Seagate revealed new 60TB SSD

We approaching the technological singularity , every day we are one day closer. Ray kurzweil predicted the singularity at 2029

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It only means Facebook, Google and the rest of the 3 letter government agencies will be able to store more and more personal information about you.

Until I have a 128EB microSD card that I can store my AI waifu's consciousness on, I don't care.

Just buy 2,176,000 of these and you're set.

You joke but that's probably affordable to a moderately sized nation.

>inb4 skynet(s)

It would take ~33 hours just to read all 60TB worth of data. Fuck that shit, they need this on PCIe.

>someone somewhere will have four of these 100% filled with hentai a week after they're released

wew lad


probably fail before it's even written 60TB

>unique Seagate IP and decades of experience in enterprise storage
So they'll die after a month? I'll just wait until fucking Samsung or another company that isn't shit makes one.

Placebo comes in all sizes, it seems.

I want to be the first one to fill this SSD with nothing but horse cocks.

Wait for 3D XPoint

>consumes 60 watts

>It hasn't revealed the price of the unit but says it will offer "the lowest cost per gigabyte for flash available today".
inb4 60k USD

It's probably going to be SAS 24Gbps.


It will almost definitely be 50k+. This isn't meant for consumer, just like that 15TB Samsung drive isn't.

Boy I sure hate niggers.

How long will I have to wait for this shit?

The singularity is at least 25 years away. Kurzweil's methodology was sound but didn't take politics into account. As long as our governments continue to implement dumb, Luddite policies the date will be pushed further and further away.

Going to need more contacts than that for reasonable speed exabyte I/O

Singularitarians are little more than cultists

consumes paint chips.

Well, compared to 10x6TB or 6x10TB HDDs...

planck scale memory cells when

>le backblaze Seagate maymay
gr8 b8 m8
This is the first time I've seen a 3.5'' SSD

the rest is microwaves duh

It's a small image, I thought that was a 1. Still, 15W is significant.
It's more efficient than the same storage capacity, but not than the same number of drives.

And foxes knots

$1000 per TB is hardly "the lowest cost per gigabyte for flash available today".

Probably closer to the $15k range. Still way above what a typical consumer would pay for data storage.

That's the point. There's no fucking way it will be "the lowest etc."

My H@H server will be getting a much appreciated boost.

Lol, this.

>Reach 1PB of storage with only 17 drives
Fucking Shitgate.

I wonder if it's even physically possible for HDD's to store this much data. It seems now that SSD's are capable of using the space in a 3.5 inch drive much more efficiently than Hard Drives.

>I wonder if it's even physically possible for HDD's to store this much data.
It certainly is, you just can't afford it and the people who can afford it are all flash now.

Time traveler here.

Yumemi is a shit brand produced in the Chink-Nip Federation. Their workforce fails to comply with the diversity requirements as specified by the World Government.

Good. Someone needs to put you Worldguv assholes in your place.

Whatever. You'll probably end up being one of those who flee to Russia during the Worldwide Revolution and end up getting wiped out in the anti-fascist nuclear bombardment.

What about apple thunderbolt?

>Can't even make a reliable hard drive
>Tries to make a high capacity SSD

It will probably explode as you open the box.

If you hate all tech because of Facebook and surveillance then why not just fuck off to the woods instead of being obnoxious?

I'm gonna cum HOLY SHIT

There is only one other 3.5 1tb ssd

not unless they have a 10Gb/s connection
a 1Gb/s will only let you transfer 75.6TB a week
a 10GB/s would net you 756TB a week

Silly dumbfuck. The software needs to not be shit first.

>mfw Toshiba might not be shitting us with their claim to 128TB SSDs soon™

Damn buddy got friend zoned so fucking hard.

it's fake

One of you faggots will find a way.

>Mfw the sizes are growing so fast, that with the current read and write speeds, it's going to take couple of days to just go through the data at full sppeed.

I think we need that 3D Xpoint tech to hit the market about now.
It's actually coming out at the end of this year.

>first drives will be available for high-end desktops by the end of the year.


Are you implying she's not a dog?

well, if they have a bunch of drives already full of hentai, they could load that onto the drives

>Soon I can ditch all my shitty mechanical drives for superior solid state goodness

Soon, but not with this.
I think this is just proof of concept, not delivered to rich average Sup Forumsentlemen.

Well Samsung is shipping the 16TB monster for consumers, but that's selling for 10k
If you happen to be filthy rich, you can already get rid of your mechanicals with that one.

why did it have to be a Seagate drive that reaches such a high storage capacity. I'm not storing over 10TB of data just to have the drive explode.

why? I never saw the purpose

seagate, linux, and amd need to die

>size of a brick
>seems to be a many-board or multi module sandwich
>probably >35w power use
>probably in excess of $20,000
Great fantastic just let me sell my first born daughter into slavery.

>make giant sdds!

Meanwhile the price for decent quality sdds haven't gone down much, manufacturers have just made worse quality ones for cheap

Holy shit I want to steal that like it was a gold bar from a bank vault.

it may be possible, but by the time the tecnology is there i don't think anybody will be producing hdds anymore

>the lowest cost per gigabyte for flash available today
If that's true, then with other stuff being $0.25 per GB, that puts this at $15k.

I'm still waiting for my 512YB flash drive

Maybe not. It looks like a pci-e interface.

Imblying google skynet doesnt already have 5Pb of these

this even sounds like some sort of government conspiracy

if this is the shit that's commercially available, what kind of storage does Five Eyes have?