What in the actual fuck is this ad doing here?

What in the actual fuck is this ad doing here?

>literally malware ridden browser
your browser has been hijacked XDDD

it's adware you fucking idiot

mac cant get malware

Fucking too dumb to even use a fucking Mac. Congrats, you shouldn't be using a computer.


How can it be hijacked when the ad only displays on that page? Did the sexts do it?

It's difficult but somehow you managed

Hot girls in Location_Undefined want to message you. Click HERE to continue.

adware embedded in one of your extensions most likely

if you installed unverified stuff it's probably that

disable/uninstall extensions until it goes away

if it doesn't, something/someone got in a more clever way. happy hunting.

>those tabs
0/10 lurk moar

Weird, the ad has gone away. Probably pic related jerking off again.

>i'm so shit with computers i use a mac
>and i STILL managed to fuck it up
>blames the admin
>blames an admin who hasn't owned the site in over a year

kill yourself

Buying used prostate stimulators is not a very classy thing to do.

chink moot added malware ads to archived threads
turn ublock back on unless you want more of that shit

stop talking shit

This. Every thread there are 50 people who say its adware/ OP's fault. It isnt though, its some shit that Sup Forums is doing.

Pic related is on Ubuntu 16.04.

>bad dragon used
>bad dragon


stop being a retard
you can verify what I said simply by opening the source of an archived thread, the ad scripts are right after the "you cannot reply anymore" text

>Not using Debian
You're just really fucking retarded aren't you?

Jesus christ that's disgusting. Sometimes I forget just how bad things are without uBlock and uMatrix.

checked and checked

what the fuck hiroshima?

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i guess it only shows a certain number of ads per IP or something. But it loads the shit on my week old 7 install that i have only used for shitposting.

>i dont like what you use so you are obviously lesser as a person
fuck off m8. I do what i want.


Bless your soul...

I know, but i dont give enough of a shit to pay 3x the price for a high resolution x61t that i will maybe fuck around with once or twice a week.
