I just realised after 4 months of full-time study that I will never, ever, ever make it as a developer...

I just realised after 4 months of full-time study that I will never, ever, ever make it as a developer. I'm giving up as of today.

I don't even enjoy coding. Its frustrating beyond words and difficult as fuck (for me). I can't even do basic algebra let alone figure out algorithms and my logic skills are dire. I would never pass a technical interview in a million years, there is simply no point in carrying on with this delusion of becoming a full-stack developer.

I was stupid enough to buy into the "Anyone can learn to code!" meme. I'm going to have to rethink and try and get into front-end web dev or failing that just become a fucking graphic designer because I'll never be able to handle the back-end, its just hopeless. Everywhere I go all I hear is how easy Ruby is to learn yet it has fucked my ass from start to finish. Databasing is boring as fuck, SQL can fucking burn. Fuck web development.

Also, the tech community is simply full of idiots. I actually respect a lot of geeks and their programming/STEM abilities but they are the most narrow minded, pathetic individuals I've ever met and I will simply never be one of them. I am literally too cool for coding.

Why can't I have a high IQ? Why can't I just be a woman? Jumping on the self-taught web developer bandwagon was my last shot at a well paid career. Thank fuck I never paid for a bootcamp is all I can say.

Maybe you're a bit mentally retarded.

Not everyone can make it out there in the big leagues. You proved to yourself that your lack of persistence will fuck your life over. From this day on, you suck ramen noodles and masturbate until death. That's what you get for having no power and no luck in this unforgiving world.

What are you having problems with, OP? While I believe there is a certain kind of brain that is predisposed to understanding code, I also believe that anyone can learn to if they put their mind to it.

I have some time, let's talk.

I prefer to think of it as being brutally honest with myself. I was terrible at maths/physics at school but believed that bullshit that web devs don't need to worry about that. OK, so I'm not trying to become a fucking cryptographer but I am lacking the type of mind required to work with code.

Learning to code teaches you more about how your brain works in general. I thought because I'm a somewhat OCD and have "attention to detail" that would equate to being logical. It doesn't and I realise that now. My mind is abstract as fuck, I can't even explain verbally hardly anything I have learnt, I just know what I know. Frustrating in the extreme.

My IQ is simply average. I don't think thats enough to be a back-end developer. Front-end maybe but even then any complex JavaScript is going to fuck me over

Maybe I'll just flip Wordpress sites or make templates or some shit and live in my basement till I die

Well, I just think my brain isn't wired up for the task. I don't believe in myelation and my impotence is born out of fear of women. Please oh please console my feminization.

not OP, just sayin

You may have had some shitty teachers. How long ago did you start learning to code?

I know exactly how you feel man
I'm doing my associates in IT right now, and I just finished programming class, am in networking right now

I am capable of understanding it, but I don't want to. Networking is far easier than programming but this whole thing is tedious. You have to be on the spectrum to enjoy doing it.

I am glad I just went with an associate's to get my feet with, because I didn't dedicate to much time to this program. I finish in 9 months - I am looking at either going into BS of Informatics or BS in Medical Imaging Technology (x-ray tech) once i finish my associate's

I tried several things in rapid succession before becoming a developer. I tried to avoid it in fact, because I saw that programming would make me narrow minded and asocial, as you have pointed out. But eventually it sucked me in, as an alternative to failing at life. Good luck OP. I hope you figure out what to do.

>You have to be on the spectrum to enjoy doing it.

I honestly think you are right. And I mean no disrespect to others when I say that.

I loved the IDEA of becoming a programmer (and getting rich at it). The reality is that I simply don't have that kind of mind and never will.

Another dream in tatters

>You have to be on the spectrum to enjoy doing it.
This, to an extent. I personally have spent many hours per day on the computer since I was in fifth grade. I'm 21 now, and it can be quite exhilarating to see results of my understanding of how this machine that I've used for so many years is coming together. Perhaps the most fun I have in programming is making my programs as intuitive as possible so that the end user can enjoy computing as well.

