/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

The other one reached the bump limit.

I have a question of my own, is there a quick Sup Forumsuide on Windows 8.1 + classic shell? Such as certain updates to not install, or how to debotnet it? I haven't used it in a long time and it's the most modern windows aside from the malware known as 10. I know there are some bs features but this was the last version where you could actually turn them off.

Currently on Linux Mint and I realized I still like to do things on Windows (aside from gaming of course).

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Is Sam Hyde our lord and saviour?

He's a terrorist

If you're a Redditor, maybe.

Artist, innovator, inventor, important thinker... mass murderer...

chrome or opera? firefox isn't really an option, it's kind of slow and it freezes often

my twitter got hacked by some shitter who followed a million accounts, but what the hell is with all the locations?

Internet Explorer 11.

Seriously, Chromium. Firefox should be okay but I don't know your setup.

You could also use memevaldi and see how that works out, it's chrome based.

Opera, Vivaldi will be good someday

thanks for the info man, I'll look into those browsers.

I found this in a rubbish pile


Just the receiver though. If I got the rest of the equipment, would it get anything, or would I need to call up the company and pay to activate it?



Ask for twitter support for help, they will rollback your account.

Run Adwcleaner and Malwarebytes, dont log in in public computers.

>but what the hell is with all the locations?

is there any use for old shitty laptops?

i have this pic related with a dead battery, so it shuts down every time the power cable moves a little (yes, chinese shitty design)
also it is so slow i can't open more than one tab one ANY browser without severe lags.

Yes, but not with the ASUS EEPC, i have one too, if it were somewhat more powerful you could do some neat stuff with it

But first gen Atom CPUs were shitty as fuck.
The second one is probably because you have the 1GB version and your HDD is damaged.

Crunchbang/Arch+lightweight WM and there you have it. Your very own deprecated internet browsing machine.

I'm looking for a monitor >$200 for gaming on my computer and Wii U in addition to watching things and doing general schoolwork. Is this monitor any good? This seems to be the best monitor I can find with this criteria.

If in my fstab i use data=journal is it safe to use delayed allocation in the event of a crash?


This monitor is advertised at 144Hz, but its refresh rate on my win10 is 60hz. I also want to get the monitor working as part of a triple monitor setup.

I have my graphics drivers up to date
I have it plugged in as a DVI-D
I went into the AMD control panel, and it has no option for 144hz, and when i go to set it maually to 144hz, the AMD control panel rejects the settings.
Same goes for the Windows monitor settings.


I was using that. Are you sure it's not outdated at all? I'm new at this shit. Also I've been using r/monitors for help, which might be a bad idea? I'm not sure. The general consensus there seemed to be that this was better than the monitors on LI in the >$200 range.

What are some good DS emulators for android?

Go for the 27 inch


Probably some retroarch core.

How do I make a full registry backup with cmd?

I've currently a Radeon 390 and am seeking to upgrade.
Am I better off:
1.Buying an Nvidia 1070
2.Buying another 390 and crossfiring?

You don't have adaptive sync on, do you?

You don't.

You can make a full export of the registry using some command (I don't know the details), but trying to import it later will fuck up absolutely everything. Which means that such an export is no backup at all.

Its not outdated, barely any good monitors come out that are under $350.
These are some of the best you can get.

Most 1080p60Hz monitors are good.


How do I enable the count up timers for everyone else?

Get a 760 and you're set.

Crossfire is a meme

So I just formatted my desktop and put a fresh install of Windows in. I've installed my dev tools (Visual Studio) and my CC programs (PS and LR) along with some other basics like VLC, Adobe Reader, and Deluge.

Anything else that I'll realize I need in the next few days or applications I should check out?


SLI/Crossfire most times gives worse perfomance than a single card.
Vulkan and DX12 are going to fix that but nothing yet.

So it's the same thing as regedit's File/Export? I actually wanted exactly what.
How do I make a proper backup anyway?

Will this make a decent gaming rig Sup Forums?

