Are projectors better than a TV?

Are projectors better than a TV?

short answer, no

Long answer, nooooooooooooooo


Better than a TV of the same size? NO.
Better than a TV of the same price? Probably yes.
>pros: bigger picture, better contrast (for DLP)
>cons: can see shit in the daylight, color shift (for LCD) or rainbow effects (for single DLP)

>no bezels

Well, from what I understand it's all about setup.

A projector needs a dark, and I mean midnight dark room or else you can't see shit. That means you have to buy blackout curtains. That means that to watch TV you have to be in the dark which is not always practical, like when you want to eat and watch TV

TV screens have gotten big enough that you don't need a projector unless you start getting to a certain size

Projector lumen output over large area < LCD/(even plasma) etc output per pixel

They're loud, low res or low refresh
You have to replace the light bulb regularly
And you can't see shit unless you darken your room

Projectors are great. You get to spend 200 dollars on a bulb every 3 months.

And there is one disadvantage of projectors i didn't mentioned. It's limited life of the lamp.

I personally use a projector for home theater (feels better than small tv that I can afford for the price - yes i'm poor) but not daily.

If you run a projector the same way you run a TV (daily and often), the lamp will degrade and die long before a TV can run into failure.

Are you retarded?



getting a projector was one of the greatest things i ever did
even the lowend ones are so worth it
you do have to have a killer sound system to match it though

you haven't lived until you've masturbated to hd vaginas that twice as tall as you are

I have an Optoma HD800. Its nice, but I don't use it too often because in summer its too fucking hot and also because lamp life sucks.

Awesome to play games on at night though.

>playing games with a projector

Not everything has to be on a monitor.

bulbs don't go out nearly as often as people are implying
and new ones are super cheap right now (i think because everything is switching over to leds, there is just a glut of new bulbs)

Nothing beats having a ten foot screen with a good surround system.

What about the latency? Unless you have a really high-end unit it's horrible compared to any standard TV.

I don't notice any, even on fast paced games like cs or rocket league.

In some ways and situations, yes, Projectors can be better. In others, no.

If you can control your media environment to give it the best conditions possible for projector playback (blacked-out room, proper and flat projection surface, calibrated color), a Projector CAN be more enjoyable. You get a larger picture, no-bezel, better engrossment, and a better "feeling" from the scenes in media. Really contrasty slow-moving scenes in movies feel truly cinematic when they take up so much of your field of view. Playing a game such as Far Cry 4 in a good environment with surround sound is an other-worldly experience.

But for situations where the environment isn't necessarily controllable, raw quality is valued, and size isn't that big a deal, a TV can offer a better solution to most, as the minute you crank the brightness of a projector's room up a few dozen lumen, you fucking lose contrast/brightness like black men lose court cases.

Standard TVs are horrid for latency, 30ms is considered "good" and you have to really hunt for those ones.
Meanwhile a 17ms projector can be had cheap as chips.

The ultimate setup is both. with a wall mounted TV, with an optional (mechanical) projection screen that'll come down in front of it when you want the full cinema experience.

Pretty jelly of my friend's dad who has this setup. Unfortunately my place is too small for something that awesome.

15ms ? Is that how long you last in a girl ?

Holy fucking shit i thought i that was a picture of a projector and a sound bar. Excuse me i need to clean up. I threw up a little ?

I own BenQ W1070 projector. Ive had it for 2 or 3 years and i watch all my movies and tv shows on it.
Lamp life is absolutely fine, still havent replaced mine, i use the projector daily.
Picture quality is god-tier and to darken my room i use grey curtain i got for few dollars.

Its also cheaper than large good quality television, or at least it was 2-3 years ago when i bought it.

where did you get 15ms from?
also why the juvenile commentary? did he even say something that might trigger a thin skinned person?

How expensive it to replace the lamp?

You pay $10 to go sit in a room with one every once in a while, don't you?

Modern projectors actually perform quite well in dim to semi-bright environments.

this is true, i run my projector on Eco where semi-bright performance is not optimal.
If i set it from Eco to Normal, i can watch it almost in daylight. Perfect with window blinds.

Are lampless LED and laser projectors ever going to be any good or are they forever relegated to shitty pico projectors?


Try moving your eyes rapidly as you're watching something projected on the TV.

There's should be an RGB blur; what causes it?


You mean on the projection screen?
Some projectors work by beaming their image through a spinning color wheel, normally it's fast enough that you see it as a single full-color image but if you start rapidly moving your eye across you catch glimpses of the single-color frames that it's actually projecting.

Ahh, thank you user.

It's been bothering me for a while, but I never thought about asking.

I can recommend this one too, it works just fine with light on too.