I am always completely neutral when programmers start getting excited about aspects of a technology or how a certain function works or whatever. When they start saying that something code related is "really cool" I naturally recoil.

If they are passionate about it then good luck to them. But programming, in any sense or application, is not and never will be "cool". It is what it is, an extremely complicated subject for people of above average intelligence and of a certain personality type

I just want to earn 70k a year making websites and apps and shit

I feel the same way.

>Give me a few C files and libraries
I can get started right away
>Give me nothing and start from scratch
I don't even know how what to do besides setting up the main routine and doing some simple comparisons in math.

I feel more like a bugfixer, yet my mind wants to be focused on programming. Helped

Considering how you say you just know things because you know, maybe you really shouldn't be a programmer. Not that you're incapable, but that you could be of better use elsewhere and will most likely enjoy elsewhere more. I say this because, for me, it's the appeal of being able to know whether or not I'm actually doing the right thing in programming that makes me want to do it; the lack of a grey area.

You will live a happier life if money is not your sole motivation for your career.

Help me*

It seems like I only know everything if it is presented to me, as if I had short term memory loss.

What kind of companies are you looking to apply for?

>inb4 the big bois like Yahoo and Microsoft

>You will live a happier life if money is not your sole motivation for your career.

Try living at home with your mom in your 30s then get back to me

>w what to do besides setting up the main routine and doing some simple comparisons in math.
>I feel more like a bugfixer, yet my mind wants to be focused on programming. Helped

Figure out something you want to build (or get a list of programming projects off the internet)
Create a model of what you want (on paper or a whiteboard)
Break the model down into small, manageable components (again on paper or a whiteboard)
Start coding

You type like a retard and your shit's all gay.

Take some time off. Think about what you really want to do.

I studied 4 years in a degree that I didn't like and I never pursued a career in that.

There are so many other things than programming. Don't let Sup Forums fool you, most of the pajeets here are doing grunt work, which is more or less equal to stocking boxes in a warehouse, so it doesn't even matter.

I'm now applying to be an electrician. Just do you, m8. If programming doesn't interest you, drop it. There are hundreds of professions out there, don't limit yourself to something you hate.

Tip: never get a programming job. The only thing that does you good is if you get a normal job that you have 100% experience (accountant, etc) and on your own time, program for free.

You won't have a high amount of money like the programming job you wanted but atleast you won't embarrass yourself when nothing works and people see you as shitty.

Contributing to open source projects is a great start.

There's nothing wrong with your perspective, just know that it is *your* perspective. Try wasting your life doing something that means nothing to you while you see other people doing the opposite (and they aren't all living with their moms)

Why don't you just cut your losses and be a plumber or an HVAC

Hey don't you know that if you don't ace everything on your first try you will never get a job and will die miserable and alone?

Get over yourself, man.
If you don't have the foundation to quickly pick up a new skill, spend the time to get the fucking foundation.
Take responsibility for your life. IQ is a meme -- smart and successful people either work better or harder than you, or got lucky. You can control 2/3 of those things.
Go to community college. I'm serious. $5k for 2 years, will let you transition into literally anything.
Take a slew of science and math classes. Start from your current level of ability, no matter how low it is. Take pre-calc or earlier. Trying to get ahead via "baptism by fire" is a good way to get burned out and hate yourself.

The people who give a shit about where you start from aren't the sort of people whose opinions you should care about.

Every community is full of self-righteous pretentious pricks. Probably half of Sup Forums and /sci/ fits into this. The trick is to not isolate yourself into those communities.

If you don't like developing, you don't have to do it. If you're just doing it for the eZ 6 figures, wake the fuck up. Being miserable 90% of the time is a good way to be 30 holding a gun to your head.

I realized 2 years into uni that comp sci isn't for me. Too much time spent implementing and debugging shit, maybe 10% of the time doing anything interesting.
But when I was doing the gen-eds, I found physics cool. The stuff was interesting, but the math was tedious as fuck. Once I dropped CS, I took the sophmore physics classes. Too fucking much math. I could do it, but again, I was spending most of my time doing shit I didn't like. So I joined a fuckton of clubs, including Baja (building a car to race). Wasn't qualified at all, who gives a shit?