The case isn't actually that one, but the one I'm getting I couldn't find on pcpartpicker.

Just use ninite to slap on the 7 or 8 most useful things you see

DVI-D can only go to 120Hz @ 1080p. You need a display port.

Am i going blind or all YouTube videos now have a flicking grain texture?

Interesting choice, hiding the prices. I can tell you're overpaying for that liquid cooling (which is pretty much dicksizing) and that PSU which could easily be 650w, maybe less. Don't buy seperate sticks of ram, get them as one set so they're factory paired. I don't know anything about your ssd, which is generally a bad sign. Why not go for a more common brand?

No, this monitor doesnt have freesync.

plus, im using a 270x AMD (wont run 144fps in games, i know, i dont care.)

even if it only supported 120Hz (which the box says 144Hz, but you know, marketing gonna marketing) its not recognizing it, only allowing me to go up to 60Hz in all settings.

What does ricing mean?

I cut out the prices because they are irrelevant, I don't live in the US and I'm not buying from any of those stores, I simply copied the products I had on my store's shopping cart to pcpartpicker to post it here on a recognizable format.

So do you recommend just a fan or some other liquid cooler?

I got two sticks because of the dual channel, not sure if this is wise.

I won't lie the SSD was a pretty random pick, I'll look into getting a more common brand.

Get quad channel
kek get samsung 850 evo

Yeah I don't see any reason to go past fans unless you're trying to impress people or set pointless records. When you buy multiple sticks of ram, you want to make sure they are sold in the same package, not just two sticks of the same kind.

1) 2x4GB RAM sticks
2) 4x2GB RAM sticks
which is better and better by how much?

Its an acronym


Its borrowed from Car culture, where Dipshits get useless shit on their cars, like racing seats for a honda accord, or like spoilers for a front wheel drive car (bassically applying pressure on wheels that dont drive the car)

I know people who do this, my friend is one of them.

My MB doesn't support quad channel, but thanks for the SSD advice, looks pretty good.

Hmm, I see. Thank you!

4 sticks
you have more bandwidth

If you were talking about HDMI then yes, it would be all marketing. But there's a physical difference between dvi-d single link and dual link, and what you're trying to do requires dual link

>reading comprehension
Its dual link

You want dimms that have been tested to work together. They have been tuned to work with each freq. Most boards dont support quad channel, but you still a quad kit so they work optimally

Can somebody help me understand why people prefer ALSA over PulseAudio?

Do I get m.2 or SATA III?

I see, thanks!

m.2 if you dont need more then one of your sata ports.

What are you getting at with "reading comprehension"

>Do I get m.2 or SATA III
Its the same interface, just different form factors. the only PCIe M.2 ssd's are $.20/gb more expensive.

Take that as you will

Get a NHU12S.
Get a GA-Z170XP-SLI or a GA-Z170X-UD5, ASUS Z170 Pro maybe.

a 240GB 850 EVO, or a Sandisk Ultra II.
A WD Blue.

EVGA 750W G2.

DVI-D stands for DVI - Dual link, as I said in my original post.

Either way, its dual link, the monitor supports it, the cable is dual link, and the Card supports it.

p.s. I have tried both ports on the card (I dont know which one is dual link, here is the card model)

Also from some googling, 1600 isnt much better than 1333 right? Just want some confirmation or correction.
And thanks for the answers

Dvi-d does not stand for dual link. The D stands for digital. You can have dvi-d single or dvi-d dual.

Where can I torrent American college textbooks from?

Well, i stand corrected. Its still dual link.

So you've confirmed that your cable is dual link? Because that could easily be your problem

what's the latest big torrent site now that kat is kill? Does Sup Forums still host files these days? I remember downloading some stuff from /rs/ which has apparently been gone for 2 years now.


Google ISBN/name of book
Look for slideshare link or straight PDF on search results

Same for answer manual. No need to torrent.

Yes, its dual link, its got all 30 pins, it even has dual link embossed on there.

Yes, its dual link, its even got the words dual link embossed on the end of the cable.

