What should I name my wireless network?
I live in the city, so there are probably around 300ish people who will be able to see it.
Gimme something good Sup Forums
What should I name my wireless network?
I live in the city, so there are probably around 300ish people who will be able to see it.
Gimme something good Sup Forums
Bush did Harambe
I n t e r n e t インターネット
ISIS Training Camp
ayy bby u wan sum fuk
Hitler did nothing wrong
Grade A Boipucci @ [Insert Your Address]
holy fuck
T-Thanks, you too.
Honestly, I would go with a stock sounding generic as fuck name. Something like "TalkTalk wifi hub 21324", the more interesting your wifi's name is the more attention it'll get -- unless if that is what you want? In that case I reccommend "The Hitler appreciation association"
obey them quads OP
gas the kikes race war now
Mai Wifiu
Nigga bested me by 20 seconds.
The Hacker Known as Sup Forums
Something that reeks Reddit as much as possible, like a meme or collection of funny meme words, or something to do hacky stuff, or "FBI Van #737" oh wait no that's too popular even for reddit isn't it. Try "Connecting..." or something else quirky and nerdy that shows your neighbors what a total fun computer geek you are!!
Just kidding op using the fucking default or go with the only good post itt
OP here. It was me who got the quads
I also ended up naming it "Harambe's Day Care Center"
If something better pops up in this thread i will rename it
Call it "New kindergarden. Bring your kids, I pedolove them."
BTW I live in Cincinnati, less than half a mile from the zoo.
Wu-Tang LAN
Call it "Shout 'PENIS' for password"
pajeet's computer store