Microsoft "Accidentally" Leaks Backdoor Keys to Bypass UEFI Secure Boot

Microsoft has accidentally leaked the Secret keys that allow hackers to unlock devices protected by UEFI
>It will be impossible for Microsoft to undo its leak.
>it is impossible for Microsoft to fully revoke the leaked keys, potentially giving law enforcement (such as FBI and NSA) special backdoor that can be used to unlock Windows-powered devices in criminal cases.
>a backdoor, which MS put into secure boot because they decided to not let the user turn it off in certain devices, allows for secure boot to be disabled everywhere!

Wincuckolds and pajeet shills should be banished from Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

The only thing secure boot does is prevent unsigned OSes from running. The option could be disabled in the UEFI previously at least on laptops and desktops but now with this leak it can also be defeated even if it's not disabled. This is kinda a win but also a loss in a way because while it opens up tablets and other previously anti-consumer devices it also potentially exposes all devices that supported secure boot to malware.

So it's basically going back to plain old BIOS at this point? I don't see how it's a loss.

This is good news forwindows phone and surfaceRT owners, as linux/android will be finally possible to run on their hardware

No, only going back to normal UEFI

All this does is give you freedom for hardware that you paid for. Secure boot doesn't protect your disk drives. If the government really wanted to see the contents of your hard drive they'd just remove the hard drive, clone it and view it from there.

Fucking Microsoft and the prajeet staff, should've never trusted you to begin with

>Something happened
Something happened

What's better? BIOS or UEFI??

UEFI should be better, but it's much more locked down than a traditional BIOS

The main problem is the abundance of hardware which supports virtualization compared to back then.

If someone takes advantage of hardware based virtualization they can create a hypervisor that can be used to snoop on an unsuspecting user. It's like a MITM attack but you're in the middle of the user and their own hardware. Could be used to steal credentials for websites or other things that would normally resist ransomware.

>backdoor to secure boot
i fail to see how this could ever possibly be anything but fantastic.

until somebody tells me how to put a different os on my Wangblows phone i'm calling bullshit


Micropoo on suicide watch

But why?

That was my first thought.


Everytime someone comes into my store with a failing hdd, or corrupt boot, i can disable secure boot, liveusb it, and see all of their data anyways. I dont see what safety it adds really...

Some devices don't let you disable it any more.

unless the drive is encrypted

secure boot is meant to prevent booting "untrusted" software. Most computers are factory provisioned with the MS public keys so they will only boot software signed by Microsoft(of course, only if Secure boot is enabled). Some systems can also be set with your own keys, something useful in corporate environments.

If you don't want anyone to access your data you should encrypt your drive and keep the keys inside something secure(like a TPM).

But this is good news, OP. It means that people can remove the microsoft cancer from UEFI devices

Ah, thabks for the clarification.
So it is just to stop year of the linux from actually happening then.

This. It's just a malware bootkit enabler. It's not a Bitlocker backdoor or some kind of remote code execution hole.


How did they "accidentally leak it"?

Here you go

tl;dr they made some really dumb policy changes and didn't change them back before RTM stage

Is this how uefi cancer ends? How is microPOO reacting to this?

Open Firmware

What else can you expect from Micropajeet?


My god! I'm back in the 80s demoscene



>not using MBR

That was from before the keys leaked

> on Surface RT
They already chose this shit for you.

Some devices come with UEFI locked and Microshit fucked up

They should get sued

Okay, so whats the password/key?
I can log into every app with it right?
Shit, I am so going to hack every comp at my school.

>Shit, I am so going to hack every comp at my school.
You'll forgive us if we don't come to visit you in fuck-in-the-ass federal prison.

>Microsoft, Adobe, and Mozilla
Pajeets, hipsters, and SJWs
Is there a connection between these three groups? Why are these three groups the worst coders?

>android on my 640
Fuck yeah.

I know

>implying these keys werent made for FBI, and NSA.


>However, the Golden Keys disclosed by two security researchers [...] can be used to install non-Windows operating systems, say GNU/Linux or Android, on the devices protected by Secure Boot.

They were made for developing. I bet the agencies have their own keys

Will it unlock WP7 phones?



Good, this will ensure the pedos of Sup Forums go to jail where they belong.

If only it supported a wider range of hardware.

>Not pajeets

>can be used to install non-Windows operating systems, say GNU/Linux
Gentoo on tablets when

hopefully raped with aids.
fuck i hate pedos.

Right now?

>all this hate towards masterrace windows
>rather run osx on their computers.
Seriously, Sup Forums is fucking dead.

how do I turn it off?

Just get an x86 tablet and install it

>Buttmad wincuckold hard on damage control
Your tears are delicious

>he didn't realize shills and fanboyfaggots took over /g years and years ago
srsly, the front page is spammed with the exact same shitty fucking threads all fucking day every fucking day.

I wonder if you could install OSX on a windows tablet. It would be like an ipad but with an actual build of OSX running on it.

>iFags on full damage control
Nice try iPajeets.

That will take iFags to the new level of butthurt.

Rakesh pls go to your street

UEFI protects the hand off from the boot to the operating system. I theory it should be better. In reality its most shitting things up and being attacked at the bios was rare as fuck anyways.

>iTard loses argument
>Oh, I know! Let's just call them a rakesh in a last ditch attempt to redeem Apple's image on Sup Forums
Nice try, it's not going to work iPajeet.

>Actually admitting to be rakesh
>Literal shitskin thinking he was even arguing

I don't want to look like an SJW faggot, but you're a racist.

It doesn't work like that, go fuck yourself

Gentooblet how?

the number of pasty IT cucks with inferiority complexes on this board is getting out of hand

just install linuxdeploy on your android tablet

in what parallel world do you live?

>not running everything in a VM which has virtualization disabled.

>potentially giving law enforcement (such as FBI and NSA) special backdoor that can be used to unlock Windows-powered devices in criminal cases.
They already had this key, or at least could have easily obtained it with a subpoena.

>allowing the feds to capture your hardware in working conditions

My PC is not connected to the internet and I am not stashing CP. Why would I care?

Yeah well your father "leaked" semen in to his sister and made you but you don't see me making shitty threads asking for you to be banished from Sup Forums.


it just works, and it's suckless

>BIOS just works
>BIOS is suckless

Why aren't you connected?

Why is Pale Moon a meme :(

I don't know

nutella looks like a brown adrian edmonson

Actually they are mostly mormon

Is there a more readable version somewhere? Totally shits up my phone

Fuck off pajeet

You're an SJW faggot if the words "you're a racist" ever leaves your mouth you bitch ass punk. Can't wait for Trump to deport your poo in loo mouth back to Shitndia.

In my BIOS i turned off secure boot, so i dont even care.

>secure boot


Secure Boot uses UEFI not BIOS.

>use uefi and secure boot
>archlinux installed and runs fine out of the box


>Responding to obvious bait

Why is there people saying this could allow android on lumias?
Am i missing something?