I liked it. I'm a mech-e now. I'm still spending a significant amount of time doing stuff I don't enjoy, but it's less than with either CS or physics.

are you me? im litetally heading your way, only that i took physics first and then CS.

What pisses me off more than anything, in my 30s, is that the CS programs produce fucking shit programmers. Which means smart people like you got pissed off and left for something else, leaving the prissy rule-following Java monkeys to finish out their degrees. I have honestly never met a uni-educated dev that didn't have a bunch of weird ideas about "best practices" with little grounding in getting the job done.

>Everywhere I go all I hear is how easy Ruby is to learn yet it has fucked my ass from start to finish.
haha, how? how is this possible? it's basically plain english.

>post on Sup Forums
>anons agree in unison with me

Thanks, now I finally feel like I'm not alone here.
Naturally some people are going to read that and get angry - oh well. I don't mean anything by it either, its just that you need a certain mindset and perspective to be able to do this, and an even more specific take on things to enjoy it.

I am an INTP (if you subscribe to that whole pseudoscience) and as such I will never enjoy programming from start to finish. Scripting here and there is fun, but my true passion is in the bigger picture of how the pieces should go together.

My goal is to go to grad school for software engineering. After discussing things with several professors I have realized that it is just the right amount of actual implementation and you get even richer.

Of course it will take a few years of monkey work before I have any leverage to pull myself into a management spot but if I made it this far in life I know I can tough out another 5 years or so.

So who knows, maybe you aren't a code monkey dealing with the tiny details. Maybe you belong on a higher step of the abstraction ladder.

All anons ITT having doubts - do not make decisions purely based on money. What *interests* you? Go do that. Then learn to hate it when you do it 40 hours a week until you die. You are far better off than most people.

Good luck to you guys

>I just realised after 4 months of full-time study that I will never, ever, ever make it as a developer.

Dude, I am studying CS.

The first 1-2 years I hated. The only reason why I carried on were good friends who explained all that shit twice.

Then I got an internship in a terrible company. But usddenly I realized that coding was not so bad after all.

Today I'm loving it, I'm learning my 4th programming language and I'm pretty adicted.

I mean, it takes time. The first month or even year it's a lot of input. You make stupid mistakes all the time. But once you get yourself some skills, the fun begins.

Just grab the programming challenges from Sup Forums or create own ideas. Be creative. Build a nice GUI and make an appilcation that YOU find usefull. It will be rewarding in the end.

>I can't even do basic algebra let alone figure out algorithms.

Boo-fucking-hoo. Stop crying.
Math is hard? No shit, sherlock.

But unless you do graphics in C++ or some encryption shit, you don't need math for programming.

>Anyone can learn to code!

I'd say it's true. But that doesn't mean it's going to be a piece of cake.

>Everywhere I go all I hear is how easy Ruby is to learn

Ruby looks easy but it's actually pretty complex. It's a language for advanced programmers IMHO. Rails is "easy", but not if you use it in depth.

But I guess your problem is more with programming itself, and not so much about the langauges.

Maybe wou want to look into Java? It's a pretty good start and forces you to understand some patterns.

Or start with something easier like Python, there are billions of good tutorials out there.

>Databasing is boring as fuck

It's pretty great, desu.

SQL is not that hard, just use a database (there are even online databases for practicing) and try to make it do what you want.

>Why can't I have a high IQ?

High IQ guys are often pretty lazy.

>Why can't I just be a woman?

The impression that I got is that it's actually harder as a woman.

This is what i do when i create a new c/c++ project. First i open up previous projects that i made. And then i start to code and if i stuck somewhere, i see how i did it in previous projects. (at least this is what i do for my assignments in every language at my uni)

You can always do web dev!

I think I'm probably better suited to creative stuff.

I'm studying web dev. I took time to learn the fundamentals of programming, didn't want to be one of these clowns who just jumped straight into rails and bootstrap and started calling themselves programmers. I've spent a lot of time with JS and Ruby. It ain't happening.

