Is there anything better than the LSR305's for $300?

Is there anything better than the LSR305's for $300?

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are these good in a small untreated bedroom?

Just get them already

yeah buy 2nd hand

>buying 2nd hand monitors
don't do this




these aren't even worth $300 but their like the only speaker other than the rokit 5 or the presonus e5 and neither are better than the lsr305 unless you only listen to EDM

active speakers just suck. get them from sweetwater or anywhere else with a nice warranty so you can replace them when they inevitably die.

Bowers and Wilkins 686s

the closer you are to the monitors, the less that your room matters

I'd say that they're worth it if you can get them for under $300.

CBM-170 SE for a little bit more. You'll need an amp, though.

They're probably the best speakers available on the market now. Just match them with an excellent Lepai amp, and you can handle any music listening situation.

>Just match them with an excellent Lepai amp
lol what the fuck

Why fall for high priced items when you can spend just pennies and get great quality sound only professionals know about.

I have those, they are alright.

I almost got the yamaha hs5 instead, but these sounded better to me in store, more 'true' sounding.

low end is really good for a 5", but i have noticed the weird tweeter shape creates some dead zones for some high mids when you move your head around within the sweet spot. Could be the untreated room tho.

just realized this isn't Sup Forums

To obtain the most satisfaction from your product, consider purchasing an additional pair to get a fuller richer sound you only find in the best professional studios.

additional speakers in studios are meant to A/B, not play together.

JBL LSR 305 have been specially designed to work in multiple pair combinations. And this is why they are the best speakers on the market now, and for the future. It's the technology that's the thing!

no they suck

Certainly better than my m-audio I got heavily discounted. Still nothing compares to headphones. Speakers are such a pia.

>nothing compares to headphones
Explain yourself.

I like my cheap HD598 and (not as cheap) Shure iems. I just plug it in and usually that's that -- unless it's my shitty casio keyboard's hiss, I'd like to get into speakers, but the price and set-up are prohibitive. It's worse still since there are so many bullshit artists in the audiophile community.

They already have a built in amp.

Are micca mb42x still "the" budget speakers?

hahahah just got it

Why are speakers so expensive? Seems like extremely cheap tech to research and develop.

Smaller market.
And good parts are pretty expensive

5 inch means low end with shitload of resonance

300 means shit build quality

Enjoy your shitty sound

Those cost quite a bit more, but they do sound amazing. I might buy a pair later this year.

I thought R&D was the reason speakers are expensive. Considering how almost every speaker has a different design from the other one

Quality speakers cost a lot for almost any reason you could think of. Speakers also last a long time. It's not abnormal for most people to use the same speakers for 10 years, so the demand just isn't there. Even if everyone wanted nice big speakers, they would still cost a pretty penny.

Yamaha HS7

JBL vs KRK vs Yamaha

Sound comparison at 1:46

Listen to how clear those high sound on the JBL

This. I purchased 11 year old speakers which were about $2500 new, for $400, and the owner was an "audiophile" and he packed these speakers with an unbelievable amount of foam and bubble wrap. Essentially, they looked and responded like new.

I think most of the cost of reasonably-priced higher quality speakers goes into the drivers -- which can be about $150 to $200 for each woofer unit. The rest is in the crossover circuitry.

Yeah they sound really different on my Thinkpad speakers. Are you retarded?