Leaked Zen benchmarks

>leaked Zen benchmarks
>performs the same as Haswell
>will be performing like a 4 year old Intel CPU by the time it's launched


In all seriousness, going with GF 14nm LPP truly fucked over AMD. The process is shit for highly clocked parts.

Shame AMD is contractually obliged to use GF's shitty process otherwise they'd be using TSMC 16nm FF+

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i would buy it because it is not intel alone

>4 years old anytime soon
>a 2.8GHz ES can keep up with haswell clocked from 3.3-4

Wew lad

oh no its 1% slower than skylake!
what ever will we do?

"wait for zen plus"

enoy getting assfucked smiley yellowman

>Intel cpus
>based on 2010 architecture; ipc gains slowing down

>based on 2014 architecture; ipc gains soon to come with zen+

So, honest question--are you faggots gayer for Intel or Nvidia?

Im the most gay for amd

AMD is going to be offering 8 core hyperthreaded CPUs for much less than intel

This looks like good news for AMD.

Promising, but in true AMD fashion, it won't go far enough.

did anyone notice these two?

they're both ran in standard, both at the same resolution, and both 8 core 16 threads. but they're different ES samples.

one is ES 102801A2M88E4 and scores 5,300.
the other is ES 202801A2M88E4 and scores 3,100.

wccftech does touch on this but they decided to completely ignore the 202801A2M88E4 results.
>There doesn’t seem to be any difference at first sight between the 1D and 2D variants. They are both purportedly clocked at the same rates and the only difference that we can see is the fact that the 2D variant fares much worse in terms of performance. ..................
>In any case, because of these reasons, I decided to focus on the 1D variant for our comparison.

clearly these are indeed ES samples and being ES samples we cannot truly gauge zen's performance since they have TWO ES samples floating around with drastic performance differences between the two.

>Engineering samples samples

So did they fix the usb 3 bug?

kys yourself

clearly ES 2d is the laptop variant or (removable test version ) for embedded/APU so yeah just ignore it.

1D is a safe bet.

>performs the same as Haswell
>performs 7% better clock for clock than Skylake
yeah sounds about right since cucklake was a step back like ivy bridge was

AMD literally said before they released it that it would have similar performance to Haswell. Plus the main reason why I'm looking out for zen isn't for speed but for price/performance. If I just wanted performance I'd get an x99 processor.

don't forget not being trapped in the rat race that is intel coming up with a new socket for every cpu they make

Like they did for Sandy bridge and Ivy bridge?

You ever think Maybe one reason AMD suffers performance issues is that they maintain a socket/chipset too long?

we will not buy it.

Sup Forums - Where everyones lips are blue and buttholes green.

Uh no, socket type usually doesn't matter. It's just that intel and motherboard partners both want to make money so they keep making new sockets just so you have to shell more money for a new motherboard.

How much faster is Zen than my phenom II X4? Can't be bothered deciphering these memegame benchmarks.

Dunno, Zen isn't out yet.

Never judge pre-release shit, especially engineering samples since it is not what you will be able to buy.


I'm probably going to get one to replace my 2500k, as long as the price is right and the motherboards are good.

I'm gay for aymd what do you say now?
Helo huny

*grabs ass*

Top kek OP, these amd faggots will never learn

Probably twice as fast while needing an eighth of the phenom's power draw.

>>will be performing like a 4 year old
pics or it didn't happen


At first I was like ;D and then like ;_;

>still caring about AMD

dumb MADfrogs btfo

2.8Ghz Base
3.6 turbo

Its nehalem i7 over again

keep the tears for later, we'll need em

Yeah, and as always, it will be offering much lower single-core performance, which will make it utilize its performance in like 10% of the software there is.
And before you start with "but software will be compatible in the near future!!!!!", we all heard that in 2011 and most software now barely supports 4-core CPUs.

Not to mention some software is just infeasible for multiprocessing, you can't break it into multiple parts.If you do you're just going to have each core do a part achieving the same performance as a single core.

to be fair skylake barely beats a 5 year old cpu too, especially in games, where the average performance difference between the 2600K and 6700K at 4.5GHz is around 13%.

For the moment you put it up my bubble butt?

Yes, since I don't think I'll be able to hold my speed back with the ass that you got.

I serioulsy hope AMD dies. Intel needs some new and serious competiton.

Lol what the fuck, why would the socket be the issue. Motherboard interfacing is normally meant to be future proofed, just look at pcie 3.0's bandwidth or SATA III's bandwidth compared to the devices they are made for

SATA 3 is a bad example.

Did Intel you stupid fuck?