Then I'm gonna guess you're having problems with windows 10. Apparently it keeps fucking up the multiple refresh rate thing. You can try this


And make sure that windows isn't running a reinstalled copy of the Xbox app's GameDVR. Otherwise I think you're down to googling and praying. FWIW I wasn't trying to give you an stroke. I used to work phone tech support, and we learned that it's absolutely essential to rule out one possibility before moving on, or you end up spending an hour on the problem only to realize you missed something simple because you didn't double check. Good luck man.

So when I get WD greens for my nas, do I first plug it into my normal computer and modifying the head parking to be less aggressive? Then the drives are fine to put in any nas or computer and will retain those settings in the firmware?

my NAS is kinda shitty and I don't think it has built in options to adjust HDD firmware like that. reds are too expensive for me and also overkill.

I want a browser that is completely isolated from the rest of my system, without adblock or any cookie management, that I can use for stuff and things without infecting the rest of my PC with malware and adware and gods know what else. It must be able to retain its cookies between sessions, where the PC will be shut down.
I presume I want some sort of sandbox but I have no idea where to even begin discerning which one or if that's even what I actually want. Please help me Sup Forums.

Id not be that suprised if win10 really was fucking around with the refresh rate

Im gonna try uninstalling the gameDVR, will post back with results

>30 seconds of trying
Cant uninstall. Fuck microsoft. Imma gonna go post in their fourms, its their fault anyways.

If you want the light version, go with sandboxie. If you want something with a little more robust security, throw it in a linux vm inside of virtualbox. I know there was some german company who was making premade browser-in-a-vm solutions but I can't remember off hand what they were called

It's a craptop so I don't know if I can even run a VM and I'm (probably painfully obviously) quite tech illiterate, but trying to get better.
Sandboxie it is, thanks user.

why would i want a vpn on my phone?

what's the consensus on Soulseek? is it unsafe?

To obscure your identity on the internets while using your phone.

Be careful though as with every sandbox environment there are "sandbox escapes". With the right type of malware your host machine can still be infected. This isn't me fear-mongering, just trying to help a fellow user out.

best FREE VPN?


When encrypting an entire SSD with VeraCrypt, how many times/often do I need to encrypt?
Do I just select the drive and do the whole process once, or do I need to re-encrypt everytime I download/create something new I want to keep safe?

Yes, I've been using it almost since the beginning. It kinda blows my mind people choose torrents over soulseek but I figure they must not know about it. It's far and away a better service for music than any public or private torrent.

Just follow the general guidelines. message someone before downloading more than a few albums from them at once. Share you own files. That's about it.

i agree, ive been using it for a while but just didnt know if theres any dangers to the p2p thing

If your carrier had restrictions on the types of things you could do, you could channel through to your home internet or another company to bypass them.

You could also run a vpn to your home to protect your info while on shady wifi connections

That's like asking for the best free hooker in town

Whatever drive or folder you use is encrypted on the fly, and whatever changes you make are done automatically. That is to say that your files never hit your drive in an unencrypted state

>shady wifi connections

Thank you based user!

Any Christian user around?

What is in the afterlife?

Not him but antennas with an aircrack software clone.
Or compatible with aircrack or your favorite Wifi cracking software.


I'm trying to format my microsd card but I can't. Windows give me "Windows was unable to complete the format". HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool gives me "Volume is too big for the selected file system" when I try to format as fat32 and "Failed to format the device" as NTFS.

I can still access and transfer stuff from the card, and all the data on the card seems to be in perfect condition.

mine was finally banned from 4chins, any left?!

Someone can make a hotspot and call it 'free city wifi' or something and then watch all your information as it goes over the internet. A lot of apps put out unencrypted information that is super easy to steal, and they can also try man-in-the-middle attacks to get bank information and things.

You can also take an existing wifi like mcdonnalds or the public library and broadcast your device louder so that you become what people are attaching to even though there's legit wifi around. You could even do this in a hotel where there's a wifi password if everyone uses the same password.
