Alright g, i need to make an app, a social network app to be specific, actually revolutionary

alright g, i need to make an app, a social network app to be specific, actually revolutionary
>whats your idea, user?
fuck you someone who knows how to code will have the idea and beat me to the punch

my question is, how do i get this from idea to fruition in the shortest amount of time possible, without sacrificing my right to saying i did it to myself. i've never coded before, is it best to just learn everything from the ground up?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why isn't she eating?

Also yes, learn to code yourself. Use like codacademy or some shit, I don't know.

Sounds like a perfect time to flesh out the entirety of your idea and then crack open some programming texts. Get learning boy, no one else is going to learn it for you, and if they do, then you don't deserve the credit.

Someone else already did it. If not, it will come out right when you are in the final stages of completion

>it's an "user had a social network idea that will change the world" thread

Stop being a dumbass and get a minimum wage job.

That's a normal size, silly american.

>Why isn't she eating?
Recently adopted. She's a rescue.

Learn to do it yourself. If you hire someone else, they'll have way better ideas than you while they're developing it and it will become their product.

thanks Sup Forumsamily i'll thank Sup Forums in my second interview.
it seems so obvious i'm amazed it's not already out

her thighs are absolute shit

i like them. anyone know who she is/

wat een rank dingetje


hire people, if you have some idea, better to give some share of your possible profit that to go from zero and learn how to code, and lets say you learn how to code, where is design, where is knowledge of network infrastructure, wheres cloud, distributed systems, linux distro, security, marketing, project management...

if you have some awesome idea, don't wait, spend money to earn money, if you don't have money go learn how to write business plan and how to lead a team (project management skills) also you will need good HR skills and seek investors and people who would like to work for you for some share of your new found company, don't go learn how to code if you have multimillion dollar idea, millionaires don't code

Cum is the only thing she doesn't puke afterwards

could we please find whoever brought high-waisted pants back into style and then shoot them into the sun?

Oh look its an ideas guy thread

Fucking make the app what would you expect us to say
'Oh dont bother learning to code it user just press this button it makes it for you'
If you really dont want to learn hire someone

Tyrone likes 'em thick.



>Liking little boy thighs.

You must be Irish.

You must be fat

>liking overweight """""""""women""""""""""
you must be american



The problem with this is that when you work in IT, you actually don't know any other field than IT. This means that you don't know what other fields really need because, well, you are not in those fields. On the contrary, people in other field than IT know what they would like but don't know how to make it or if it's even possible.

TL;DR; You are fucked.

Just patent it, if your idea really is revolutionary other companies will see the patent and license it from you.

Unless it organises local communist groups into one overarching red army it won't be "actually revolutionary", Facebook is as big as any IT company will be and it's basically a data farm.
Good luck on your endeavours, user. Also, LRN2NETWORKZ. Programming will do you jack good it you don't know what a socket or a port is.

make an app that makes white women butts look bigger

high test m8

If you can't code, you can either learn from scratch or hire. No other way. If time is of the essence, hiring is the fastest way as learning to code will add the time cost of you learning, plus gaining experience.

Ideas aren't worth 5 cents, btw.


>ameriblabber's first encounter with an european girl

That girl isn't European.



Code Academy isn't bad.


I'll tell you something it took me a reaaaaallly long time to learn. If you don't code, don't write the code. Find someone to do it for you. Go on odesk and get it done in pieces for cheap. Sure, get familiar enough with code to know if you're being ripped off, but otherwise don't bother.

Why? Well, for one, it takes 10 years. For another, it isn't your job. Your job is running a company. The head of a mining company might have started as a miner, but then again he might not.

Would touch her Sup Forums spot

"It's like facebook, but ..."


But she is.
I've seen this photo on /fa/ before, and she's Danish. I don't remember her name, so reverse image search it

>I don't remember her name, so reverse image search it
Shows nothing