cub.


>What is the best one
reasons why I troll...

well meme'd

How is cinnamon even a thing, I'd rather snap my cock in half than to use that crap for a day