I shouldn't compare myself to others but its hard not to.

>Why can't I have a high IQ?
>Why can't I just be a woman?

Yeah, you're right. I just really wish I was fucking Chinese

go get a job then flipping burgers is easy and you can live off that in a small place while working towards better.

Is there any way to improve logic skills if you are not naturally good in that area?

>Getting into software development for the money/fame

You are bound to fail if you do this for pretty much any STEM degree.

So you either have a huge motivation to finish a degree you don't like and then probably end up working in something different or just don't bother wasting your time and money.

I'm self-learning. Too old and poor for University. I have no qualifications or skills as backup. My whole chance of a better life depended on me being at least a competent web developer

>hurr gud programmers and mathematicians are all just naturally gifted
I want lazy bastards to stop this meme. Unless you're literally retarded you can learn. You might have to work harder than someone else but if you are dedicated and apply yourself you can do it. You don't just "learn" """logic skills""" you fucking learn to program and you will think logically as a result.

Self-learning only works well if you have some previous knowledge of the subject.

The best way to learn is by having someone teach you how to do it and experience.

> I have honestly never met a uni-educated dev that didn't have a bunch of weird ideas about "best practices" with little grounding in getting the job done.

That comes with experience in the field.

Well, good luck succeeding at anything with that mindset.

And yes, I'll have fries with that, thanks.

Not OP, but apparently 4 months ago

just wanted to say that I'm not OP, but this thread has been very useful to me.

when a Sup Forums thread is devoid of shitposting it can end up quite useful. like that C vs C++ thread from a couple of hours ago.

I really REALLY hope for you that you're actually too bad and are not just trying to find justification for being lazy.

Heyman, you sound like the most sensible guy I met today.

> I was stupid enough to buy into the "Anyone can learn to code!" meme.

No, not stupid, capitalists want the price of labor to go down, and it's clear that many jobs will go away - so why not profit from it on all sides and just yell it out all day long: coding is WALK IN A PARK!

>Also, the tech community is simply full of idiots.

Exactly. And if the devs are nice, you'll surely find an incapable charming manager as a nerd-exploiter. The nerd gets depressed, the nerd-exploiter must constantly work on his complex, because all he is capable to do is to make other work for him.

This world is shithole and IT is its avantgarde.

Don't push yourself too hard. Todays coding world is a mess. More and more smart people realize this. It is a mess. I heard CIO and the junior dev all complaining about the same thing. But code is not the problem, people are, and people just have too survive and will develop strategies in world, which is basically becoming as pleasant to live in as the the jungles were to the primordial man.

>Perhaps the most fun I have in programming is making my programs as intuitive as possible so that the end user can enjoy computing as well.
Well said! I'm thinking of maybe getting a Masters in HCI later on (5-10 years later on).

would love collect some stories over beer some time - exactly my impression --

90% of people are made to follow - it won't be easy -

>Ruby looks easy but it's actually pretty complex. It's a language for advanced programmers IMHO. Rails is "easy", but not if you use it in depth.
I feel the exact same way about Node.js. Yeah, it's easy on the surface. But try to chain three modules together four callbacks deep, then come back and say it's easy.

>It's pretty great

Seriously, though, SQL is a fucking godsend. Yeah, it's a little tedious to learn compared with the NoSQL non-relational stuff out there. But, when you get solid on it, you can do shit like chaining multiple data sets together at or near O(n) time.

>High IQ guys are often pretty lazy.
Either that, or they show it off too much. I knew a guy in college who was a wicked smart graphics designer but hid his insecurities about himself behind a habit of partying and crippling alcoholism.

