Is buying a used 7200rpm HDD in "tested excellent condition" for ~20 bucks a decent buy?

Is buying a used 7200rpm HDD in "tested excellent condition" for ~20 bucks a decent buy?
It's a 320gb WD scorpio black.
Not really up to date with the latest HDD memes and buzzwords unfortunately.

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Buying a used HDD is never a good idea. Ever. $20 USD for a 320 GB is a ripoff anyway, that shit is garbage. Anything under 1 TB is trash.

This is for my x201 (school machine)
The HDD in it is dying so I just need a replacement on the cheap.

You can almost get a brand new Ssd for that price. Don't buy it. It's a total ripoff even if it was brand new

What SSD is close to 20 bucks?
I don't need a ton of storage probably just like 50 gigs for OS and the maybe 200ish for storage.
Having it last is more important to me than boot speed.
I don't have time to install and configure Arch when school starts (if the drive dies).

>you can get 1tb for 40
this is bait right?

I haven't bought an HDD in years

>50 1tb
>40 2tb but refurb
i got some stuff from that ebay seller and they're very good and if something doesn't work they instantly refund/replace

I need a laptop drive for my x201.

decent price but I'd only get one if it were for free lyl.
as soon as you connect it, check SMART and bad sectors. Only store system on non important files on it.
don't listen to this cretin.

>What SSD is close to 20 bucks?
Well not 20 bucks but close enough. Off by one penny.

m'sata and trash storage. What are you even suggesting, nigger

Literally anywhere. WD Blues are $40 online or at any brick-and-mortar chains 4093

>extremely sensitive component spinning at high RPM with very low tolerances for failure

The thought of a HDD being thrown around a depot when you buy it new is bad enough, I don't trust any HDD any more, but buying one used is utterly retarded.

For 8GB? That won't even hold a Windows install you dipshit. Stop trying so hard to prove your point. Reasonable SSDs start at $40.

Just buy an SSD

Used Intel 520 ones are like $33 for 160GiB at 3Gb/S

That 2TB refurbished drive can be bought for $30 on sale.

Why are SSD shills out in full force on Sup Forums now?
It's blatant as fuck

>Just buy an SSD
I need at least like 200 gigs for my /home and maybe 30-40gigs for /
I don't think I can get a big enough SSD for ~30-40$

Basically my question is whats my best option for ~$30-$40?
I've never had a problem with an HHD failing because of damage before. The one in my X201 is dying because it's old as fuck
Here's the SMART status


You're a fucking retard, kys.