Hackintosh Apple boot logo progress bar stuck

OK what the fuck is going on?

I install USB and Intel HD kext on my laptop hackintosh and I'm stuck a apple logo worthwhile process bar and it doesn't load?

I tried to reinstall but I don't wanna get rid of all my stuff

What should I do?


learn 2 verbose faggot

Clover? Run it with -v -f flags to see what the fuck is happend.

All I got was a black screen


Try only "-v" then.

And do not delete flags that are already there. Just add -v to the end

Found your problem.

get a proper macbook pro

Found your problem.

I type -v and this is what I got


> Hackintosh on a toshiba
what's the point? Just put Linux on it so it will actually run 2 programs at once without overheating and shutting off.


Nice maymay

>iographics flag 0x43
Your graphics is fucked. Make sure that you disable clovers graphics injection or just remove your intel kext.

Then how do I do that then?


Why would you do that? Just why?

white people everyone


You can disable graphics injection from the same boot menu.
If you want to delete kext boot with -s flag and then do something like
>ls –l /dev/disk*
>mount -uw /
>mkdir /volumes/efi
>mount -uw msdos /dev/disk0s1 /volumes/efi
>cd /volumes/EFI/Clover/Kexts/10.10
>rm -rf intel.kext
And do not forget to clear caches
>rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches

Reminder that tech support threads are against the rules for Sup Forums.

Found your problem.

But that's looks like I'm deleting the boot