>>Why don't you?
>implying I don't
I'm surrounding by tech and order more as my income allows

>when a Sup Forums thread is devoid of shitposting it can end up quite useful. like that C vs C++ thread from a couple of hours ago
Not OP, but this is one of the big reasons why I still frequent Sup Forums. Between all the shitposts and "hurr durr GNU/Linux buttschecks" memes, there's a lot of quality stuff on here (well, as long as you avoid the weeb boards anyways).

same boat too op. i had a trust fund so no debt in my case.

just become a neet, ditching coding all together, pick up a few certification books, study at home, take the exam, and then go start a career.

in my case, i studied for my rhce and now studying for my net+. work for a server hosting company 30 hours a week mon - fri.

don't make as much as a glorified developer but i make enough to be happy, play muh gaymes, go out to eat everyday, buy overpriced hardware (of course i need intel extreme 10 core :^)), and not be so stressed out all the time. i.e. i stopped giving a shit with wanting to keep up with the jones who go off to school to jerk each other off.

i spent two years in a ccna course at my local college and it took two years for me to realize i hate networking with a passion. i find it incredibly boring. never took the ccna exam.

now i'm just a neet doing self study for my mcsa to go along with my already earned rhcsa.

i like messing around with computers and setting them up. keeps me occupied and excited. i ironically hate doing "enterprise" type shit like setting up dns and mail servers. but don't hate it as much as networking shit. except subnetting. for some reason i enjoy subnetting.

Yes, i would like fries with that OP thank you very much.

a sensible person on Sup Forums?
go away, this is not place for you

>I was stupid enough to buy into the "Anyone can learn to code!" meme.

It really is a meme propped up by the tech industry while they pretend there aren't enough programmers aren't there. There are, but they want to pay us significantly less by flooding the fucking market.

I studied basic IT and some IT certs, now im working as in F&B sector, pay is lower but im happier than im in IT sector for some reasons. Still im interested in trying other fields, something that involves fingers thinkering stuff instead of typing or clicking kb/mouse.

Nuff said i lost reasons to continue in IT, field is saturated with litteral wage idiots.

this is exactly why we have so many poor saps go off to four year university for a liberal arts degree. so many that should never step foot on a college campus.

they go for that liberal arts degree because its the only thing they can do. they're not truly creative people but they're great at learning a repetitive task and doing it over and over again. just like their middle class baby boomer parents who worked in the factories. but they were told they were and they have to achieve a bachelor's.

when in reality they would be better off going to a local two year college and getting trained in a trade such as welding or becoming a secretary.

>tfw spent 3 years of uni and 2 internships to figure out that I just want to do IT
>tfw all IT requires is a GED and some certs
literally kill me

go through this thread, you're not the only one who realized this m8

What is? My comment?
The real reason is student debt programs and shit. Like when i did my masters i paid for it straight up while self sufficient at the time. I didn't qualify for student l loans. Now in this circumstance I had to put thought into if this was something i really wanted to do and knew it would be a bitch.
But when you can get a $50k loan no colleteral to study feminist dance therapy instead of growing up at 18. It sounds pretty fucking appealing even if you are too retarded for academia. I imagine this is even worse in nordic countries were it's entirely subsidized. (some subsidization is good dont get me wrong i wouldn't have any degree without it) you make these fuckers work for college and even if they do a useless degree regardless at least they will have decent work experience and a ba to put on their degree. But my guess is the flakey liberal arts students would drop like flies.

Good thread, especially this post:

Yeah, I know.

At least a degree means I'll make more dosh i guess

you haven't optimized this png tho

Im a chinese and yet i wish my maths is as good as the whole world thinks.

But on creativity side, im pretty good if i do say so myself.

>tfw want to see some vidya
>tfw learning the combo wombo of opengl, shaders and python or C or C++ or C# or Obj C or Java or whatever the fuck I already tried is fucking too much for somebody too addicted to the occasional joint

i c wut u did thar

It would be so cool if girls would dig IT, but they don't.
In fact it disconnected me from the female species made out of flesh and blood.

>front end dev is easy meme
good luck senpai :^) you have lots to learn

Four months OP? It sounds like you don't have a realistic expectation of how easy it is to acquire a skill, OP. If you tried to learn guitar, would you give up after four months because you hadn't mastered Free Bird? If you painted for four months, would you cut off your ear because nobody would suck your painterly dick? If you rode your bike all day for four months, would you get yourself run over by a truck because you don't have any KOMs on Strava?

