Which distro for servers is best?

Which distro is best for using on servers?

alpine linux

WIndows Server 2012 R2 Core


Hannah Montana Linux

CentOS or Debian

Depends on your needs.

If you are creating something like credit card processing software that needs to run stably for 10 years with little change? CentOS or Redhat if you'd rather outsource the support.

If you are creating a new website or app using the latest, in-style software stack? Ubuntu or vanilla Debian if you don't care about a regular release cycle.

Red Star OS tbfh

open-vm-tools is broken so FreeBSD

CentOS for poorfags. RHEL for people with money to burn.

>Redhat if you'd rather outsource the support.
You almost certainly would, at that level.

>using VMware


I know a lot of big companies, especially those with ass covering middle managers running the place, really like paying for RHEL support.

But in my experience, most companies don't end up using the support that much so it is probably more economical for most of them to hire one or two kickass RHEL admins to do the support. Especially since most people who use a lot of RHEL end up installing a lot of 3rd party software or compiling stuff from source in order to work around the outdated base on RHEL and Redhat won't support any of that.

>Drank the VMware coolaid
>Butthurt about how VMware sucks

And that kids is why friends don't let friends use VMware.

Best answer.

Really? I didn't figure that Red Hat would be so quick to stop supporting you. I guess it doesn't make much sense to pay for the support, then.

>VMWare sucks
>VMware Tools works perfectly, it's the open source shit that sucks
OK chap.

Anyone have experience with Scientific Linux? College undergrad here wanting to do molecular simulation and math stuff. Little experience with Linux but I want to learn.

It's just CERNs version of Redhat.

just use KVM pleb

No faggot.


debian stable or rhel/centos

Could use more info.