In what situation, or rather what aspect would make you want to switch to openSUSE...

in what situation, or rather what aspect would make you want to switch to openSUSE? It's not really popular and at the surface, thare seems to be no "killer feature" that makes it better than Debian, Gentoo or Arch. In fact, their packager manager seems pretty shitty

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i've wanted to like suse for a long time, since the late 90s / early 2000s, mostly because "germans! must be great because you know, germans!" but it just doesn't tickly my fancy

I wouldn't. I'm perfectly happy with debian.

Zypper is probably the best package manager out m8 what are you talking about?

Honestly I'm just waiting for someone who uses SUSE to swing by and tell me/us because I am genuinely curious

I use it, it's fine.
Not amazing, but most distros aren't.

>In fact, their packager manager seems pretty shitty

Oh shit nigga what are you doing. Zypper is probably the best package manager out there, maybe behind Portage. So it's the best binary-based manager.

YaST is the killer feature, being able to configure your whole machine from a pretty straightforward GUI. You can also run it from ncurses if you like.

Also, SUSE is basically Europe's RedHat. If you want to do IT work in Europe you MUST know SLES or SLED. OpenSUSE is a good free way to learn the basics.

Only reason to use suse is kde support.

it's 2016, debian has no reason to exist whatsoever

it's just a gimped version of ubuntu

i use dnf just because that's what you use when you use fedora, what makes anything else better, i like dnf, it works fine as far as i can tell

Actually, it's the other way around. Ubuntu is just debian testing.

yeah, that's why ubuntu does everything better from font rendering to performance and general support :))

the only reason you keep using it is because you like the logo, admit it

nice repeating digits and noted, If linux gaming ever becomes a thing I will switch to fedora

oooh, so it's more centered around European enterprise. That makes sense. Explains why I've never heard about it. I live in the states. They have some pretty cool features like SUSE studio

YaST is good but I'm more into cli. I find terminal commands generally faster than clicking. And I have trouble with installing applications such as krita.

>SUSE is basically Europe's RedHat.

Pretty much this. We have a few million dollars' worth of automation equipment from KNAPP running in my warehouse, and all the computers run SUSE.

I love OpenSUSE. Great OS. Installer is kind of a pain in the ass for the average user. Great KDE support is a major plus and with the OBS and Packman you got all the packages you need.

If I recall YAST has a CLI version as well

whats the command?

>Explains why I've never heard about it. I live in the states.

americunts being completely ignorant about the world again

fuck you for being a complete moron. any retard with Internet access can learn anything about anything, maggot. fuck you

nice short story, basement dweller

Oh look, it's an Arch user.

Go fuck yourself, you smarmy faggot.

Maybe KDE Neon tier updates and stability.