Stop being a faggot and install Emacs already you lazy fuck.

>tfw gonna start CS in uni next month
>getting enrolled to the upcoming semester is the hardest part
I really wonder how this shit is gonna play out. I delayed my studies because of conscription, I have the spot in the uni so all I gotta do is pay the semester fee to get registered as a participating/active student, get a student card etc. but the instructions on all these are really fucking vague and the time is ticking for prerequisite excercises and the student benefits application.

Hopefully I'll make it Sup Forumsuys

After learning front end for six months I understood one thing,everyone can learn basic coding but only a few will find it interesting.After those six months coding become a chore for me and I just quit.You really need to like this type of work or else every day in work will be a headache for you.

>giving up after 4 months

You deserve to fail

>Maybe you're a bit mentally retarded.
Actually it's the other way round. Op is perfectly healthy and lacks the autism you need to code properly. Thinkin in mathmatical terms is not the way a normal human brain operates.

Thanks for this user. This is reassuring to someone who has struggled with calc and stuff. I have a lot of fun in the actual programming/data structures classes so I believe I would a career as a developer, I just have to work my way through the major.

>Also, the tech community is simply full of idiots. I actually respect a lot of geeks and their programming/STEM abilities but they are the most narrow minded, pathetic individuals I've ever met and I will simply never be one of them. I am literally too cool for coding.
Ha-ha! I had a classmate like that.

Consider the guy in the pic. He has a huge collection of mango and figurines. He probably solved it backwards. He asked himself what he wanted, made a budget and bought X books and Y figurines for Z money every month. And he's probably the same when he codes.

Those people you refer to are *techncially* skilled but are probably lacking in the planning department. Their skills helps them solve more problems than less skilled people never got into and so on...

So if you can commit a design document to paper, using only pen and paper. Then you're way ahead of those who codes their asses off and don't know what they are doing.

>But unless you do graphics in C++ or some encryption shit, you don't need math for programming.
I beg do differ. Not everyone can be a encryption mathematician. But understanding math builds character. You learn to scale the abstraction of a problem. You learn to approach a problem from various angles. You learn to think backwards. You learn a lot by "reinventing the wheel" by solving old problems. You learn to appreciate beauty. And last but least, you learn to be wrong in a productive way when you can discard bad ideas without fomenting bad feelings.

Me, I like to solve known geometric problems. Like this one. How do you find a general method for calculating the number of hexes in a hexagonal grid of hexagons.

You don't do math because you're smart, you're smart because you do math. Nobody in the history of the universe has ever found formal logic easy or intuitive, it's something you bust your ass learning.

>You learn to approach a problem from various angles. You learn to think backwards.
In this case you don't need to know how to do the actual math problems, you just need to know the proper way to go about solving them.

Some people think more mathematically by nature than others. Obviously no one is born knowing how to do calculus but some people's brains are better at understanding it.

I just did the opposite. 4 years of ME, reliably failing one class every term, before I got kicked out for poor grades. I switched to CS because it seemed easier and I like coding, but now I'm starting to realize it's exactly what you described.

>baja racing
OSU by any chance?

>Thank fuck I never paid for a bootcamp
Well damn son, why don't you get paid go to bootcamp?

I'm sure your local Marine recruiter would love to enlist you. You won't need math skills, a high IQ, and they'll make sure you get some discipline!

Maybe after 4 years you won't be the fat lazy failure you are today, and your mom will actually be proud of you.

You don't naturally program out of nowhere if you don't do the same stuff over and over again just like you aren't a good driver when you get your licence for the first time. It takes time and practice to get routine.

