Am I fucked?

Am I fucked?

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Hey bud, i've seen this problem. Here's the fix, run this : : then install linux.

>used the sign for caution
you're giving me mixed signals mysterious prompt

put it in the refrigerator

Do what the mysterious prompt says but first post that wallpaper

Run Prime95 to make sure.

this, do it for science op.

It's a ransomware trying to get you to reboot


Yeah at the very least it's not a legit windows prompt. If windows detected a problem it would probably initiate a shutdown and give you like a minute to save. If your computer was actually having problems with cooling it would just shutdown automatically.

Yeah I dont think thats a real prompt

dont do it op, its joshing you

ayy lmao 2 hawt 4 service

great prank

Get into event logs and find the system event that corresponds. Post event ID. If you can't find a log it is not real. I bet this is a fake. Check for malware.

What an interesting painting. Is there history behind it??

No idea honestly I found it here s while back. Haven't ever used it. Figured it was fitting in some weird way.



>want to download file
>pic related


add more water you will be fine.

what were they fucking thinking

>It's a ransomware trying to get you to reboot
Interesting. Hibernation should postpone whatever evil accompliahments the ramsonviruS wants to do to anons pictures that depends on a reboot. Right?


They weren't. When you have a market cornered like Microsoft did in 2008, you pulled shit like this.