This is what retards believe

You need more contrasting colors

Be honest, it's more than that, bruv

Are you really not smart enough to figure out the differences between 1150 and 1151 sockets and why more features means more pins?

have you thought about killing yourself?

>Be honest, it's more than that, bruv
Not him but you're right, sort of. Most of the increased performance comes from higher stock clock rates though, which makes it absolutely irrelevant if we're talking about the k series of chips as the 2500k was an unrivalled overclocker. Even devil's canyon, supposedly made for overclocking, could barely match the 2500k.

> Intel has built in backdoors in their cpus
> obviously not an option for anyone wanting privacy
>and comes out with better cpu
Why is Intel even considered a real company anymore?

>wanting token competition
You should kill yourself.

amd autists and their usual IN THE FUTURE argument

As long as they're cheap as fuck. CPU requirements for 99% of computing have stagnated and so have the chips. Skylake was, what, a 5% increase over Haswell? Whoop-de-doo Basil

>Intel has built in backdoors
>Amd doesn't


>can't spell
>spouts retarded shit

Color me surprised.

>he hasn't heard of AMD's Platform Security Processor
Protip: both AMD and Intel have that problem (though AMD was a bit late only releasing theirs a couple years ago), also some ARM processors.

>both AMD and Intel have that problem
And Qualcomm and Samsung Exynos and and and. Nothing is safe. There's no escaping the Trustzone.

Trustzone by itself on ARM does not to my knowledge require a special coprocessor.

Doesn't matter, there's still closed source firmware that can do things without the knowledge of the end user. Nothing is back door free.

If 4c/8t really is the min config, Zen will be decent. i3s and i5s BTFO. It'll drive down Intel's pricing, at the very least.

Basically only legacy shit is single threaded

>It's shit, but I'll still buy it

This is what you call cucked


>Intel CPUs
>cheap israeli shit that doesn't even give the right answer to calculations
>well made, somewhat slower but far less known bugs and the management engine with proprietary microcode can't access your network

I swear to God some of you are paid to write the crap on here. That can be the only explanation. You think the majority of people (that matter) care that your shitty Intel botnet machine runs video games 10% faster on ultra settings with those EXTRA COOL vintage shaders?

Here's the truth: Intel has a management engine built ON THE CHIP that runs independently, can access memory without the knowledge of the actual CPU, and can easily access your network. Think of it like some kind of remote desktop client built into the actual hardware that works on any OS and you can't turn it off.

If an exploit or backdoor was found in the ME then Intel would never, EVER recover. If you think it's impossible then let me just remind you that there was an exploit found in several x86 Intel CPUs that meant you could access SMM. zdnet.com/article/new-security-vulnerability-discovered-in-old-intel-chips/

Yes you already needed kernel access but you get the point, serious exploits can be found

23 years years of Intel chips and this was never found. AMD isn't perfect, but it's far better than this stupid shit.

*13 years

>and the management engine with proprietary microcode can't access your network
The new AMD Platform Security Processor uses a similar processor to an older smartphone and has complete access to your hardware, it most certainly can access your network. The latest AMD processors you're going to get without that shit is the Vishera line.

>I swear to God some of you are paid to write the crap on here.
said teh faggot who wrote a wall of text no one will read.

>Sensitive tasks are run on the AMD Secure Processor – in the “secure world” – while other tasks are run in “standard operation.” This helps ensure the secure storage and processing of sensitive data and trusted applications. It also helps protect the integrity and confidentiality of key resources, such as the user interface and service provider assets.

So sandboxing? What's so wrong with this?

something something 20 rupees to your account

Because it hits all these points other than being made by AMD instead of Intel:
>Intel has a management engine built ON THE CHIP that runs independently, can access memory without the knowledge of the actual CPU, and can easily access your network
Also pretty sure they can run DRM shit on it just like Intel's ME too.

You have no idea about DASH do you?

ah OK, I see now

what is the kino processor manufacturer?

3.2 turbo, retard!

Not necessarily. Skylake and Kabylake will use the same socket but motherboards will have a newer chipset.


there are a lot of people still on Westmere and SB, because IPC gains haven't been that great, and most consumer CPUs still use only 4 cores. Zen could do well if it offers good price/performance.

I know if I can OC it to be as fast per core as my 4.6GHz 2500k is I will be getting it.

If not, I might just keep this thing until it finally dies on me.

oh no, I'll have to buy a non-[X]Lake CPU to get >4 cores on a desktop CPU?

whatever shall I do?

tl;dr but you sound delusional and mad as fuck

buy one for your wife's son too