>you don't need to know how to do the actual math problems
>you just need to know the proper way to go about solving them
whats the difference between doing and solving math problems? or has 'go about solving' some other meaning?

iktf really well OP

>tfw told I was smart growing up
>they made mistake of telling me my IQ after testing so I KNEW I was superiour
>high school very easy, never study but get straight As and end up 3rd in class (played sport so could not get some of the extra GPA points from a couple classes)
>get to college
>clearly I am not as smart as they told me
>don't know how to study
>am a perfectionist
>if an assignment isn't perfect I just don't turn it in, even if it's a solid B effort
>fall into major depression
>work retail ever since

Some people just aren't cut out for code. I am pretty intelligent myself, I can do algebra just fine, or at least, I could back in school. It's been over a decade since I did any algebra, so I'd have to re-learn it, but I am confident it wouldn't be hard if I had the desire for it.

I digress. The point I am trying to make is, I am not cut out for coding either. It takes a certain kind of mind and I don't have it. I am actually really good at logic, I had over 100 in Logic before I dropped out of college in fact. But I am pretty shitty at code. If you asked me to do simple coding exercises, I could do it easily enough, as long as I can look up the commands and shit, I could sit down and belt out some spaghetti just as well as any pajeet. If you asked me to actually construct a large program, I would stare at you dumbfounded. The concept escapes me. Where does one begin? How do you break it up? What is the correct way to do stuff? These are things I might be able to learn if I tried hard enough, but I think in the end I would still stuggle, like a man who can just barely understand enough of a foreign language to travel through a country.

Can I be proud of a life doing that? I don't really even enjoy doing that. So I leave the coding to the true coders, who are good at what they do. The last thing the world needs is another dipshit throwing spaghetti code around.

Math should be fun and beautiful. Math is best when it's like a gentlemanly pastime.

Man, just do whatever you think is nice.

I'm about to start EE (eletronics) and I'm terrible at math and physics. I'll just try to enjoy it as much as I can.

Calculus as usually taught isn't math. It's rote memorization of a bag of tricks that has been handed down since at least the 19th century. Yes, some people have more aptitude for that kind of bullshit. It doesn't make them good at any kind of math. There is such a thing as being born with intuition, but again, mathematical formalism is not intuitive to anyone. Not me, not you, not Terry Tao. Nobody.

so... american computer science classes in university actually teach you "c++ in unix environments", "web design" and "dynamic web sites" - one course each one semester - thats it? no wonder the pajeets are taking over

Honestly looks like you either found pussy, video games, or drugs. Which one ruined you, mate?

There is a process to solving math problems, and from what I have experienced/read it is more important to be able to think mathematically for programming than it is to know the derivative of some expression. I'm saying that you need to be able to think through things.
Lemme give an example: just because you know the proper steps to make a meal/compiling a recipe does not mean you are a good chef.

Excellent. One less web developer.

That's fair, I get your point.

drug, soothed me when get bad grades man

web design was an elective I took, not part of CS program at all and you made up the dynamic websights one

EDIT: never even remembered taking that class rofl

jesus, are you me ?

I held on though, graduated, managed to preserve my honours status so I can apply for masters' degrees later in life. I still hate everything I've ever handed in without discretion. I have never been satisfied with a six week project. Fuck man, half those projects were so obviously designed for the Dean's daughter it wasn't even funny. It will forever remain a mystery how the girl who literally was gifted a nail salon by her aunt managed to program the perfect inventory system for a nail salon. Colour me baffled.

i have studied informatics (i dont know whether the american pendant would be CS or CE, i guess a mix) in europe, and im working as a software developer now. i have had to study math in 6 of 9 semsters, mostly two courses each semester. i am certain unless i land a job as leading rocket engineer, i will never use any of the math i learned at university - with the exception of a 1-semester-course stochastics. im not a game or graphics developer but i think i have good idea of what writing shaders is about, and the maths used there is even simpler, you just need to wrap your head around some ideas which are exclusive to shaders and very basic math. vectors, matrices, sets and all that stuff I've already needed to know to pass school.

maybe you failed because you didnt know what courses you had to take? look again, it says "Web Site Dsgn:Dynamic Sites".

Also, look at the number of "general education" courses required in American universities. That's time that could be spent learning something related to Comp Sci instead.

>I can't even do basic algebra
And you thought computer programming was a good idea.. why? 90% of computer programming is basic algebra.